So yeh the first week was a bit shitty since there were issues with germinating and this clearly translated in slowed growth. However the last couple of days she seems to got better. She got an extra node. So we will see what she does the next couple weeks.
Doing the same to this one as with the smoothie. Seeing how long i can starve them from water and seeing the results. I am not saying she recovered from being pushed, but I am also not saying it didn't have an effect.
Anyway her pot is clearly still heavier then the smoothie so she should be fine the next week still.
Hey there,
Thanks so much for running a diary of our genetics 🙌
Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help.
Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
@Fast_Buds, thanks! The free smoothie is going like a rocket. This one had some issues germinating resulting in a smaller plant but she is healthy so I'll take it.
So strange. I got The same strain from the same company and IT was like you described my development
Keeps beeing really small untill week 3 and rooting get booming
@Duke_Elak, I fucked germination up on this one. Had another one which germed really good but the cat ate it... o it has gained some more height in the past week. Need to update te diary