In the second week I felt the need to get them out of the solo cups and so I modified a 3 gallon smart pot with staples down to about a 1.5 gallon and transplanted the two babies. They were already starting to lose some deep greenness so I started watering with cal-mag and distilled water. The next day I began 50% of the top 3 on the FFHF nutes schedule. Within 48 hours they started to get bigger and greener.
The baby seedling has stayed very close to the ground and a bit stunted it seems compared to the other two. This one was not rooted on the heating mat like the last two. It was mostly in the tent once it popped above soil. It seems to like the sun, though. I decided it might want some air and moved it out of the solo cup today and into a 1.5 like the other two. Also gave it a wetting with a cal-mag dose with the spray bottle at the base and soil. Covered loosely with water bottle dome.
Going to full spectrum FFHF feeding tomorrow.
Removed a couple of fan leaves from the top in order to expose the new growth and the next day it was as if nothing was removed and everything doubled. They are vigorous growers big eaters and very happy with LST.
The soil I'm using to grow the seedlings in is a mix of mostly FFHF (85.69%), FF CocoLoco (5.257%), Perlite (9.3459%). I threw about a 1/2" of raw perlite in the bottom of each Solo Cup and poked hella-holes in the bottom with an exacto knife and/or a spade drill bit to drain 'em
Only one of the three additional seeds sprouted in the soil. Total of 3 seedlings. Two are developing first real leaves. The third is catching up fast.
Just started a GSC auto and a gelato auto. We'll see if they pop and if I can muscle em through veg into flower while the APEX is in veg for the long haul.