Well it's been 1 month. The BIG landmark. Honestly the RH and temp has almost been perfect for a flowering plant. I've been lucky with the weather hasn't been too hot. I'm pretty shocked its turned out this good. More hairs are popping out and the plant has grown 5 or 6 inches in the week. Very excited to see what the outcome of plant 1 is. Plant 2 is doing good even in a 3 litre bag. Feeding with every water rn. Leaves are super green plant 2 leaves are close together plant 1 Is far apart.
Haven't been doing any lST tbh. All I've done is remove the bottom most node on both plants. Might move light up a little they are growing so fast rn.
Eh, update for anyone who cares, after curing 2 weeks it doesn't smell like desil or wood at all it's more citrus. I've never smelled bud like this before pretty wild. Havent tasted yet will update when I do