the fusarium fungicide arrived and been applied...she will get another treatment this week. it's mycostop biofungicide, omri certified and on the "approved for cannabis" list in oregon, colorado and probably elsewhere. she seems to be holding her own against the disease for now...some of the leafs that have died don't detach readily at the base of the stem like a normal death does, which is also a sign of the disease. but she seems healthy, not stunted, and progressing normally for the third week of flower and lots of budlets in the canopy : )
some type of butterflies i've not noticed here before showed up and the next morning i found one cluster bomb of bud worm eggs so i'm on alert for that...the butterflies that are always here prefer other plants. hopefully these new ones are just migrating thru...
@Inganjawetrust, thanks!
it's been cooler than normal here this summer...i think the lack of 90-95f days has helped. still the hottest month ahead but i'll have to use the stepladder to check buds for mold in october i reckon 😀
@DRunKenMONkey271, every year around this time i start wanting a greenhouse....with lighting and heat and a/c and humidity control...and a light dep. cover...and a t-shirt that says "CONTROL FREAK"😉