About a week into flowering at this point. Both plants seem to be healthy and stretching. Both definitely female at this point. I'm feeling great other then the root aphids in the Pineapple, I fear that it will eventually infect these plants but I'm trying to keep positive. I nuked the Pineapple with regular non-organic insecticide, the hard stuff no neem oil bs, it seems to have worked but I still saw around 4 root aphids since the nuke (over 4 days), so another one when that's ready but man I'm scared about these two. I can't bring myself to insecticide these ones since it's such a drastic move, I know it won't kill the plant but I just don't want to risk the plant/bud taste and safety unless it's absolutely necessary.
I gave foundational nutes to the tall plant like today, as in the picture you can see it needed some nutes, runoff was like 1000PPM after the top dressing, I think it's probably fine, we'll see. The other shorter one hasn't gotten nutes yet in the 5 gallon so that will probably be this week with half and half foundational and bloom top dressing.
My seedlings are on day 12 and over the course of the past couple days have turned yellowish/light green. Week 1 evergreen and now this color, what could be the cause this early? I over watered a bit could that be all?
Hi there!
I aint no expert by any means but that droopiness tells me either overwatered or too intense light so they are tired. Do you have any idea what is the pH of the water you give and the pH of the soil? Could be pH problem also.. The yellowing could be overwatering or maybe your soil was so light with ferts that it's already running out or too "hot" with nutes and it's causing lock out?