Paralyzed by Purple
Cream of the crop seeds
Purple paralysis
26th August 2020
Welcome back
I'm super happy with how this beast is going. She smells so damn good I'd like to live in there lol. 😄
But all that dankness is starting to get me a tad nervous as I will need to leave all of my plants for a full week pretty soon.
I cannot even have somebody check on them as the only people who know I grow will be with me... Doh!!
My main worry with this particular plant is the potential for Bud rot to set in and ruin it all whilst I'm a thousand Km's away
unable to do the daily checking. There is also the slight possibility of the stress from not recieving any extra watering for a week ,
could make her throw out a few nanas.
However because she will be about 8.5 weeks into flowering by the time I get back to them I doubt I would lose much if I decided to chop them there and then if I saw that they had been pollinated.
Because I'm due to head off on the day of next weeks update I will do it a day earlier.
I am still feeding her as she wants it and will continue to do so until the day before I'm due to leave.
That's when I will give them a decent amount of Plain water which will be all they will get until I get back Hope it will be enough.
Thats it for this week
Cheers for stopping by 👍
I have a narco purps on the go from Cream of the crop.. I can not wait to see what she bears.. Again, that looks tasty and your description is brilliant "Totally not the sort of weed you wanna smoke if you have anything that involves maximum concentration as this one"😅😂