24/07 The Peyote Critical is doing really well here, we have had a nice week weather around 25-33 °C the nights are warm, there is a little bit of wind not too much, not too few, and she has the most hours of sun / day of the whole babies.
She is smelling more and more, she already has some calyx, and I was wondering if that wasn't a bit early due to the fact that no budlets have been formed at all, none. I was wondering if I should take them off, as they will probably die anyway because when the buds will be really formed those things will be so old, what do you think?
She had grown a lot of leafs, I think she is going to be a beauty, I think her stretch is really close to the end, so I hope buds will form soon! I started smelling the calyxes and for the first they smell real nice ! not hard pungent smell but a sensible one, I think I am going to like her ! I haven't grown any peyote strain neither have I tasted any so I am excited about this.
I measured her, and he is 125 cm ! I didn't measure her wideness.
I think I am going to bend her down again soon, some bud sites are really in the shadow. I did put bat guano again and I am scared of putting too much, or not enough.. I have the picture of the npk ration and oligo elements if you could tell me your opinion ;)
Ps : I observed this later and I wonder if it means anything or not, I saw that older leaves have like 7/9 number of leaves and the new she is doing are only 5, does that mean anything? I have no clue, thank you for your advice ! Also, some of her older leaves are turning yellow, should I pick em?
Do I need to defoliate her harder ? I Think some of the buds are blocking the sun out of others, I am afraid the buds won't be fat. I am also afraid if I defoliate wrongly she could lose a lot of photosynthesis. What do you guys think ? I should try to lst her down a lot more
Defoliating as the plant enters flower and then three weeks after it has entered flowering. It helps with all sorts of things. Airflow to reduce mould and increase bud size. The plant gives a higher yield as less pop corn buds are developed. A good rule of thumb is to defoliate until light can touch the centre stalk. Works a dream with outdoor plants
Hi I am wondering about my flowers, this peyote critical is starting to show signs of "bad stretching" do you know what made her grow new budsites with so much distance between nodes ? Should I be concerned ? What are my options? Thank you guys 😭
Привет, друг! Причиной этому могла быть высокая температура или низкая освещенность, растение нарастило длинные междоузлия! Ты не должен беспокоиться об этом, если ты выращиваешь outdoor. 👆
Продолжай выращивать, бро! Ничего не вздумай отрезать от неё, дай ей возможность развиваться! 👌
Удачи, друг! ✊😇
This fertilizer can definitely be used, use it sparingly and pay attention to how the plant responds to it. Using dry amendments for soil can be a great way to fertilize over time and let the soil do it's job, and at least the ph is showing the correct range for what cannabis growers need.
If you're interested in setting up a super soil or an amended soil you should listen to this podcast I love called Kis organics cannabis cultivation and science podcast at kisorganics.com they are all living soil, organic type guys and they talk a lot about using dry amendments versus bottled nutrients.
Happy growing.
Hey I think my main cola is starting to bend in a direction, question is do you think I should support them? The main stem is pretty weak at the top, what do you think of the colas, are they going to be HUGE or just normally big ?
Thank you !
She's looking nice and healthy, pretty bushy so it's hard to see the exact structure.
If you see her starting to tilt in a certain direction I would giver her some support, like they say better save than sorry.
You never know when theres going to be stronger winds that might throw that cola to the side and snap it.
Hope this helps, good luck!
@FR_PhenoFinder,vive la consoude j en ai chopé je la fais sécher je la mixe et j en mets par dessus plante au top j ai pu en ramasser près l étang et canal ce début semaine
Just about all the old real great strains have been lost to people who genetically altered them. Fem seeds are genetically altered removing the one gene so you end up with a girl. Look at all the foods that they have screwed up now. Our kids are genetically modified from the foods so their much larger now, 6 ft to 7 ft tall when we all use to be 5 to 6 foot tall. Extra size doesnt mean their healthier, to the contrary.... Your girl looks great. Cheers.
@GMSgrows, Okay :)
That's why I grow all natural, I don't know how can some people put things like PGR on their plants, when they know they are going to smoke it after..
Thank you for your time, cheers mate !
Moi ma bloody Skunk pas bien démarrer et la j ai du la récolter j aurais pas eu mieux
Mais la amnesia haze xl bonne croissance j espère un bon mois de septembre sinon ça fera l inverse🙏🏻
Mais plutôt pas mal les 2 variétés
@Lillau, Ouais j'essaie de faire ça mais bon c'est un temps de fou ! et dès que tu repalisse des branches, une semaine après ça réexplose et tu dois tout refaire xD
Try starting with 20g maybe once a week or every two weeks and see how quickly it breaks down and becomes available for the plant. Then increase from there.
@Lillau, Ouaais ! Je pense le nombre d'heure d'ensoleillement, le cannabis a besoin de 12/13h de soleil pour fleurir, enfin c'est plus niveau du temps d'heure de nuit d'affilé ! Mais ça va bientot venir je pense !
Continues comme cela l ami
Bon ça que la floraison arrive
Moi je veux bien les graines car bientôt foutre une tente al intérieur
Les 2 mètres vont facilement être atteint comme moi et ma taille corporel mdr
Fais gaffe des demain gros coups de vent et pluie
Retour de Kyle effet de goutte froide
Bonne continuation