Dark Devil 2
Day 16;
Today I topped her at the 4th node. I initially planned to keep the shoots from node 3 as well, but since I have a perfect quad node where I topped I decided to remove the shoots from node 3 and just have the 4 shoots from where it was topped.
Day 20;
The plant seems happy after the topping, and the 4 tops are developing well. Can't wait to see her grow those branches out.
Day 21;
The 4 tops will shortly be ready to be trained outwards. A perfect quad line - awesome!!
Dar Devil 1
Day 23;
Not much to report. She's small for her age and has some misshaped leaves.
Day 27;
She has bounced back properly after she was stunned as a tiny seedling. Now she's growing at a normal rate and she keeps up with DD2 - at least for now. DD2's larger pot will push her to get bigger than DD1 eventually.
Day 28;
DD1 is starting to look promising. Her 4 side branches from nodes 2 and 3, and her 3 tops together make a nice plant structure. I'm looking forward to start LST this girl.
@HazeyBobby, they say we'll have at least 2 weeks of temperatures reaching 40 at times - hot for me and my girls. Haha, I guess they named those clips "Bends" for a reason.😄
@HazeyBobby, I jus harvested 5 gorilla glues that were on that balcony. It is just too much space in the sun that would get waisted if I don't grow anything there.