She is an impressive little girl, under better conditions she would probably be quite tall.
Thankfully mag cal and bio heaven finally arrived on the scene this week so hopefully it catches the mag cal def early enough.
Switched the light again, from 24 to 20/4 in the middle of the day in an attempt try to keep the humidity more stable.
The humidity keeps dropping the low was apparently 28% RH but that sensor does seam a little out,
it often misreads the temperature to be a higher value when checked against the laser thermometer.
Probably because its black and in direct light so it absorbs heat,
will try different placement.
Due to humidity there hasn't been as much vertical growth as expected but thanks to some routine tucking of the upper leaves in the colas are getting bigger/stronger.
Under ideal conditions the lower colas would have been removed at this stage... waiting to see how they recover from the mag cal and humidity issues before anything so bold as cutting.
Although sparred the usual Barbary on account of her condition she has endured some gentle bruising.
A light crushing to the main stem between 1st and 3rd branches
and again some crushing and bending to the 1st and 2nd branches themselves.
The environment is still under construction.
In the next week it is being fitted with a more sophisticated Mylar doorway, 150 mm extraction fan and 2x USB clip-on fans.
Hopefully the more advanced extraction system plus the circulation fans will reduce the temperature and humidity inconstancy.
In the event that proves inadequate a humidifier will be added to combat low RH% stats.
it was like 1-3 euro depending on where you looked
got this one free from Oaseeds years ago, it just sat unused in the vault
but now having seen her perform will be buying a a few as back ups and easy runs
has this hydro store got a link yet?