shaping out nice at the very start of the week she had a light trim and appears to be responding well.
their has been yellowing in the leaves but as she is quite late on and fairly leafy its probably not so important.
the cal mag has been held at the recommended dose for now if it starts to cause problems the dose will be increased slightly.
for a more accurate diagnosis a water ph meter will be needed but as soil ph is 6.5 its more likely the AWW is just a cal mag hog.
over and above that she has really responded well to the LST, from such humble a beginning, now she starts to shine.
it was like 1-3 euro depending on where you looked
got this one free from Oaseeds years ago, it just sat unused in the vault
but now having seen her perform will be buying a a few as back ups and easy runs
has this hydro store got a link yet?