Here we are for another update on the Original Auto AK, since we corrected the heat issue over the last two weeks, she's been taking off. Her buds are developing very nice along with some serious frost.I still do see some of the leaf damage that occurred from the heat stress but it's not that bad so I didn't cut on her. I was a little unattentive this week and forgot to water the ladies and this one didn't mind it at all, just keep doing her thing.
Now it's time for my favorite part of my diary... "S/O TIME"!!! That's right it's time to give a BIG thank you to a few people for following my diaries such as @patriciagoat,@RedEyes34,@Nopeekingpeeker,@mrgow420,@2020Grower,@verschnoodles,@LaBossanova,@L_BoB8817,@WeedMannz,@zkittlezjunior,@Statman,@supermegadjj,@Albgrow,@BloodSweatBeer,s@Nightowl22,@Polaskis,@TheSyndicate and to all the many others it, means a lot to me for you to take time out of your day to show love, it is much appreciated.
Well, that's going to be all for this week guys, so until next time fellow growers and remember ..." Happy Growing" and "Free your mind one puff at a time".