Solo Cup Mystery seed
6th August 2020
Well I squeezed in another series of topping to each of the nodes and hopefully it will soon be mature enough
to begin flowering on her own due to the 12/12 from seed cycle I'm running in my tents.
To feed this one I have been adding a small amount of the nutrient solution to the blue cup in the above pics
I then place the red cup into the blue one which allows the roots to 'wick" up what it needs without making the
Medium to wet. It seems to be working ok so far so good . 😎
Well thats it for this weeks update
Cheers for stopping by 👍
" i cant remember planting this......"....... i know this strain^^^...😃
I have been away for 10 Days and my Solocups did not like it,,, when i came back they were hungry and had Mites,,,,,,,
i hope yours doing better