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Zorro crosses

4 years ago
Zorro x purple punch
Zorro x zkittlez
Zorro x zkittlez pheno one
Custom High-Intensity Discharge/250W
Custom High-Intensity Discharge/400W
Room Type
6 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
24 °C
1 L
Nutrients 4
Coco Grow - Plant Magic
Coco Grow 4 mll
Root Stimulant - Plant Magic
Root Stimulant 5 mll
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Theres quite a story behind these i got some beans from t.h.seeds called zorro regulars they sent me 2 seeds i sent one to my mate it turned out male so he decided to breed it with Zkittlez and purple punch from original sensible seeds and granpas bloody kush from another breeder so he sent me some beans from them I gave the seeds to another mate and he grew loads sourced the females and took cuts and dropped them off yesterday So basically three brand new strains never been grown as my mate not flowered is yet so im looking forward to this run with the little story behind them I dont know if im going to train or just top ones got a good bit of head height but widths not the case if i top more then once there going to bush out two much then i have to remove one and i dont want to do that 6litre pots im going to try this time going to let these clones root up for 2 weeks transplant then flip them so they have a fresh 5 litres to root in for the 1st three weeks of flower The grandpas crush x bloody berries the plant the seeds came off she was fully purple so hopefully i have a purple pheno in there would be nice Zorro a mix of marmelade x grape ape Zorro x zkittlez the zkittlez is from original sensible seeds Zorro x purple punch which is also from original sensible seeds And zorro is a calloboration between massive creations and t.h.seeds Im running plant magic and its going well plants have a nice green colour to them. May not look that way under my hids just the way the light portrays them And give my mate a follow over at instagram the breeder josh.wmcsc And the person who gave me the clones Mancunian firefarmer also making is way back on to growdiaries shortly Quick update if you want to see the mother to my clones go give fire_farmer a follow link below https://growdiaries.com/diaries/72990-zorro-x-purple-punch-zorro-x-zkittles-grandpa-039-s-crush-x-bloody-berries-grow-journal-by-fire-farmer @fire-farmer who i got my clones off great guy very knowlegable
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
24 °C
6 L
Nutrients 4
Coco Grow - Plant Magic
Coco Grow 4 mll
Root Stimulant - Plant Magic
Root Stimulant 5 mll
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Been a good week of growth the two at the back are not branching as quick but growing upwards and concentrating more on roots as they are both dry today and my other three will need feeding tomorrow Personally i think i know which are different by growth pattern but can say which i which strain till flower Which get me over to @fire_farmer the person and good friend i got these clones off hes page diaries up and running if im correct hes due to flower with in the next few days i have to wait for his to flower and then he can tell me whats what strains mine are the labels were mixed up on mine but hes very knowlegable about plants have learned a lot off him over the past three years so if your going to give my diary a follow make your way on to his page and check the mothers to my clones out if you need advice ask him At some point today im going to top each plant will put update pictures up also have been updating everyday with new photos want to document it from start to finnish day by day so you can see the progress I want everything documented properly was having a terrible time recently with seedlings so to see everything on point conditions tuned in couldnt be happier So here a bit of strain information T.h. Seeds zorro x original sensible seeds zkittlez Genetics grape ape x marmalade x grape ape x grapefruit T.h. Seeds Zorro x Big head breeders purple punch Genetics grape ape x marmalade x larry og x granddaddy purple Granpas crush x bloody berries I will have to ask josh the breeder Topped all plants now and also posted a picture up of the plants my seeds came from going to give as much information as possible Transplanted all on day nine and was no issues was a easy transplant it not bothered them as they are all perky Gave them a good foilar of plant magic evolution speeds vegetive growth Bio stimulants and plant hormones to improve photosyntesis Sugars to fuel growth Trace elements and amino acids to ensure growth is healthy Humic and fulvic acids to deliver ingredients in to plant cells Day 10 of veg seen some good growth where I topped I even transplanted it’s not slowed them down at all Day 11 the two zorro x purple punch and zorro x zkittlez have recovered from being topped granpas crush and blood berries are a bit slow but will catch up Will try get my carbon on ceiling today fire_farmer going to pop by give me a hand Day 12 changed my tent back in to my old grow room it’s now been decorated Was thinking about getting my 1.2meter tent up and running but it as it fault it’s a secret jarden so not a shit brand the problem with it where all the zips are they let light in I could set my 2.4m up but it’s two much space for what I got then setting another light up and costing me more in electricity so I’m going to stick with this tent for now from mars hydro really good quality tent Every one thinks the quality of thing from China not good but I’m telling any one who reads this mars hydro lights and tents are the dog bollocks Back to the plants Zorro x zkittlez she really stinks and I’m loving it Zorro x punch Sativa dominant both are really stretching them branches out Granpas crush x bloody berries she got three tops when I checked yesterday plan on flipping on day 14 and was only wanting two tops each plant because of space didn’t want them bushing out like Crazy so a 3rd top is very welcome with out having to do another round of topping which will lean them towards looking like a strawberry bush Day 13 posted a video up today and just fed them this will be the last feed of veg feed day 15 they will be flipped Love working with clones so much easier and that’s a massive thank you my Maine man for providing them he’s got the mothers to my clones and is doing a diary copy and paste https://growdiaries.com/grower/fire-farmer Day 14 seen some good growth since yesterday going to flip to night
Week 3. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
Nutrients 5
Root Stimulant - Plant Magic
Root Stimulant 5 mll
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
day 15 day 1 of flower Made the switch to flower today turned my light wattage to 400w All plants are growing well no issues got my conditions good the weathers out side great its been cool When i transplanted in to 6litre pots i was given enough coco from fire_farmer to put one in his mix He found loads of beetles crushed them and let them dry out in the sun the beetles are a source of chitin For compost a load of dry canna leaves Root riot from big plant science which is mycorizzha And grape must and 60/40 coco and clay pebbles Now if you look at picture 7 the plant with the mix is on the right and on the left is the one that i put in canna coco plus nothing else and theres a difference Give fire_farmers diaries a quick look he as the mothers to my clones and there 2 weeks in to flower have learned a lot from him Day 16 day 2 of flower There been some stretch but mostly on the purple punch that been put in to fire_farmer special mix Day 17 day 3 of flower Okay managed to stick my carbon to my filter using gorilla glue it works i didnt think it would thought when i trieed to put it up it would fold in on it self Now have got extra space and my tents not sucking out because i filles the little gaps round carbon and fan the carbons well bigger then my fan Day 18 day 4 of flower Fed all plants today give them a litre each and get run off then Everything is in sync now with carbon properly working got up today 1st time have not smelt them over my carbon happy days Day 19 day 5 of flower All show good stretch over the past 24hours especiallly the purple punch x zorro Day 20 day 6 of flower Good bit of growth gave them a foilar spray of plant magic evolution Day 21 day 7 of flower Plants stretched 2 cm last night And also downloades three videos of each plant
Week 4. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
Nutrients 7
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
Coco Bloom - Plant Magic
Coco Bloom 4 mll
Day 22 day 8 of flower So quick update have got budlets and stuff when i flipped to flower the next day pistols popped up i couldnt be bothered rectifying my diary but they must of gone in to flower around about a week in to veg so im going to just continue and say im day 8 in flower but am about day 13 or 14 They have ad a nice bit of stretch over the past week through out loads of pistols formed a nice number of budlets Also i know for certain what plant is what strain i marked them right Still been giving rootbooster will be taking that out now If you want to see the mother of these clones give fire_farmer a follow Hes about a week a head of me Been feeding everyday they are hungry and im in small pots Next run i will only be doing two in this tent witj a four week veg and it will be the winner out of these also going to set a bigger tent up for side projects And im sorry for taking all my pictures under hid but any one that knows me knows that in flower when there proper flowering i will take pictures of quality under natural lighting Day 23 day 9 of flower Stretched some more throwing out a lot of pistols Fed again they drinking daily going to give a water feed next there first Day 24 day 10 of flower They all ad good growth over the past 24 hours and noticed a lot of flowers popping up and they double in size over night especially Zorro x purple punch pheno 1on right Zorro x purple punch pheno 2 on left Granpas crush not really many flower but the branches are stretching right out its a little bit funny the distance between flowers Fire_farmers is the same just bigger so there more buds Zorro x zkittlez very stinky and squat but she looks awesome and she also done a bit if stretching Day 25 day 11 of flower All have been doing well stretching really well Day 26 day 12 of flower Stretching even more and throwing out a lot of pistols and flowers are getting fatter by the day Day 27 day 13 of flower All stretched a bit more dont think they got much left in them in terms of flower stretch Its time for all the focus to go in to my lovely flowers Not much smell yet or trichomes Day 28 day 14 of flower Okay so im seeing a bit of nitrogen deficiency in purple punch x zorro and granpas crush x bloody berries. So off the advice of fire_farmer he told me to ad some pk and some veg feed to correct it as have got no nitriogen additive
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
Nutrients 7
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
Coco Bloom - Plant Magic
Coco Bloom 4 mll
Day 29 day 15 of flower All strains are doing well noticed some nitrogen deficiency about 4 days ago added some veg feed and pk for some added nitrogen as have got no nitrogen to ad with them After checking today the very last pic is of granpas crush x bloody berrys and her dark green colours come back and also the others are looking much better so i think it as worked Zorro x zkittlez shes absolutley stinking shes a solid little indica looking at the way she stretched Purple punch x zorro she smells very limey lemony when i give the trichomes a little rub Will give veg feed until the colours rectified as well as bloom food Go give fire_farmer a follow hes got the mother to my clones and a couple week a head in terms of flowering get a sneak preview of what to come Day 30 day 16 of flower All plants are back on track the nitrogen deficiency have got sorted thanks fire_farmer put half dose veg feed and pk and its brought the colour back out. Firefarmer ad same issue with his so its something thats genetics or it was a change in the weather that caused it was suffering 30c in my small space there was a heat wave last week fighting a losing battle trying to cool the space down There packing on pistols fast thw noding space is quite close as well except for granpas crush Day 31 day 17 of flower Been a little more stretch as zorro punch 2 as caught zorro punch 1 so they both are same size pretty much Day 32 day 18 of flower The smells are starting to come out like a old school skunk smell before the days of cali strains Fire_farmer he zorro x zkittles smell like berry bubblegum he two weeks a head so cant wait to smell mine like that smell what hes smelling of go check hes diary out hes got the mother 2 mine in flower Day 33 day 19 of flower Woke up today and it just looked like everything doubled in size there certainly getting enough food there in 6 litres and im feeding daily Day 34 day 20 of flower Purple punch 1 have flushed and ran feed through her leaves are yellowing again Day 35 day 21 of flower Slighy curling if leaves on purple punch 2
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
Nutrients 7
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
Coco Bloom - Plant Magic
Coco Bloom 4 mll
Day 36 day 22 of flower Growths been excellent flowers have been filling out everyday its noticable. The yellowing on the leafs is going adding some veg feed in there as really helped them Give fire_farmer a massive shout on that one he suffering same issues as well so might have to give him some of my veg feed see if that helps him like its done mine The smallest plant i have well there all small but the purpose of this grow was a micro grow so the smallest plant in the round pot im not sure if it granpas crush or zorro x zkittlez what i do know fire farmer did 2 zorro x zkittles my feelings i have one of each zorro x zkittlez and one granpas crush i hope i didnt confuse any one then Day 37 day 23 of flower Flushes granpas crush and ran some fresh feed throug her afterwards not got a ec pen and using 6 litres im worried about salt build Her leafs are still slightly yellow but is improving so im not worried every things still growing and she as the biggest buds Day 38 day 24 of flower Zorro x zkittlez im calling her double z she was showing slighy burns on tips of leafs so gave her a flush and half dose feed Day 39 day 25 of flower
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
Nutrients 7
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 1 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
Coco Bloom - Plant Magic
Coco Bloom 4 mll
So all been well all problems are sorted no more nitrogen deficiency Zorro x purple punch have got two doing it smell so fruity bubblegum absolutley smell banging Zorro x zkittlez have got three of these i dont have a granpas crush x bloody berries it turns out its zkittlez pheno two as labelled in pictures But i do have 2 phenos of it ones smells earthy fruity and pheno 1 smells of berries and spice weird mix only way to explain it Feeding a litre and a half everyday with about 30percent run off did flush all last week dont have a ec pen so didnt want to carry on with full feeds till cleared all old nutes out of coco If you want a preview of these check fire_farmers plants out he as the mothers and there nice and big and not long to go till there finnished Time to make changes to my diary now i wont be taking pics under my hid just natural photos or with my torch
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
2 L
Nutrients 7
Enzyme - Plant Magic
Enzyme 2 mll
Hydro Silicon - Plant Magic
Hydro Silicon 0.5 mll
Coco Bloom - Plant Magic
Coco Bloom 4 mll
so another week and they have progressed quite a lot and putting on weight at a fast rate Zorro x purple.punch she pretty much purple punch absolutley fruity and absolutley stinking Zorro x zkittlez pheno one smell a bit like a cookie strain Zorro x zkittlez pheno 2 got a very grapey earthy smell very pleasent smell Everything going fine two more weeks then i can start my flush give fire_farmer a follow hes 2 weeks a head of me and three day in to his flush so i know when to start mine Plant magic feeds been going great no issues to speak of really enjoyed using them this run and will be using them in the future even want to try there coco range 60/40 coco and pebbles for better drainage and just better roots over all Some burnt tips on zorro x zkittlez pheno 2 both of them gave them 2 much bloom last week ad to flush and the burn tip his just the outcome
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
26 °C
33 %
22 °C
6 L
2 L
Nutrients 1
Flush - Plant Magic
Flush 2 mll
Zorro x purple punch was showing a deficiency and zorro x zkittlez pheno one was due to flush today but decided to just flush all on thursday gone Zorro x zkittlez pheno 2 shes doing great starting to see some purples coming through looks like some nice colours are going to fade in The flowers are packing on some weight the smell in my tent is absolutley stinking Using plant magic flush never used a flush before but up to now all good in the hood
Week 9. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
this diary will be updated further but i have these pics on my phone im a bit high and paranoid tonight so time to update and delete the photos I hung full plants for five days then dry net for three the out sides crispy but weed still spongey i recon another three to four days to get rest of moisture out
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Happy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Fruity, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Week 9. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
this diary will be updated further but i have these pics on my phone im a bit high and paranoid tonight so time to update and delete the photos I hung full plants for five days then dry net for three the out sides crispy but weed still spongey i recon another three to four days to get rest of moisture out
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Citrus, Sour, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Week 9. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
this diary will be updated further but i have these pics on my phone im a bit high and paranoid tonight so time to update and delete the photos I hung full plants for five days then dry net for three the out sides crispy but weed still spongey i recon another three to four days to get rest of moisture out
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Cream, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
1 comment


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ROM101commentedweek 25 years ago
Photo number 6 looks like she's going to be tanky as fuck.
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@ROM101,bro she is nice tight node spacing thick stem. Talking to who i got clones off and the growth patterns of each one were pretty certain its zorro x zkittlez thanks for checking in
Fishcakecommentedweek 45 years ago
Looking good mate
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 15 years ago
Nice write up bro, I took 24 cuts from the mothers a few days ago and heavily pruned them. The last few days while they been recovering from my butchery I have been knocking an hr off the lights on time so they currently on for 17 (I do 20/4) tomorrow I will knock 2 off so they will be 15/6 then the day after I will go fully 12/12. Not my usual practice but I figured I'll ease them into flower while they are still technically recovering in veg. Good luck bro, I've pulled a stool up and may start a diary myself as you say.
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
@@Tryhard, just been in n made the diary bro, theres loadsa new growth, these girls are deffo not stressed so I flipped as of tonight at 12am. May as well since they are so well, already worried they gonna hit the roof 3 weeks into flower
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer, you may as well start a diary bro and i will throw a link on my gd to any one who wants to see the mothers and lead them your way. I think they have a really interesting story behind them with your self included. And bro the long wright up is because this will be my most complete and updated diary to date im up dating my diary on here each day. I would save photos until end of week but i dont like leaving picture like that on my phone. And your doing the right thing ease them in to flower let them recover from all the cuts you took. And with your bigger space you can finally get a good harvest every time there ready to be pulled down your space is massive
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 55 years ago
Safe bro! I flushed recently too and followed with full strength feeds and they regaining colour. I noticed a couple of them are more thirsty than the rest and they seem to show the most N deficiency. I reckon its a combination of that and the hot weather, I think the heat was drying the pots too quick which created a salty medium and consequently nutrient lockout just as they were increasing uptake for bud development so I flushed to deal with the lockout and now I'm on full strength to keep up with their hunger. So far so good. Good luck in coming weeks bro 🔥👨‍🌾
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
@@Tryhard, must of simply been that a couple are just a bit more thirsty for nitrogen. Happy days. Keep in mind for their next run if any are winners, which wouldn't surprise me because they all making me excited in one way or another.
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer,bro flushed one of them but the other 2 are gaining there colour back that veg feed worked you can tell the most on my smallest in the round pot in the middle she was the lightest shes now the darkest And my update i was doing as you was wrinting this so i never got the notification till after i saved update but if problems are solved on your side and on my side then all is well
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 25 years ago
Looking good bro, they seem to have picked up a few nodes since you got them, they should really take off now over the next few days. They will be ready for new shoes soon. If your gonna top them give them a few days before you pot on or vice versa if your gonna pot on then give them a few days before you top that way your only stressing the top or bottom as oppose to both at the same time, that's my logic anyway, never fact checked it. If you've still got any Cellmax Algamax then give them a little 1ml per litre dose whenever you stress them out, does wonders for shock. In regards to identifying what is what here's some info I've just thrown together that may help ID them and I've put a top shot of the mothers on my diary with their individual names captioned above each one for reference. Zorro x Purple Punch 1 - Sativa Dom - Has the most Pre Flowers - longest leaves and many have 3 fingers. Zorro x Purple Punch 2 - Hybrid - more rigid stems grow up rather than out - more sensitive to feeds, slight calcium issue because she seems to lower ph in pot herself (started giving her neutral ph feeds, let you know if it works) Zorro x Zkittles 1 - Hybrid Sativa Dom - Spaced Nodes - 3rd Longest Leaves Zorro x Zkittles 2 - Hybrid Indica Dom - Short Node Spacing - Bushy - Broadest Leaves Grandpas Crush x Bloody Berries - Sativa Dom - Second longest leaves which are slightly broader than Zkittles 1 - Hope this helps bro🤞 One Love💚 Fire Farmer 🔥👨‍🌾
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
@@Tryhard, just noticed the pic i put up with labels on I called the zkittles, zorro 🤭 No wonder i messed up the labels on your cuts 🤦‍♂️
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer,big help bro thank you
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 15 years ago
Day 7 and looking strong bro 💪 Week 2 here were go 🏁
Fire_Farmercommented5 years ago
@@Tryhard, I have plenty of fails bro they just never make it to anyone's gardens, well not as cuts anyway, maybe as substrate 😂
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@Fire_Farmer,definatley taking off now rooted and there comcentrating now on new growth couldbt be happier you always bring me them sick clones
FoTwennycommentedweek 94 years ago
Oh yeah, look at those frosty buds! Great work!!!
Tryhardcommented4 years ago
@FoTwenny,you want to smell them the punch have grew three in the last couple of years and got different pheno each time the one from barneys being the best but this is the best pheno have ad of punch
Ferenccommentedweek 94 years ago
Great job @@Tryhard
Tryhardcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc,thanks man appreciate it
RastaMousecommentedweek 15 years ago
Gl bro 🍻
Tryhardcommented5 years ago
@RastaMouse,thanks man
RastaMousecommentedweek 55 years ago
Love the pistil stage, it’s like yay the fun part starts 😁
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 45 years ago
Yeah grandpas crush has the smallest buds but the most budsites on mine and they are spread out on long vertical branches, I get the feeling she may try to go 10+ weeks, hopefully not as long as 12 but I guess we will see, I'm gonna take her the full distance regardless. Nice one for the hook ups this week bro, all will come full circle soon as these babies crop out 👊 Take it easy bro 🔥👨‍🌾
RastaMousecommentedweek 45 years ago
Keep Rocking it bro 😁
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 45 years ago
You weren't joking when you said most complete diary bro, I've been reading all the daily updates in each week and its cool to see day to day development, its amazing how much happens when we aren't looking innit. Keep it up bro buds are taking shape so this is the point where your diary transforms into pornography, bring on the likes ye horny bunch o growers ye 🔥👨‍🌾
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 35 years ago
Oh before we get lynched for insect murder I would just like to remind you all, see no weevil hear no weevil speak no weevil 🔥👨‍🌾
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 35 years ago
Ha Mad that, I was just doing someone's garden up and they found a ton of weevils and crushed them under a flag so me being a waste not want not kinda guy I dried em out and threw them in the mix for a bit of chitin which stimulates mycellium spore production, dry trimmed fan leaves because what better way to get rid of them than feeding them to your next generation of plants again waste not want not, grape must gives sugar to the fungi and myco is the fungi. Looks like theres a new substrate on the market, Fire Farmers Coco charged with Beetle Juice 🐞🍹🤭 Tbf tho its probably more down to the mycorrizha and grape must. The grape must feeds the myco and the myco feeds the plant. Looking good bro 🔥👨‍🌾
Fire_Farmercommentedweek 25 years ago
Day 11 and the slower ones at the back seem to be putting in the effort above pot now, looks like they are trying to catch up bro, reckon they were root focused and now they switching to shoots, happy days they look very happy brother 🔥👨‍🌾
heizencommentedweek 94 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Rebelgoosecommentedweek 75 years ago
Looks great in there 😋 nice fat nuggs!
the end.
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