day 64 marks the beginning of a new week.. not many more to come, but it’s still going to take a little while
day 66: i started adding some of the GHE nutrients, as she’s getting into her mid-late bloom phase and i definitely don’t want to starve her now.. the leaves show a bit too much of deficiency symptoms for my taste as the RQS nutrients that were put into the soil at the start are running out now..
@Weedseedsexpress, I fully agree, and she’s the tallest in this tent (despite being the youngest).. I am looking forward to the upcoming days, as to me late bloom is always the most amazing phase :)
thanks again!
@Fruitgrower, when i checked earlier today, I didn't notice any amber ones yet (well, maybe one or two out of the few hundreds i checked ;)) .. i now have the feeling it'll be similar like in your situation and that it will go quite fast..
@ijustdontgiveaf, what are the trichomes like at the moment if you don't mind me asking. Mine went from almost all milky to 10%amber in less than 5 days 😂