Tryhardcommentedweek 25 years ago
Bro i love stardawg and there exactly looking how they should even branched nice. Stardawg i would say is a easy plant to grow there very resilient and not easily stressed. See all the inner leafs remove them will open them up. Just one warning and have always said this for every leaf you take she will probley replace with another four. But dont let that bother you juat strip them back a bit when they grow back you couldnt be growing a easy starter strain and 1st grow your doing really well. I would recomend you buy a fan pal will give them a boost get one on amazon for 24 quid a Tt it called. And bro get some nutes you get to about week 5 and start seeing problems it will affect your yield and all the time you put in is it worth all the risk and not get the most back possible.
Honestly bro watch them love it watch how quick pot dries out after a good feed
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