I've think that I've inadvertently decided to challenge myself even further with this plant. Due to the Royal Gorilla's mutant structure, I decided to try and keep the natural mutation and left it instead of chopping them off when I Topped this plant on Day 22. The mutation would have been the node to chop but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
...and to make a long story short, by the end of the week I noticed that I FIMMed again. !@#$%$#@! But I hadn't gotten the growth from the mutant nodes that I wanted...so I decided to re-Top on Day 27. Not just take off what was still going. I went another level down. So now there is the mutant 4 stalk layer and then right up to the new Top.
One side of the mutant level is obviously shorter than the other as 2 stalks were only being supported by the photosynthesis of 1 leaf...but I think that with patience and love Royal Gorilla will grow to be a beautiful plant.
Day 26 also included stakes for LST.