Location: Somewhere in the SE US, on the hot side of the house. 2x7 Closet.
Set Up:
Medium - Fox Farm Ocean Forest/Mother Earth Coco Perlite - 50/50 mix
Container - 5 gal fabric
Exhaust - 4" inline with carbon filter exhausted into attic
Conditioning - small standup AC unit for 150sf, exhausted into attic. Small humidity units as well
Strain: Gorilla Glue Auto
Nutes: Fox Farms Trio, Dirty Dozen, Kelp Me, Wholly Mackerel, CalMag, Fox Farms foliar
Water: Aquarium pump to de-chlorinate distilled water then ph adjusted
Germination: I used the shot glass method, 24 hrs until seeds sink. Put in wet paper towel, inside sandwich bag, in a dark cabinet. Took about 12hrs until tap root was 1/2". Planted seed, tap root down, in medium under a Mars SP150 at 24" above soil. Moistened soil, covered with clear plastic bowl that I had drilled holes in the top for ventilation.
At the end of the first week, she's about 3" tall with very large initial single leaves. Will try and mainline this one.
Last 2 weeks💕
Pray''n they be swelling 🤞🤞
The PITA ph runoff eh. Im going to change up my feeding/watering try to minimize that happening too.
Good vibs to you my friend ☮️❤️
I'm amazed an auto could handle the mainlining, topping and defoliation without stress, stunting, etc. It sort of goes against everything I've learned about autos.