Watered her twice this week with CaMag. 7.0 ph in, 6.2 out. 215ppm in 925 out. She's gotten more frosty, but there's damaged leaves everywhere. In hindsight, when I realized the ph of the runoff was low, I should have mixed in some lime to stabilize the soil. I did this with another plant at week 5, who's runoff was below 6ph, and it immediately stabilized the ph. Next time.
Last 2 weeks💕
Pray''n they be swelling 🤞🤞
The PITA ph runoff eh. Im going to change up my feeding/watering try to minimize that happening too.
Good vibs to you my friend ☮️❤️
I'm amazed an auto could handle the mainlining, topping and defoliation without stress, stunting, etc. It sort of goes against everything I've learned about autos.