Treighfunkycommentedweek 64 years ago
I just received my order for this strain. I can't wait to get this one started. This one is off to a great start. Sorry to hear about what a pain in the ass these little spiders have been for you. I see you got some good advice on your question. A friend of mine also recommended mighty mite, though you are along much further in your grow and I'm not sure that's the best solution this late in the game. I did have the same issue with my Bubblegum + grow. I used a tablespoon of bleach mixed with 1 gallon of water with the temp at 100 degrees F. This killed those little fuckers quickly and I have not had a problem since. I did this process three times every third day to be sure. I did not notice any issues with flavor or anything after doing it. Best of luck with this one.
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