The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Dual Diary Recon+Unknown Strain

4 years ago
phlizon cree cob Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
phlizon cree cob
phlizon led full spectrum Light Emitting Diodes/1200W
phlizon led full spectrum
BestVA full spectrum LED Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
BestVA full spectrum LED
phlizon cree cob Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
phlizon cree cob
phlizon led full spectrum Light Emitting Diodes/1200W
phlizon led full spectrum
Room Type
weeks 7
weeks 8, 13, 18
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
70 %
24 °C
1 L
Just putting these seeds in well see what they do and what they end up actually being is a mystery. Our local weed store (seeds store too) are fuckin morons. They insist Northern Lights and Skunk are not and never were a strain because there supplier(who's weed is utter shit by the by) never heard of it..idiots. a simple search would show them but a 20year grower doesn't know better then there 2 year grower apparently. Anyway I got these seeds from a friend who bought them at the store. One is supposedly reCon but what I saw grow was NOT reCon. So maybe it was a different phenomenon I dunno. The second mystery seed is an actual mystery as the original packing was ruined so all possibilities are listed on the cup lol. Wish me luck
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
70 %
24 °C
1 L
Seedlings are growing well. The "ReCon"(which we know is likely not recon but til I can identify it we will keep calling it that) broke its shell much later than the unknown(likely Northern Lights x Skunk) but both are getting along just fine. Had some issues with light and space but I fixed it. Will be transplanting soon as they are definitely solidly rooted now. Next pots are 1 gallons then 3gals.(maybe 4 or 5 not sure the actual size) I do realize I dont need to transplant alot but I don't want them growing too quick too fast as I have a spacing issue atm. My 4 photoperiod plants in bud (diary NOT included as i started them before learning about this site)are taking all the room I need and my 2 Short Rider (diary included here at GD) are starting to be space hogs as well. My plan is to have these 2 seedlings ready for 5gallons by the time the Short Riders finish(hopefully lol). If anyone has advice on mainlining I would really appreciate it. Ive never done it but of the plant I hope is NLxSk then I want lots of it. Lol. Also I'm not sure if its possible but I want to close it for sure so if I can't mainline AND clone ill figure out an alternative. Happy growing from Canada. OneBakedWalrus
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
70 %
24 °C
4 L
Finally got them transplanted. The poor girls roots were all the way through the jiffy cup lol I am a little worried they are Kinda pale though. Almost bleached on the lower leaves with a purplish color on the edges of the leaves new and old. Maybe its the strain but I'm a little concerned. I'll keep an eye. Topping time next week or week after. Gonna try and mainline one and just LST the other as I want clones from it.
1 comment
Grow Questions
OneBakedWalrusstarted grow question 5 years ago
My girls have not grown at all in a week. They were getting pale and one had purple trim on the leaves.Now its alot greener but still not growing. It on its 2nd or 3rd set of leaves still.Mayb cuz i used bit of composted manure cuz i found mushrooms starting (not the good ones:()
Plant. Too short
Plant. Other
Athosanswered grow question 5 years ago
It's most probably transplant shock, since they were kind of small for a transplant. Let them be, they will recover but it can take a week for them to resume growing,
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
70 %
24 °C
4 L
Not able to upload any pictures. Not sure why. I'll try and add some later or just cram them into next weeks. Lol. Anyway we pretty sure they are stunted from transact shock. These must be sensitive i usually have no issue transplanting(luckily)but these ones I almost thought I killed them and that would be a cryin shame. I only have one each and I'd very much like them to live AT LEAST long enough to clone before I go experiment on them haha. I plan to *Attempt* mainline at least one of them. The plan is that I'll try to take the nodes that come off big enough to take as clones so I can kill 2 birds with one stone. I'll keep this diary updated. Shouldnt be hard as the Short Riders i have will be finished within the month i believe. Anyways as i write this I checked on my girls. The unknown strain seems to have recovered it now has another new set of leaves and more visibly started. The "ReCon" is still shocked i guess. Will update with pics when I can. Till then happy growing! :) Edit: got them pics up. Included 2 of my experimental clone. I was going to try to mainline a clone. I know i know. It shouldn't be doable cuz its not really, A-Symetrical but I managed to get half of it done(sort of) i haven't been giving it much love lately. Partially because of my kids and Partially the other plants and the 2 diaries I am doing lol. I ended up getting my seeds so im sitting on 22 brand new seeds waiting to be sprouted. Not happening til i clean house though. I'll get better hauls with less to deal with at once and they are all autos so i won't have to frig with moving them around to my dark room once a day. Major plus. Also helps keep the smell contained better when they don't leave the tent. Just the smell leaking out the cracks in the windows walls now to seal with and im good to go full force. Just cuz its legal dont mean I need everyone to know im growing. Especially since people still frown upon it in my area. I'm a known chronic smoker and I get regular dirty looks from people "better" than me when they see me lol. Little do they know I've been growing in there literal woods for ages so I guess that means I get the last laugh hehe he.
Grow Questions
OneBakedWalrusstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hey so what is diary of the month exactly for? I'm apparently up for it with my Short Rider because I harvested one of the plants and I had a smiley face or something like that. Does it go to vote or based off likes? Thanks for any info. And thanks for any votes or likes I've got
Other. Other
Justa_Retardanswered grow question 5 years ago
Go to the contest section, on the left side of your screen. Find "Diary of the month", and all your questions shall be answered. ^_^
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
27 °C
65 %
21 °C
4 L
well....gonna have to come back and add this weeks pics. Both ants have started growing again quite quickly qctually. Should be ready to attempt mainlining this week(if I end up going through with it lol still nervous about fucking it up) the "ReCon" is mottling some yellow splotches on new and old growth. I havent a clue why. The unknown is doing great. Started showing a bit of mottling too but nowhere near as bad as the ReCon. I think its a nutrient thing. Anyways not much happening with these 2 yet but within the next week or 2 I imagine she'll spike in growth. Will upload pics later. Here's. Happy growing!
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
21 hrs
28 °C
61 %
25 °C
4 L
Both are growing now they really didn't take well to the transplant. The ReCon is starting to overtake the unknown. But the unknown was transplanted into a bigger pot cuz i needed the one it was in lol. Anways it looks like they'll be another month before 12 12 or so. I dont usually let them get to big but my carbon filter is coming and I've let a couple hit a nice size. These 2 im hoping to hit around 2.5 or 3 feet PRE switch. Ill just keep letting them go i got a nice end home not as tall but probably as close to size as my 5gallon pails or just under. And they're seafoam green LOL 😆 oh wifey.. I guess I DID ask her to get me some planters
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
52 %
24 °C
4 L
topped the unknown this week. This is gonna be a long ass journal all in all I really had a rough go with their initial transplant but we are getting on track now (Finally). The recon had a stretch i somehow missed so between the 3rd and 4th node is like an inch of stem ffs. All in all though were almost back on track so hopefully in the next month we'll be ready for the switch to flower. I think im still looking at closer to 6 more weeks of veg unless they start really moving.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
21.59 cm
24 hrs
28 °C
41 %
24 °C
4 L
Well I Obviously had to kill the male. Unfortunate too because I really wanted that one to be female. RIP unknown strain. The ReCon is a stretchy nightmare so i folded it in half one day. . It didn't break thankfully and I kept it like that for a day then let it come back to a roughly 90degree angle with a slight incline(except where the head curved to the light. Thats a steep curve lol) I already saw pistils on this one so the roughly 50/50 male/female ratio ive seen in regular seeds holds true once again. Im actually kinda laughing about this one with a friend as a newer grower he has less experience and knowledge and i was telling him how about half of any regular(unfeminized) seeds ive ever planted are male/(or female doesnt matter its about half is the point) and how to spot them and such. Little did I know this fucker snuck his sack into my garden when I was away. All is well though no pollen ever had a chance to form as the balls were underdeveloped and very small. I noticed it fast and killed it car the fuck away from where I grow and work(work on plants my water room dry room store room thing lol) anyways see yas next week
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
24 hrs
28 °C
48 %
24 °C
11 L
So its been a busy few weeks. I transplanted her and she hasn't really grown much in size. No shoots coming up from secondaries yet. She did shock im sure its a sensitive plant but the slow growth is almost not worth it. BUT I have too much going on so this may be a blessing in disguise. I'm currently cleaning house and she will finally get the space and a big 5 gallon to move into soon. If that doesn't help im budding it as is lmao. We will see. Sorry so late with this just super busy and no real growth . All pics are new there is def change from weeks ago but not as much as I'd like.
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
33.02 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
I have no idea why this stopped growing but it did. Many weeks ago lol. So im done with it. We will grow it into a bud smoke it and never speak of it again. Thanks for bearing with this journal it just never went like it should have(although everything else did lol) hopefully I can get a nice looking bud so it isn't a TOTAL waste of time.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
35.56 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
This week won't be as detailed as I'm late so next week will be a little better as I'm doing them back to back. Things have been busy but this plant is Finally doing what I want.the main cola(well its pretty well only one stalk but there's some small side buds at the bottom) is about 10inches and is coming in nicely. For all the BS I think she will be a nice smoke in the end.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
36.83 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
There we go. Back on track. This beaut is coming along nicely after 3 months of utter shit lol. Shes got some nice bud formation happening and she's starting to smell so im happy it wasn't a total write off. Although I won't get that time or space back. Anyway there's not much happening but waiting now. I will be starting my Vintage Blueberry Diary soon. Just put 6 seeds down so I imagine I'll start that tonight or tomorrow. These will be regular seeds so come see what happens!
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
36.83 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
45 %
24 °C
11 L
Chugging along. Still very Fluffy but my God it looks nice. Also the smell is reminiscent of the good shit I used to smoke when I was younger. That sweet/skunky smell mmmm. Anyways all is well here. Just waiting. :)
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
48.26 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
45 %
21 °C
11 L
Shes beautiful and growing quite well. Shame I didn't take a clone but I didn't expect it to survive honestly and by the time I thought too it was *likely* too late. Oh well . Another 2 or 3 weeks and she will be done. Just an edit. Ive been forgetting to change the height. I realize plants in bud don't really grow much but this has gained a Lot of height . 4 inches on the past month and its filling in quite nicely. Buds are getting thicker. Its got 1 or 1.5 inches diameter. Thats all for now later.
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
48.26 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
45 %
21 °C
11 L
One more week. Well.... maybe 2 lol . Shes turning purple from the top down and it looks super nice. I'm starting to wonder if IR(Infrared)or Certain light hues force purple into plants or I just happen to only get purple plants. Either way this one is definitely going hard purple. Like the rest if them lol. Its just a waiting game for this one but I thought I'd share that revelation/musing about lights and purple . If anyone has a definitive answer please do tell. I'd be interested to hear. Cheers
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
48.26 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
45 %
21 °C
11 L
One more week(or so.) This is definitely 100% NOT ReCon but thats what it was sold to me as so thats what I labeled it. I think its Blueberry as well judging from smell taste and look (snipped a tiny sample a few days ago) regardless she is done as done is getting . One more week will be max but I think it will be before. Another one I thought wasn't going to do at all but turned around in the end. Very happy with what I DID manage to get out of it. Harvest report soon :)
Used techniques
Week 19. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
All in all I'm happy with the end result Although this is a late entry(some family stuff came up so I wasn't able to post) I finally am getting it on here.
Show more
Spent 113 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
16.3 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Berries, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
So it turned out to be Blueberry. Or some strain of or off of blueberry. Delicious tastes like eating blueberry pancakes. Absolutely wonderful smoke. A little shitty on the trim bit the bit of leaf i left was so covered in crystal I wasn't too worried. See you next diary guys and gals
Equipment Reviews


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Ferenccommentedweek 45 years ago
Ferenccommented5 years ago
@OneBakedWalrus, Appreciate thanks!
OneBakedWalruscommented5 years ago
@Ferenc, hey man thanks for stopping by. When someone with a status and diaries like yours stops by it feels good much appreciated. Its not impressive yet but I'm hoping with everything I've been learning from looking at everyone's diaries, Asking questions and just getting in there and doing stuff it will be a great grow. You have some awesome buds by the way 👍.
Athoscommentedweek 35 years ago
It's most probably transplant shock, since they were kind of small for a transplant. Let them be, they will recover but it can take a week for them to resume growing,
OneBakedWalruscommented4 years ago
@@Athos, that was exactly it. Once they got used to there home they grew/growing great Thanks again and for stopping by . Much appreciated
heizencommentedweek 194 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
DreamOncommentedweek 194 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 💨 😎
the end.
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