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First Harvest GSCE living soil

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
19 hrs
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8+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
GreenGrows GreenGrows
4 years ago
8/9- 8/15 8/11 Fed ladies with VERY light compost tea 1 gallon of farm well water and 1 teaspoon mollasses, small clump of EWC, and 1 teaspoon of Kelp Meal, brewed for 24Hrs then applied evenly to soil. 8/12 BEGAN MIXING SUPERSOIL FOR FINAL POTTING 4 part FFOF (buffered 6.3-6.8) 2 parts harvested forest humus 1 part FFHP (buffered 6.3-6.8)1 part organic EWC 1 part backyard EWC (ph 7) some charcoal, cup of kelp meal, 1/2 cup molasses 1 part perlite (needs more drainage before potting anything, thinking of adding rice hulls instead of more perlite... 8/13 This day I began LST using gardenwire and a small wooden stake. GSCE1 began to wilt for a few hours, but recovered quickly once the medium dried out a bit more (i think i overwatered). 8/14 Plants looked great in the morning. Since I am overly eager I decided today to top the plants as well. The reason being, I wanted to minimize the overall duration of stress to the plants by combining both training methods EARLY and at the same time, resulting in fast horizontal branching which is my goal. 8/15 Both plants look like they are happy and responding well to the training. At around 17 days old the plants were topped, and I was wondering if this might have been too early since the plants were still so short. Looking back it was a great idea! Please if you have any comments or advice, don't be afraid to comment!
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Grow Questions
GreenGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
x-planted 4 days ago, Pics from 8/20 you can see the leaves are pointing down and overall lower leaves are limp. fabric pot, drainage rocks at bottom, 6.5 ph only "feed" was very diluted EWC molasses tea.
Leaves. Curl down
Plant. Wilting
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Athosanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks fine to me, if a bit overfed (dark green leaves). It's probably some overwatering, due to the much bigger pot
GreenGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
I am currently growing in a 2ft x 2ft x 4ft grow tent, the top of the canopy under the scrog is at 14 inches (including the container height) which offers me 34 inches of space between the tent roof and the canopy. Should I throw one of these plants outside? Or Will I be okay?
Plant. Other
Setup. Lighting
Setup. Other
Shagrathanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there! You can easily fit both of the plants in there! Keep training them horizontally and you should not worry at all!
GreenGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
How to go about defoliation during flowering? I am wondering if I should be removing leaves slowly over the weeks, or if I should do a major defoliation now before the plants start budding. some leaves are crowded, not out of control. It is the start of week 2 of flower.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Techniques. Defoliation
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Mr_Motalovahanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey! General rules for defoliation are taking away the biggest fan leaves with the long stems, the ones that give the most shade. Then you can take out all the under growth on the bottom that simply won't amount to anything. You want to take a good 20% off, enough to give more light penetration but where its still a bit hard to see through you plants. This is done when you switch to 12/12.. Three weeks in to flower you do another defoliation. applying the same rules. After that they can normally go untouched except for plucking a fan leaf here or there thats blocking major bud sites. If you want visual, I recently posted a bunch of photos and videos of before and after defoliation on my diaries. Will be posting the 3 weeks before and after defoliation this week. If you want an in depth tutorial check this out. Hope this helped. Good luck and happy growing!
GreenGrowsstarted grow question 4 years ago
Like the question asks, im lookin for someone experienced to look for anything wrong with the new budsites, specifically if they look overfed or too much light, etc. My only 'feeds' are for the microbes I brew teas 24-36hrs worm castings/aged compost, kelp meal, and molasses.
Leaves. Other
Setup. Lighting
Feeding. Deficiences
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Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 4 years ago
The buds look ok but you can see some burned tips starting which is a sign of overfeeding, in your case it could be the soil. Hopefully, I answered your question and remember Happy Growing and Free your mind one puff at a time.

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DreamOncommentedweek 184 years ago
Looks amazing! Enjoy the puffs! 😎
DreamITcommentedweek 184 years ago
Nice work. Happy harvest 😁
DreamITcommented4 years ago
@@GreenGrows, yeah, look forward to the review😁
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@DreamIT, Thank you my friend. Tomorrow morning scissors gettin sticky 👌
HAPPY91commentedweek 184 years ago
Looking great. Keep up the amazing progress. Good luck happy growing cheers!!!!
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@HAPPY91, thanks for the encouragement my friend. Happy Growing :D
XoticGROW666commentedweek 174 years ago
Ferenccommentedweek 114 years ago
Happy Growing! @@GreenGrows
GDub51commentedweek 104 years ago
I'd move the GSC's outside. Mine are Aggressive growers at over 6' in June and 8' by Sept. They Love the desert at the beach climate here. And are tolerant of our hard water. Good Luck!
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@GDub51, it has since been a while since you initially helped me out! Currently, my one lady is very close to harvest... I am in 100% living soil with 0 added salt fertilizers. At first I did think I ran into an issue of "overfeeding" when in reality, it was way too dry and hot in my tent, and the plants couldn't transpire through their leaves, so they make up for it by sucking up all moisture they can from the soil (and nutrients). I would get a TDS meter if it were more applicable to Living Soil cultivation in specific. Keep on the 100% organic! I am in the same boat. I attended a cannabis cultivation convention this past weekend, where it was all about Living Soil, and you will go CRAZY learning once you realize in a balanced living soil, the plant sends signals to surrounding organisms (fungi, bacteria, protazoa, earthworms, beetles) to bring it that exact nutrient in exchange the plant releases carbon for those organisms thru its roots! This is why in an INORGANIC setup, it is IMPERATIVE for the pH to be in a proper range, since there is no microbiology that can convert it to plant usable form if its even a little off. With more diverse soil life, it gives a much greater range of nutrient availability in the soil. Also, I see you with that climate controlled dry room! I just set up my closest so thru ventilation and a humidifier, it retains 60-63 degrees F and 56-59% humidity. Basically, for 3 minutes the RH is slowly increasing, then the next 3 minutes RH slowly decreasing... Do you think this environment is fluctuating too much? I just re read your post... I would be careful trying to combine organic with synthetic. The agricultural industry has tried this for decades and has depleted much of our earths soil so terribly.. If I could convince you to watch any videos from Jeff Lowenfels, or Dr. Elaine Ingham on soil food web, it will make sense how there is a better alternative to any addition of synthetic additives. Again, it is difficult to commit full 100%, but research has been done on greater diversity in terpene and flavonoid expression in cannabis grown in a biologically living medium. I am totally obsessed with the subject of living soil, and am definitely a little high right now so if it looks like I'm trying to be smarter than I am, I'm not. Also (if ur still reading this) the grow on my diary is definitely not the epitomy of indoor living soil. I have only started cultivating indoors this year, and realized most cannabis advice is built upon the years of undercover grow operations which relied on stealth and efficiency leading to incredible progression in hydroponic indoor growing techniques that growers even try applying outdoors without success. Anyway, I would totally send u some to dry if I had a larger harvest 😂 I will leave u with this... Who fertilizes the giant 100 foot tall Redwood Trees in California???? Certainly no human is replicating a fertilizer regiment like that :D keep up the positive vibes my friend.
GDub51commented4 years ago
You've got to get the TDS meter before you can make that decision. Use whichever is lower (likely the tap) and buy an ionic filter if necessary to lower the TDS. (to make room for some fertilizer) Some of those solids are useful (Calcium, magnesium, etc) but too much of anything, like everything, is no good. The plants can only eat so much at a particular time of their life. Charts are easy to find on the web. If you don't follow the charts and keep your feedwater within limits you'll "lockout" your plants. This means they get clogged up with the extra food and it blocks new food from being absorbed. Follow the charts diligently, check your PH with each load of feedwater. Don't worry about it being exactly 6.2PH, let it drift a little each way for a more natural effect. Also, if you go organic, the TDS meter will not help you judge how much to use since the TDS meters only work on synthetic nutrients. Then one must follow a chart/feed schedule somebody else figured out or guess using your experience. It's hard to "lockout" plants with organics so one can be liberal but you can still use too much and waste it. I'm a new convert to organic. I found it seemed to have prevented previously experienced yearly problems with caterpillars and diseases! While producing the tallest plants I've grown. (GSC's to 8' in 12-gallon tall pots) Whether the quality is better is still to be shown. Flowers look better, but the wind and heatwave damage prevented a better study. Having lost the bugs and diseases though is enough to switch me permanently to PRIMARILY ORGANIC. I say "primarily" because I have been told by an associate who is the Professor of Soil Sciences, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences at a major university, that one can mix organic and chemical fertilizers as long as they are not used simultaneously. (separate feedings) My trichomes were more numerous than ever, but the heat waves and wind storms took a bite out of the quantity and quality making the majority of this years grow headed for the dry ice hash processing pile. Though, not all have been tested yet. I dry and cure very slowly in my wine cellar at 64'F and 55%RH so the October harvest is not really ready till at least Christmas and improves through the spring. (Have room in my cellar if anyone wants to try drying/curing there. ((a small sample fee required!) HAH!
GDub51commented4 years ago
@@GreenGrows, Yes, everything I"ve read for INDOOR is in the 55 to 60ph range, I'm familiar with the outdoor levels which are from 60 to 65 while shooting for 6.2, I've become so accustomed to our water that I know how many ML's to the gallon, yet I still check each time to make sure I'm correct. It's that important. Drift out of range and the plant will not absorb the food it could. When it comes to cannabis think Japanese Sumo wrestler or a Goose destined for Pate; stuff it till it starts to hurt. One must be very careful pushing the feed to near limits as it will burn the plant if something is too much or at the wrong time, so you have some studying to do. The first sign of "nutrient burn" or overfeeding, are brown tips appearing on fan leaves. Expert growers know just how hard to push that line and with which ingredients depending on the plants stage of growth and health. It's pretty simple to grow good pot, but it's ever evasive to try to produce something to rival store bought. And the process itself becomes consuming, at least as a hobby and some levels of obsession. I'm one of the obsessed, doomed to never reach that 33% THC bomb without the greenhouse or the expensive electric bill. Yes the sun is superior to ANY type of artificial light, except it cannot be controlled and one can get too much when it gets too hot like this year in SoCal. Then there's the diseases and bugs to master. I got two out of three this season, but the heat waves were the trouble this year. Bugs and disease were apparently fended off by the change to organic but the heat also begat moves into the garage to escape it. Those moves (imagine an 8' tall plant in a 2' tall wagon trying to negotiate the narrow side passage, rubbing against the sides here and there) left damage that burnt the flowers when back in the sun when the heat subsided. Looks like bud rot but it isn't. These browned flowers are still covered with tricomes as shown under the scope, so they were not trimmed away and in fact vape very nicely already. Yet a large harvest means some great dry ice hash if nothing else. Hot tip; if your first growths are not up to your standard, learn to process them with dry ice to separate the tricomes from the rest of the plant material giving you something you can sprinkle on your homegrown to turbo charge it's effectiveness. Have fun!
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Ts1Kocommentedweek 184 years ago
I can taste those buds from here 🤯 Happy Harvest ✌️💪
Ts1Kocommented4 years ago
@@GreenGrows, Good luck Bro 🤞 Keep up the good work 💪
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@Ts1Ko, They are lining up perfectly with the holiday season! Can't wait to do the official testing in a few weeks!
Ts1Kocommentedweek 184 years ago
Happy harvest 🤩 The buds look amazing 🤯 I bet they smell the same way 💚 Keep up the good work 💪 Don't stop on this one 🤜🤛
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@Ts1Ko, I appreciate the encouragement my man, I got u bro... 🙌 I think Christmas Day will be the taste test 👽 Happy Green Growin! 🙏
Buddha2commentedweek 184 years ago
Congratulations on your harvest! 👍
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@Buddha2, Thx Buddha "THE MIDDLE WAY" 😤🙌
StayWeededcommentedweek 184 years ago
Buds are looking good! From the looks of those trichs, she’s ready when you are. Happy Harvest!
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@StayWeeded, tomorrow morning my friend :D
NanoGrowcommentedweek 104 years ago
I like your SCROG!
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@NanoGrow, thank you much appreciated :)
Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Good luck ! @@GreenGrows
GreenGrowscommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you!
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 194 years ago
Very nice buds my friend :-) 👍. I don't understand at all why @@Blacklisted insulted you here in the forum 😡. I mean, has he even seen your diary compared to all of his 😂. Maybe one day you can drop by and explain to him how to manicure such beautiful buds 😍👍
Ferenccommentedweek 184 years ago
Happy Growing @@GreenGrows
MadeInGermanycommentedweek 184 years ago
Very Nice Grow Buddy 👍
GACiNATIcommentedweek 174 years ago
Hey man thats an awesome light cycle you've got going looking great my man
HighAltitudeOrganicscommentedweek 164 years ago
Good luck, smooth sailing, And enjoy all your hard work. But only after you give her the dry and cure she deserves 😬
Plantz0v3rPillzcommentedweek 154 years ago
Hey, these are some beautiful ladies you got goin'! Love your net, and training, cleaner than mine =p.... I have a question for you...The tint and some of the coloring you have on the upper fan leaves is what I am also experiencing. I am only a few days farther into flowering than you were during your post ( you said you were at 30 days). your canopy looks SO healthy now, before I pursue the rest of the answers in your journal, i was wondering if you Wouldn't mind looking at my journal and tell me if it looks like what you dealt with? I dont want to be eager and jump to any conclusions. Thanks man, Keep working that green thumb👍
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 154 years ago
Looking awesome my friend! Keep up the solid farming Cheers,
Lady_NugWitchcommentedweek 144 years ago
Good luck with your grow.. Happy highs!!!