Always seems to go well, flowers are getting biggr daily and she's starting to smell good. Unfortunatly i have broken my PH meter (and i have to wait to next monday to raplace it) so i'm guessing PH range, wish me luck
i think it's some kind of woodworm or maybe a spawn of some moth, it's like a small white/transparent caterpillar, carving into trunks and branches, eating out the plant from the inside; than settles down somewhere inside the plant, trnsform into a pupa and eventually will became some sort of flying son of a bitch. I already had this kind of guest, my last yield was 80% currupted 'cause i find out them too late, so they have propagated on three out of four plants. I had to cut down and trash 5 main colas and many branches to make it up to the end of flowering. And they taste all like hay.
But in that time, i haven't mentioned before, i moved to a new house and to a new setup with all of them in vegetation, so maybe shit happens.
After that, before starting some new plants, i had plenty of time to sanitize the growroom, the fabric pots, even the lights, the fans and the extractor but i don't know why it showed up again; with my actual plant there was another one i had no intention of making a GrowDiary of, she was so small and slow, then i found out there was a damn guest inside, again FFS!; so i tore up the plant, made one liter of water and Neem oil solution and then i started vaporizing on the remaining one.
Than image this scenario of an italian guy who finds out he's got pests again, the variety of the swearing, the amount, the volume! Three or four applications daily of the solution and now plant it seems recovering and nothing seems to live on it, let's see
Ahahahahah, funny diary :D
But i'm surprised your seeds don't germinated in your basement... Temps and Humidity was fine...
Anyway, good luck with your champ 😁