1st November Day 98 (Week 15)
She was getting so heavy 6 of her branches snapped under the weight soon as I picked her up.
The stench is unreal, Tropicana poison heads you know what I mean... your typical high school punch smell spiked with some LSD, just the smell alone has me tripping!
She’s getting the chop this week, no cuttings taken unfortunately.
Anyhow this beauty of this plant made it successfully to harvest without any major issues.
She is very resilient, takes high EC levels like a champ, Ph swings, general common grower errors... She just laughs them off!! Top strain
@Smokwiri, Wow, That’s the second time then!
A day after they advertised here I went to Seedsman to order... they were sold out!!
Very Lucky I got some I guess, Ty Sweet Sweeds
@PharmaZ, Hi buddy! On the question of the substrate, I do not know exactly why it is a secret from the breeders themselves.
As for the EC question, I personally recommend an EC around 1 in growth and 1.2- 2.0 in flower.
When the harvest is next, the EC should be decreased below 1.4. (2 weeks before)
Sweet smokes,
The last week before harvest, the EC should be at 0.
Sweet smokes!
@Sweet_Seeds, Hey Apollo, hope all is well... just some quick questions, What substrate do you guys for the original clones of this strain?
And last thing, if you guys are Using nutrients what is the max EC do you feed late flower?
I’m loving this strain so far, I’m seriously considering monstercropping this girl and cloning her!!
Thank you,
@PharmaZ, It happens, I've had some quality cultivars that produce some top shelf meds that flop all over the place. You're doing great work over there! Kudos to you!
hi, i am devin from mars hydro who want to invite you to be our tester, do you have interest
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Hi Pharmaz,
let me tell you that the tideness and cleaness of the all diary and growbox is wonderfull!
Im in love with that LST, you shaped them perfeclty, and we cna clearly see the resuls on flowering!
Absolutely stunning! 10/10 mate!
Read you around ✋