Like the great Elton john song 'I'm still standing' she's still going strong 😂 Not sure if it's my unwillingness to chop her down or wat but she just doesn't seem ready to me yet, still a few clear trics but a few more brown ones this week, mainly on the leaves tho, none really on the buds themselves, they're certainly solid tho can't even squeeze them although the smell left on my fingers after I tried makes me try again. 😀
Guna give her a few more days then im definitely guna chop her, I'm getting more excited to try her now 😂. Still just been watering with plain water this week she's certainly not drinking as much these days 1lt every 3/4 days. Till next time, take care!
Just wondering if any1 has any thoughts about the leaves? Am now thinking I may have been over feeding her, am guna drop her nutrients a bit this next week see if that helps