Mexican Joker
Cannabiogen seeds Purple Mexican
20th October 2020
Well it's finished , not because it was ready but because the super hot winds fried it 😧
Definately going to need shade protection here with the temps getting to over 40 celcius with strong winds equals
something similiar to using a hair dryer on them 😕
Anyway it was too cooked to bounce back and would have maybe even hermied bcoz of the stress
so I chopped it down , dried it and it's gonna be used to make cannabis coconut oil when I do another batch.
I was looking forward to this one so I may even attempt another grow real soon
Thanks to everyone for reading and liking my updates each week I appreciate it 😀
Remember to keep an eye out for the Mexican Joker and Thanks for stopping by 👍
@Grey_Wolf, 9 months!! Sounds like it’s not just a move down the road then! Good stuff mate, very exciting, although moving is about my least favourite thing to do but great when ur settled in. Half your luck mate, I’m doing my best in a built up area but would eventually love some open spaces to expand the garden. One day I might convince the wife 🤣
@Shooey, Its more than suitable mate it's almost perfect for outdoor Growing
Don't wanna give too much away obviously but It gets 9 or more months of Good Sunshine per year
and is a drier Climate away from the coast so good for Long flowering Sativas 👌
All the best with the big move Wolf! Should be already hectic enough without lighting schedules and all that, but sure you'll make it happen.. Also, the described climate sounds very familiar 😎👍