Loving the purple leaves and unique smell. Trichomes all looking cloudy but new buds popping through on the sides and not really many amber yet. 2 plants seem Futher behind with more new pistels as they were more burned by nutes few weeks ago.
so may finish 2 plants slightly earlier than the other 2.
@DansHampf, Hi mate, I have the light high enough to spread across the 4 plants and on full power. Probably 8 inches from top of plants. They recommend 12 inch during flower but some of mine thin and tall. When I first got the light I put the power lower, 50% for a day then 75% for 2 more. until they got used to it.
I'm a 1st time grower using coco/perlite and hornet nutes a+b with canna calmag
Currently only just after germinated stage, I'm gonna follow your diary for an idea on feeding schedule as not much info out there
I know I'm gonna run into problems as a 1st timer
I havent got an intake fan, my money kinda dried up
Some say I don't need one, others say I do
I've only got a small tent 62cmx62cmx130cm
Yesterday was their 1st day in the tent but had to get 2 fans on it yesterday as was 30°
So bit concerned how I'm gonna keep the heat down
An A/C regulator or intake fan?
Either way I'm getting disheartened by all the extra expenses I'm experiencing
This website is gonna be my lifesaver though 💯🙏🏼💯