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Amnesia Auto & OG Kush in 2x2x4 Tent

4 years ago
Cultilab Dual Purpose 75x75x160cm
Cultilab Dual Purpose 75x75x160cm
Room Type
weeks 10-14
weeks 3-8
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
2.27 L
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
2.01 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
51 %
21 °C
22 °C
5 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 1
Cal Mag - Vitalink
Cal Mag 1.3 mll
Absolute noob here first time growing after 3 months of research. After finally germinating the seeds and planting them I suddenly realized that I didn't note anything about quantity of water when watering the plants and so I have taken a conservative approach. I feel I have drastically under watered both plants so far and I am slowly increasing the amount of water each day so as to not shock or drown them (any advice on this would be so great). I think I was meant to pre-soak the coco and perlite so that it is damp when the seeds are planted but I somehow missed this part during my research! SUMMARY: I germinated the seeds using both the submerging and paper towel methods before planting them into the coco/perlite. The Amnesia germinated in roughly 35hrs (13hrs in water/ 22hrs in paper towel) and the OG Kush took a little longer at roughly 63hrs (13hrs in water/ 50hrs in paper towel) with the Amnesia taking roughly a further 36hrs to sprout from being planted and the OG sprouting in roughly 42hrs. I started off giving each seedling roughly 60ml per day of tap water and calmag pH'd to between 5.8-6.4 and slowly increased the amount each day up to 500ml by day 3 which looking back now was more than needed. The seedlings received their first feed on day 4 when I gave them each 1L and then I continued to up the daily amount of water up to 1.5L by day 6. I figured I would use this as my detailed grow diary that way other people can see my first approach and learn from my mistakes. Detailed breakdown of 1st week below. Saturday 29/08/2020 8:30pm Seeds went into glass of tap water and went in tent, light and fans off, heat set to 22-24°C Sunday 30/08/2020 11:15am Seeds still floating but sunk to bottom of glass after a couple of firm taps. Placed seeds into moist paper towel in ziplock bag and placed in cupboard between blankets Monday 31/08/2020 01:00pm Amnesia seed has sprouted a 1cm tap root but OG Kush hasn't popped at all Monday 31/08/2020 08:30pm Amnesia seed tap root has grown to 2-3cm but still no signs of life from OG Kush seed. Possibly see the start of it opening but too hard to tell. Will give another 24hours. Paper towel still damp in ziplock bag. Tuesday 01/09/2020 08:30pm Amnesia tap root is about 6cm long and OG kush has finally popped with about 1/2 inch tap root. Tuesday 01/09/2020 08:50pm Planted both about 1/2 inch - 1inch deep and sprayed roughly half a shot glass of water and calmag (pH 6.2) over each after lightly covering with coco. Had to keep intake fan off due to positive pressure and I've also kept the oscillating fan off to help increase heat and humidity for now as my humidifier is yet to arrive [26°C/60%] Wednesday 02/09/2020 12:00pm Neither have sprouted yet. Medium very dry so gave another 50-60 squirts of water...I have no fucking clue how much water to give but have read that they are very delicate at this stage and notice people water with droppers or spray bottles so surely cant be that much water. Wednesday 02/09/2020 11:10pm Coco around seed area was still dark coloured but there just wasnt enough water in the medium, it seemed too dry and so I gently poured some more water in the seed area to make it all damp [24°C/62%] DAY 1 ------- Thursday 03/09/2020 12:00pm Amnesia has sprouted!! About 1cm tall. Still no signs of life from the OG kush but it is about 18-24 hours behind the amnesia judging by tap root growth. Coco is still damp and so I haven't watered. Will check again later tonight and give a little more water [24.5°C/64%] Thursday 03/09/2020 08:00pm OG kush has sprouted! Both were drying out so I gave another 60 squirts (1/2 shot glass) each to the area around the seedlings [24°C/60%] Both still have a little moisture about 1 knuckle deep and so I have not watered yet. The amnesia has not grown since yesterday but OG has caught up [24°C/58%] DAY 2 ------- Friday 04/09/2020 08:50pm I gave both seedlings a good amount of water each by both spraying and gently pouring water on the surrounding area. I switched the oscillating fan back on to get the air moving and encourage strong stems forming and gave at least twice as much water as previous waterings (possibly around 250ml) after reading that the top layer of coco should never go dry and dusty which it was (still slightly damp knuckle deep). The seedlings have had roughly 2 litres of water since planting. I read the less water you give encourages the roots to grow more [24°C/54%] DAY 3 ------- Saturday 05/09/2020 05:00pm Mixed nutes for week 1 though I accidentally put 0.2ml extra micro due to a misread of syringe. Actual amount is supposed to be 1.2ml per 5 litre and I put 1.4ml. I dont believe this small an error will cause problems. (pH 5.8) [26°C/50%] I will water with just water and calmag again for today and start Nutes tomorrow. It's still not quite dry 1 knuckle deep and so i will water later. Saturday 05/09/2020 09:00pm I lowered the light about 5" so it sits at 26" above the plants. I gave both plants about 500ml water each which is again about a further 50% increase from yesterday. The amnesia has not grown at all but the og has stretched ever so slightly today [22°C/53%] DAY 4 ------- Sunday 06/09/2020 09:00pm Both plants had not dried out properly, coco around seedling still darker than rest of pot and damp to touch. However as I am already concerned that I have underwatered thus far I'm leaning more toward too much water better than too little at this point plus I believe I needed to irrigate today. With that being the case, I intended to water until runoff (not much, just wanted to see some runoff to see how much water I needed to give to produce runoff) however after giving 1 litre with not a drop of runoff, I decided to leave it at 1L each for tonight [24°C/55%]. They have had their first feed of the below schedule. DAY 5 ------- Monday 07/09/2020 07:00pm Added a humidifier to the tent and set it at 25% power. I gave each plant 1L of water and calmag as I'm supposed to give water every other feeding. The serrated leaves have grown slightly bigger on both seedlings but no change in height. DAY 6 ------- Tuesday 08/09/2020 09:30am Good thing I checked the environment before I left for work this morning as the humidity had surpassed 75% by 01:00am and was at 85% by the time I checked at 09:30am! I turned the humidifier off completely Tuesday 08/09/2020 11:40am Humidity has now dropped to 75% but will continue to drop as the day goes on without humidifier on. Tuesday 08/09/2020 09:00pm The humidity levels remained above 70% until 04:45pm when it dropped to 69%. Temps have been VERY high today in tent with lowest being 24°C and it increased slowly all day reaching a high of 30°C by 05:00pm. I fed the plants the remaining nutes I had mixed which was 1.5L each. I'm careful to not allow the liquid to touch the plant to avoid nute burn. I logged onto grow diaries after having fed the plants and found I had 2 answers to my question about how much water to give seedlings and it turns out I have been overwatering the plants...quite drastically so as well. I have been advised to just give the plants enough water to last them 24hrs, and another hero commented adding that they give 80ml per day until the plants have a few seeds. I will read up on the best corrective approach to overwatering tomorrow but I feel I might not water them again for at least 48 hours now and hopefully they will have drank all the water up in that time. I have switched the humidifier back on its lowest setting for overnight, hopefully this will maintain around 70-75% RH [25.5°C/75%] DAY 7 ------- Wednesday 09/09/2020 No water or feed today...they both look fine and healthy [24°C/63%]
Grow Questions
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
How much water should I be giving seedlings? They sprouted 2 days ago and are 1-2cm tall. I am using tap water with cal mag at 1ml per litre with a pH of 6.2. using the below
Feeding. Schedule
rhodes68answered grow question 4 years ago
Coco is a hydroponic medium there is no over-watering, no more than Deep Water Culture so within any reasonable use it aint that. You fertigate in coco, every watering is a feeding and they are done to 10-20% runoff no need to guess. Read this and USE it "Coco for Cannabis" by Dr M.J.Coco amazon or his site I stand by our results
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
How do we know when the plants need more water when grown in coco? Do I wait until the coco is completely dry up to my knuckle? (as in dig entire finger into coco up to my knuckle) or should I be watering when only the first inch or so of coco is dry?
Feeding. Schedule
Feeding. Other
HeavyHittahanswered grow question 4 years ago
You want Coco to always stay a bit damp . Instead of it fully drying out like soil. Don't let it dry out fully as this can increase your salts in the pots. Also fabric pots dry out quicker so you may need to water a little more than plastic pots. When I use fabrics I would water every other day in vedge and usually everyday in flower once they start needing more water . You'll know when they require more volume as there is less run off . I've now switched to plastic pots and can get away with feeding every other day , until the 5th week of flower . Never understood people feeding 3 times a day in Coco lol because I've never done that and never had any underwatering problems.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
5 L
0 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.3 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.15 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.15 mll
SUMMARY: It was my intention to have the light cycle as 18/6 throughout the run however I realized on Day 14 that I had not had the timer on and so the lights had been on 24/7 since sprout! I am irrigating every other feed and feeding every 48hrs and so they are only receiving nutes twice per week at this point. The input pH is between 6.0-6.2 and my humidifier is only set at 25% power providing a RH of around 55-60%. I saw some slight curling upwards of the leaves on the Amnesia this week which I believed was due to over watering however would later come to realize that it was likely heat stress as temps reached an average of around 30°C. Feeding volume has been 500ml per feed on average however I finally watered until runoff on Day 12 giving 4.5L of nutes each to the seedlings. On my next grow I will aim to water/irrigate the seedlings to 20% runoff once the seedlings are established at around 4cm in height. DAY 8 ------- Thursday 10/09/2020 08:30pm Ran out of both water and Nutes and so made some more. 5L tap water at pH 6.0 and 5L nutes at pH 6.2. Thursday 10/09/2020 09:00pm The coco had dried out on top after not watering yesterday and so I stuck my index finger in the coco up to my knuckle. It was a little damp at best but not wet and so I gave each plant 500ml nutes. I also increased the humidifier slightly from about 10% power to 15% power. The plants haven't grown any taller but the leaves have gotten a little bigger and 2 new leaves have developed on both plants. [25°C/57%] DAY 9 ------- Friday 11/09/2020 07:00pm The coco has not dried out completely and sticking my index finger in the coco right up to my knuckle again the coco is a little damp but not wet. Unfortunately though whilst the OG Kush seems healthy enough (perhaps could do with more colour tbh) it does look like the amnesia is not doing so well with the leaves starting to curl up at the edges ever so slightly. Google and growing communities suggest that this is caused by either heat stress, extreme humidity, or over-watering. As the environment has been good and constant and I've been all over the place with the water quantity I think its safe to say it is a case of over-watering. I have reached out to a couple of communities with pics for further help with diagnosing and fixing the issue. I've also turned the humidifier up again to about 20% as the humidity could be a little higher on average [23°C/66%] It's so difficult to gauge water requirements, everyone has such varying opinions, some say you must always water to runoff, some say you shouldn't, but the takeaway I'm holding onto is that you only want to give your plants enough water for 24hrs in order to allow you to feed them daily. So I think I have to "build up" to watering to runoff as if I did this right now then it would probably take 2-3 days for the medium to dry out if not longer! DAY 10 ------- Saturday 12/09/2020 06:00pm Plants look ok, same as yesterday with no growth. I was advised to give the plants enough water for 10-20% runoff next watering and so I gave the plants all the water I had prepped which was 2.5L each however there was no runoff at all; in fact the bottom of the fabric pot was bone dry after watering. I have also switched the humidifier off and switched the dehumidifier on to 55% to reduce RH as advised online to tackle the slight curling of the amnesia leaves. DAY 12 -------- Monday 14/09/2020 08:00pm I think I have misunderstood the nutrient schedule and was supposed to start week 1 (nutes) upon sprout whereas I didn't start giving nutes until day 4 after sprout and so I think I may have been underfeeding them with too low strength nutes. The leaves are perhaps looking a little discolored though I'm not sure, but I feel that whilst the plants are doing well enough they could be doing much better. With that being the case I decided to give the plant all the nutes that I had premade however this wouldn't have been enough to produce runoff and so I made another 5L giving me a total of 9L nutes. I slowly gave each plant 1L at a time over a period of roughly ten mins until all the nutes had gone. I think I started to see runoff after about 3.5L. Giving each plant 4.5L produced just over 1L of runoff from each and so I will just give 3.5L each next time which should produce closer to 20%. The next time I make nutes I will make them to the strength of week 3 and they will likely be due nutes next by Thursday which will be the start of week 3. The runoff from the Amnesia was pH 6.1 and the runoff from the OG Kush was pH 5.9 and so I'm in range (5.5-6.5). The OG kush measures in at roughly 7cm now whilst Amnesia is a bit of a short arse at only 4cm. DAY 14 --------- Wednesday 16/09/2020 08:30pm I discovered today that I had switched the timer off on my lights and so the plants have had 24/7 lights since sprout. This plus the high temps the last few days (30°C avg with the plants being above 30°C for at least 5hours) has caused heat stress. I have combatted this today by switching on the intake fan to cool tent down (27°C high) and opened the top of door to let air out to combat positive pressure from intake fan. I gave each plant 3L of water which produced 1L runoff. I will be giving 2.5L each tomorrow hope to see 500ml runoff which will be 20%. The Amnesia runoff was pH 6.1 and the OG Kush runoff was pH 6.3. [25°C/58%]
1 like
Grow Questions
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
Is this a sign of over-watering? Amnesia auto in 5 gal fabric pot of coco/perlite, Day 9, temps remain between 22-25°C, RH stays between 50-65%. She's had 2.5L of water and 2.5L of low dose nutes since sprout starting at roughly 30ml on first day now up to 500ml per day
Leaves. Curl up
Other. General questions
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 4 years ago
What's wrong? Canoe can be one of many things... soil might be a bit hot? light could be too close? that last one is easy to eliminate it if familiar with it. if light related -- growth will stack up ontop of itself with veritually no internode spacing... another easy way to eliminate that cause. This is less likely, so geting it out of the way. I see you are in coco coir? So, it does need fertilizer each time, but only if you fully saturate with 20% runoff to ensure no buildup occurs. Also, the first 2 weeks or so are powered by the seed anyway. The problem with a big pot and a small plant is doing this without overwatering... in coco coir you shouldn't have to worry.. get the how substrate evenly saturated with 20% runoff.. each time.. wait for a little dry on top before next. (not quite as dry as soil on top, but it should change color a bit). be prepared to wait many days before watering again... culture shock if not doing that before. this avoids algea growth up top too.
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
Amnesia auto, coco/perlite mix, 5 gallon fabric pot, 18-6 schedule, sf1000, Day 13, avg temp of 25°C, avg RH of 60%. schedule - Temps exceeded 30°C for 5hrs today & was 29° yesterday
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Pale
Leaves. Color - Mottling
GS2020answered grow question 4 years ago
Probably irrigation residues? Observe the evolution of these spots carefully every day and check the sheet from behind. Have preventives like diatomaceous earth or potassium soap on hand. Regards!
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
5 L
0 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.15 mll
SUMMARY: The lights are now on an 18/6 schedule after the first 2 weeks at 24hrs and I have also raised the lights up to 32" from the pot to help tackle the suspected heat stress and prevent the Amnesia from stacking as it is currently stacking nodes tightly. I am watering every 48hrs at 2.5L average input volume (pH 6.0) giving 28-32% runoff. I am irrigating every other watering as per the autoflower in coco nutrient schedule from I have also started some low stress training on day 19. DAY 15 -------- Thursday 17/09/2020 05:00pm Mixed 5L of nutes and calmag at pH 6.0. Plants are looking ok with exception to the 2 leaves on each plant that look to be dying, presumably due to heat stress. The affected leaves look much worse today. Temps a bit lower since I removed the front insulation yesterday. Also, if it is a nutrient issue this should clear up now as I'm watering to runoff and will be giving the correct amounts of nutes now (week 3 of schedule). This coupled with the light schedule being corrected and ensuring temps don't exceed 30°C and I think the plants will be looking much healthier in the next few days. I have raised the light to 32" from plants as the amnesias growth is stacking with no gaps between nodes. I think they are behind in growth for day 15. [25°C/63%] DAY 16 -------- Friday 18/09/2020 08:00pm Both Amnesia and OG Kush first leaves dying off completely due to the heat stress and there are still early signs of it in the OGs biggest leaves with the tips curling downwards slightly with some discoloration. I really can't see it being nute burn as the feeding schedule is very tame and I'm ensuring to give plain waterings in between every feed. I've only just corrected the issues though (24/7 lights and high temps) and so it will take some time to show if its working. The plants were due for a feed and whilst none of the coco was dry, it was barely moist (check by inserting finger into coco right up to my knuckle and go by how dry it is at end of finger) and so I have given each of the plants 3L of nutes which has produced 1L of run off which is too much still. Next feeding I will give 2.5L of water as I know that 2L doesn't produce any runoff and 3L produces 1L and so by that rationale 2.5L should produce 500ml of run off which will be exactly 20%. [23°C/60%] DAY 17 -------- Sunday 20/09/2020 07:30pm pH'd 5.5L of water to 5.9 and gave the plants 2.5L each as the coco was drying out a little (still a bit damp). This produced about 200ml runoff from OG Kush and about 500-600ml from the Amnesia. Both plants still growing strong with OG kush towering over Amnesia though both have 3 nodes now. The second set of OG Kush leaves are still showing slightly browned tips which a curling down. Really not sure what it could be and will have to keep my eyes on it daily. The dehumidifier also hasn't collected a drop of water and so it would seem it's not working. I have set its level to 45% RH and will see if it works over night. [23°C/64%] Sunday 20/09/2020 08:30pm Interestingly the temps have shot up to 28°C since I watered an hour ago and set humidity to 45%. [27°C/49%] DAY 18 -------- Monday 21/09/2020 08:00pm The temps have been high today reaching 28°C by 12pm and 30°C by 03:30pm with a high of 31°C just before 06:00pm. Temp was still at 29°C by 08:00pm and so I have removed the insulation from the front of the tent and opened the tent for 15mins until the temps dropped. The temp is now 24°C and I don't expect it to get any higher though I have left the front insulation off to allow for a few degrees drop in temp over night. The coco is still slightly damp and although I was tempted to give them nutes I will hold off until tomorrow. I do wonder if I am mitigating their potential by not watering everyday, especially if you "can't overwater in hydroponic mediums" as I'm continuously reading online but they are both growing and whilst not completely without their problems they seem in good health. The OG Kush is huge compared to the Amnesia yet they are both at the same stage node wise. I will have to start training the OG in the next few days but I doubt the Amnesia will be big enough for another week. Also, the dehumidifier is working as it kept the humidity between 47-54% and it had collected a few mls of water in the tank however there appear to have been a few spikes throughout the day where it rose to 60-62% RH which I'm not sure why. I think you can only control the environment within a certain degree especially on budget equipment like mine and I'm certain my bluetooth humidity meter is not 100% accurate to say the least. I have increased the dehumidifier back up to 60% now that I have ascertained it is working to some degree. [24°C/58%] ALSO - They are starting to smell but only when I open the tent and get my nose close DAY 19 -------- Tuesday 22/09/2020 09:30pm I gave the plants 2.5L of week 2 strength nutes which provided 800ml runoff at a pH of 6.1 from the OG Kush and 700ml at a pH of 6.0 from the Amnesia so both are perfectly in range. This is still more than the desired goal of 20% runoff (500ml if giving 2.5L) and so I will give 2.2L of water next watering and see if that provides 20% runoff (440ml). I also started training both plants which was easier than I anticipated though I was overly careful none the less. Pics attached. [26°C/62.5%] DAY 20 -------- Wednesday 23/09/2020 I mixed 5L of Week 3 strength nutes ready for next feed (pH 6.0) and pH'd 5L of water to 5.9. Avg temp/humidity today [23°C/72%] DAY 21 -------- Thursday 24/09/2020 06:30pm The plants didnt need any further training today but were due a watering. Coco was again still damp throughout up to about 1 finger deep at least however I'm reading from multiple sources to never let the coco dry out and so I will always water/irrigate once every 48hrs at least. I gave each plant 2L of water but allowed 2 hours before checking for runoff. The OG gave 200ml (10%) runoff and the Amnesia only gave 150ml (7.5%) runoff and so they each require roughly 2.25L (2250ml) each watering/irrigation. [25°C/60.5%]
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
24 °C
24 °C
5 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: I have removed the first 2 leaves from each plant as they were dying/dead. I have continued with the LST aiming to have the plants reach out to the edge of the pot and then eventually spiral around the pot to keep the height under control. The average input volume is still 2.5L though I increased this to 3L towards the end of the week as the runoff volume decreased. The runoff pH has climbed to the high end of the advised range (5.5-6.5) with the OG actually giving a runoff pH of 6.6 and so I started reducing input pH to 5.8. DAY 24 -------- Saturday 26/09/2020 08:30pm No further training required yet, the plants haven't grown enough yet, though I have readjusted the ties to ensure the plant keeps growing into the desired shape as the ties had slid/moved slightly. I removed the first 2 real leaves from the OG that had died off and I inadvertently nicked one of the new growth stems down below and so I will have stunted the growth slightly but nothing it wont recover from. Plants were due a feed and the pots felt light with coco only slightly damp 1 finger deep. I gave each plant 2.5L of week 3 strength nutes. I waited around 20mins then checked the runoff. The OG gave no runoff at all so need to keep my eye on her as her requirements have gone up. The Amnesia gave 200ml runoff at a pH of 6.3 and so both plants are now consuming more per feed. [23°C/55%] DAY 25 -------- Sunday 27/09/2020 08:00pm Coco still damp 1 finger deep so no watering. Adjusted the ties again on both as they are both growing daily though no new ties required yet as no new tops yet formed. [23°C/57%] DAY 26 -------- Monday 28/09/2020 08:30pm Both plants due a watering and they felt light with coco mildly damp 1 finger deep. I gave each plant 2.5L over the course of 5mins but no runoff so I increased to 3L then saw run off from Amnesia but none still from OG so I slowly kept giving more to the OG until I saw some runoff which ended up being 4.5L in total. The Amnesia produced 800ml runoff (27%) at a pH of 5.8 and the OG also produced 800ml runoff (18%) at a pH of 5.8. I need to ensure I keep the water and nutes at a min of 6.0. I adjusted the ties to the OG and added more to bend her to grow around the pot now she has reached the edge of the pot. The Amnesia is not growing as fast and is very short and bushy and so I ran a piece of wire from one side of the pot to the other to rest some of the lower leaves on to expose them to more light. [27°C/58%] DAY 27 -------- Tuesday 29/09/2020 08:00pm The plants weren't due a feed but as the third week is nearing an end I feel they are behind on irrigation and so I decided to feed them as an experiment as they had plenty of water yesterday. I gave each plant 2L of week 3 strength nutes at which point I could already see runoff. I left it it 30mins before collecting the runoff but didn't pH the runoff tonight as I don't have time and I only checked the other day. The Amnesia gave about 1L runoff (50%) and the OG gave about 900ml (45%). I don't think they are quite there yet in regards to needing a watering/feeding every 24hrs. I also adjusted the LST on the OG again ensuring that it is now following the shape of the pot. The Amnesia looks to be growing the same rate almost, definitely a little slower, but its just so compact. Its becoming difficult to water without touching the leaves and I got some nutes on some leaves and had to wipe of gently with my fingers (no tissue to hand). [27°C/55%] DAY 29 -------- Thursday 01/10/2020 08:30pm I didn't feed or water the plants yesterday as they had plenty on Tuesday night (day 26). The plants have responded well to the nutrients from Tuesday which makes me think I have been underfeeding them and so I am taking the advice of someone from a grow community on reddit who used the exact same "Grow Weed Easy" GHE nute schedule and advised the PPM was very low and the grow was slow going and so he upped the feedings by only watering once or twice per week and feeding 5 days per week though his were in 1gal pots (he also upped the grow and micro by 1ml per gallon which I won't be doing). The same person also advocated switching to "the Lucas formula" at around week 8 for better yields. The coco was still a bit damp 1 finger deep but plants were due a watering as per schedule however with the above in mind I fed them again with week strength nutes. I only had 6L of nutes premade and so I gave the Amnesia 2.5L and the OG 3.5 as it tends to drink more being bigger. I then left the plants for 30mins before collecting the runoff. The Amneisa gave 600ml runoff (24%) at a pH of 6.4 and the OG gave 1L of runoff (29%) at a pH of 6.6 and so I need to ensure the pH of my water and nutes is always 5.9-6.2. [26°C/55%]
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
60 %
14 °C
24 °C
5 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.3 mll
SUMMARY: The plants have responded very well to the increased frequency of irrigation and so I will now continue with only giving a plain watering every 3rd watering. The OG is consuming more and producing less runoff and so I have upped the intake to 3L per watering though the Amnesia is getting along fine with 2.5L intake and producing 20% runoff. The temps have exceeded 30°C again this week which may have caused the plants to drink more and some leaves are showing signs of stress and though I cannot determine exactly what the cause is I suspect it is heat stress/nute deficiency. My theory is that the increased heat is causing the plants to drink more which in turn looks to be causing a nute deficiency on the OG as it is a little on the pale side. DAY 31 -------- Saturday 03/10/2020 08:00pm I made 10L of nutes up, 5L at pH 6.0 and 5L at pH 6.1. The plants have responded VERY well to more nutes and have both grown quite a bit in the last 48hrs. I will definitely only be giving plain water once every 3 feedings to increase the nutrient intake. I think I have stunted their potential a lot by under feeding. The plants were due a watering and as usual the coco was still a bit damp up to 1 finger deep. I gave the OG 3L of water (250ml runoff = 8%) as I was seeing any runoff, and have the Amnesia 2.5L (500ml runoff = 20%). [25°C/57%] DAY 32 -------- Sunday 04/10/2020 08:00pm The plants were only watered yesterday and the coco was still damp up to 1st knuckle (length of forefinger) but as I want to increase the nutrient uptake I have given each 2L of week 3 strength nutes. The Amnesia gave 850ml (40%) runoff at a pH of 6.0 and the OG gave 1L (50%) at a pH of 5.9. There are some signs of an issue with the OG that I will closely monitor the next few days to ensure it is not spreading. Small spots of browning on a couple of the higher leaves and some slight burning of the tips that might indicate nute burn. Seeing this and still feeding them today may be seen as not a smart move however if the issue persists I can then be confident that the issue is nute burn as it only started since I upped the nutrient intake over the last few days and all other conditions are on point. I will be surprised if it is nute burn though as the schedule I'm using is very mild, particularly when compared to most schedules I see people running. [25°C/55%] DAY 34 -------- Tuesday 06/10/2020 05:30pm The plants were due a watering as they have had nutes the last 2 times and so I gave them each 2.5L of pH'd water. The Amnesia gave 300ml runoff (12%) and the OG surprisingly gave off 1L runoff (40%), pH of runoff not taken. There is some damage to some of the leaves on the OG. If I didnt know there were no pests/insects in the tent I'd assume it had been eaten by looking at it. There is also some nute burn on some of the tips of the OG leaves and so it seems the OG is more sensitive to nutes than the Amnesia which shows no sign of nute burn. [28°C/60%] DAY 36 -------- Thursday 08/10/2020 08:00pm The plants were due a feed and so I gave them each 2.5L of week 3 strength nutes as that's all I had prepared but I noticed that the plants have now started flowering as there are many pistils forming. I didnt see any pistils last time so this must have occurred in the last 48hrs. I gave the plants 2.5L each but perhaps should have given only 1.5L as I intend to feed them again tomorrow with the "transition" stage nutes from my nutrient schedule as they are now flowering. Interestingly both plants gave zero runoff and they were very light before feeding and so I'd say their needs have increased, though perhaps it's just due to the growth spurt they go through as they transition into flowering as I know this happens and they use a lot of nutes during this time whilst they stretch. Both plants are showing signs of nute burn but the Amnesia looks to only show it on 1 or 2 leaves whereas the OG has quite a few leaves affected. The tent temperature has been very high the last couple of days with an average of 30°C and a high of 33°C which isnt good. Though this explains why the plants were so light as they will have drank more. [30°C/50%]
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
13 °C
26 °C
5 L
2 L
81.28 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.6 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: The Amnesia started flowering this week (first pistils seen on DAY 37 09/10/2020). I noticed some leaves of the OG were displaying signs of an issue which I incorrectly believed to be nute burn when in hindsight it would have been due to insufficient nutrients hence the pale lime green colour. I continued with watering the plants every 48hrs with 1 in every 3 waterings being plain water. DAY 37 -------- Friday 09/10/2020 09:00pm I made 10L of "transition" nutes using rain water I'd collected. The temps have been high the last few days between 27-32°C and so I have left the front insulation off the tent to see if this helps. The heater should be coming on at 22°C and switching off at 24°C and so the insulation is really keeping the heat in. I have also changed the ink bird settings dropping the desired temp from 24°C to 22°C. I gave each plant 3.5L to help rinse any built up nutes/salts in the medium away. The Amnesia gave of roughly 1100ml (31%) runoff and the OG gave roughly 1000ml (30%). DAY 38 -------- Saturday 10/10/2020 08:00pm I made 5L of transition week strength nutes from collected rainwater. The temps have been slightly lower today after removing the front insulation from the tent yesterday but they are still too high for the early flowering stage which I would like to get around 22°C. The max temp today has been 28°C but it was at around 27°C for a few hours and then 24°C for the first half of the day. [25°C/58%] DAY 39 -------- Sunday 11/10/2020 06:00pm I gave the plants 2.5L of water each. Both plants are looking well and the minor nute burn on the OG doesn't look to be getting worse. Temps have been around 27°C for a few hours this afternoon but mostly around 24-25°C for most of the day. The Amnesia gave 570ml of runoff (23%) at a pH of 6.3 but the OG had zero runoff and so I have it another litre (3.5L total) and waited 20mins before collecting runoff. The OG gave just over 1L (30-35%) at a pH of 5.9. DAY 41 -------- Tuesday 13/10/2020 08:30pm I gave the Amnesia 3L of transition week nutes but had to give the OG 5L before I saw any runoff. The Amnesia gave 850ml runoff and the OG about 1200ml runoff. [26°C/55%] DAY 42 -------- Wednesday 14/10/2020 I made 10L of transition week nutes to give to the plants tomorrow which I plan on being the last transition feeding and the next batch I will make some "early bloom" nutes as they are now coming to the end of week 6 (week 7 starts on Friday 16th Oct) and the Amnesia started showing pistils on Tuesday 6th Oct. The OG is yet to show any pistils but still seems to be slowly growing. I intend on skipping the second week of "early bloom" nutes and just switching to mid bloom nutes as this schedule is very mild in comparison to the updated version and other schedules I've seen and I dont want to stunt the plants potential any more than I likely already have. DAY 43 -------- Thursday 15/10/2020 06:30pm I gave the plants 3L of transition nutes each. The OG gave 500ml runoff (17%) and the Amnesia gave 300ml (10%) after being left to drop for 1 hour. The OG looks to be starting to flower now, no clear pistils yet but small signs of pistils at nodes. The Amnesia on the other hand is well into early bloom now by the looks of it. The OG is still showing some leaf damage though I cant see how it's happened. I have also lowered the dehumidifier to 35% which is the lowest it can go. I did this as the tent still seems to be reaching highs of 65% though not for long, almost like spikes for short periods.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
55 %
13 °C
24 °C
5 L
2 L
83.01 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: The plants are drinking a little more now requiring an average of 3.5L every 48hrs to produce 20-30% runoff. The OG still hasn't started flowring and so I am starting to suspect it is not an auto... DAY 44 -------- Friday 16/10/2020 I made 5L of early bloom nutes (pH 6.2) for the Amnesias next feed and I still have 3L of transition nutes left for the OG. [26°C/55%] DAY 45 -------- Saturday 17/10/2020 06:00pm I gave the plants 3L each of pH'd rainwater and checked for runoff 2 hours later but there was none! I won't give any more water now as I will feed them tomorrow and I only have 3L of transition nutes left for the OG and so I hope to get 20% runoff from this. Might have to up quantity to 3.5L every 48hrs. I have been struggling with maintaining a low humidity and keeping the temps down in the tent the last week. Lowering the dehumidifier to its lowest setting (35% RH) causes the temperature to rise to as high as 36°C but the RH is jumping up to 60-65% at times. I've currently got the dehumidifier set to 40% RH and the temps right now are stable at 26-28°C with the humidity sat around 52% sometimes spiking to 60-63% for 10mins at a time. DAY 46 -------- Sunday 18/10/2020 I pH'd 10L of rainwater to 5.8. I fed the OG the remaining 4L of transition nutes and gave the Amnesia 3.5L of early bloom nutes. I left it 2 hours before collecting the runoff. The Amnesia gave roughly 1200ml (35%) at a pH of 5.5 and the OG gave roughly 1200ml (30%) at a pH of 6.1. [25°C/55%] DAY 48 -------- Tuesday 20/10/2020 08:00pm I fed the plants the remaining 6.5L of early bloom nutes I had pre-made, 3.25L each. Both plants only gave about 100ml runoff (3-4%). My bluetooth hydrometer has broken as of sat night and is no longer giving any readings to my app. I still have 5 hydrometers in the tent in the form of the dehumidifier, and 4 small hydrometers (one on top of coco in each pot, one sat above light and one sat on floor. The issue is that all hydrometers give slightly different readings and so I was sticking to the bluetooth one as a base. However as long as they are all within range now I'm not concerned though I will order another bluetooth hydrometer for convenience. DAY 50 -------- Thursday 22/10/2020 06:30pm I gave the plants some pH'd water. I gave the Amnesia 3.5L and the OG 4L before I started seeing runoff and both gave 1L runoff after checking on it 2 hours later. I haven't been checking how dry or damp the medium is lately and have just been watering every 48 hours and on occasion sometimes twice in 48 hours (though never 2 lots of nutes in 48 hours, one of the feeds is always just water). I'm quite concerned now that the OG has not started flowering as we hit day 50...I've never heard of this and so I'm wondering whether I've got a photoperiod seed by mistake...
Used techniques
Grow Questions
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
As per the title. My Amnesia planted on the same day and had same care began flowering somewhere between days 30-40.
Buds. Too few
horsemouthanswered grow question 4 years ago
hi, she is not an autoflowering. it can happen. the only way to make it flower its to flip to 12/12. cheers
rockbo47started grow question 4 years ago
It's quite a light green and some of the leaves are showing damage/poor health as per the pics. Under feeding? Though some of the tips of the leaves show what I thought was nute burn.
Leaves. Dropping off
Leaves. Wilting
Leaves. Color - Pale
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 4 years ago
you have a ph issue. in turn is causing the plant to lock out the nutrients it nees, so flush your plant until you have a run off of 6.0 ph reading. next let the pot dry out for a few days. when you start feeding nutrients again add cal mag and feed the plant at half of what you have been giving for the first few feeds, you should see improvement in a week or so
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
13 °C
24 °C
5 L
2 L
83.01 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.3 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: Turns out the OG Kush is a photoperiod plant and so I flipped the lights to 12/12 this week to start it flowering. It's already 2 weeks behind the Amnesia and so if it doesn't start flowering soon I will run into issues come harvest time for the Amnesia as I only have the tent for growing and drying. The Amnesia is drinking roughly 3.5L every 48hrs whereas the OG is requiring around 4-4.5L. DAY 52 -------- Saturday 24/10/2020 06:30pm I gave the plants some early bloom nutes, 5L for the OG and 4L for the Amnesia. The OG gave roughly 1400ml (28%) runoff at pH 5.8 and the Amnesia gave roughly 1200ml (30%) at pH 5.8. So the OG is sadly and clearly a photo and so I flipped the lights to 12/12 today to start it flowering so hopefully it wont be too far behind the Amnesia. I'll just have to cook the amnesia a couple weeks late and chop the OG a week early or something like that. DAY 53 -------- Sunday 25/10/2020 Made 10L of early bloom nutes at 6.1 pH DAY 54 -------- Monday 26/10/2020 06:30pm I gave each plant 3L of nutes. I intended to give them 3.5L each but saw runoff after only giving 2.5L and so stopped at 3L. The Amnesia gave just over 800ml (27%) runoff whereas the OG only gave 100ml (0.3%). I'm not bothered enough to give extra to the OG and so will just ensure it gets at least 3.5L next feed. The OG is going to get too big for the tent I think. I'm hoping they dont have the same growth spurt the autos have when entering flower otherwise I've got problems. I have tied down around another 4 shoots on the OG which are climbing but I have more vertical space than I do horizontal and so I think Ive done all I can now for training them. DAY 55 -------- Tuesday 27/10/2020 I made 5L of early bloom nutes with rainwater to pH 5.7 [24°C/55%] DAY 56 -------- Wednesday 28/10/2020 06:30pm I gave the plants 3.5L of pH'd water each. The Amnesia gave 1400ml (40%) runoff and the OG only gave 300ml (9%). The OG is still not showing any pistils which is worrying because I'm already pushing the difference between them as it is and I only have the one tent. I will just have to run the Amnesia as long as possible and then just chop the OG when the amnesia is done no matter where the OG is up to. I've noticed some nice purple stems throughout both plants which made me realise that I have been giving the plants very cold water every feed as the water sits in the shed which is essentially outside. I will have to store the water indoors moving forward.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
55 %
19 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.6 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.15 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.6 mll
SUMMARY: The OG started flowering towards the end of this week which puts it at almost 4 weeks behind the Amnesia. Providing I have no further set backs with the OG I should be able to comfortably meet in the middle come harvest by chopping the Amnesia 2 weeks late and the OG 1 week early. I realized that I had made a mistake in feeding both plants the same schedule as I have caused a nutrient deficiency in the OG as a result. To rectify this I have separated the feeds and started using the updated coco nute schedule which is higher doses (double the previous schedule) for the OG. I will continue using the original GWE schedule for the Amnesia as she is doing fine for now. I have noticed that the runoff of both plants has dropped considerably with the OG as low as 5.1. To remedy this I have started giving an input pH of 6.5. DAY 58 -------- Friday 30/10/2020 07:00pm I have realized that the OG is suffering nutrient deficiency and I suspect it is due to underfeeding as it is not an auto, and is almost twice the size of the Amnesia yet I have been giving them the same nutrient schedule (albeit giving 0.5-1.5L more liquid to the OG on average). To rectify this I have separated the feeds for the plants and so each now feed from a separate bottle. The Amnesia is doing just fine and so I will continue using the coco coir nutrient schedule however for the OG I have upped the nutrients to the September 2020 revised coco coir schedule on which is the same schedule only doubling the nute strength. Updated schedule I am using for the OG as of today:- I gave the OG 5L of Transition nutes from the updated GWE schedule and the Amnesia 4L of mid bloom nutes. Unfortunately I lost the notes I made at the time and I don't remember what the pH of the nutes were or how much runoff each gave but I know each gave more than 20% runoff and the pH of the OG runoff was low at 5.1 and the Amnesia was at 5.8. The nutes would have been pH'd between 5.8-6.2 meaning that the OG has a pH issue as it is dropping by 1 point and is on the acidic side. DAY 60 -------- Sunday 01/11/2020 I spent some time today separating the water and feeds for each plant as they have different requirements in both nutrients and pH. For the OG, I made 5L of transition nutes from the 09/2020 revision of the DTW nute schedule from gwe. Its twice the amount of the previous schedule and I have pH'd it to 6.5 to raise the pH of the coco. The last time I checked runoff before I discovered it was at 5.1 this weekend, was on 24/10 and it was 5.8. For the Amnesia I made 4L of mid bloom nutes from the old schedule as she is doing just fine with nice healthy looking dark green leaves so no need to rock the boat. I also pH'd this to 6.5 as the runoff was 5.8 last time I checked (24th oct) and I'd like it at 6.0 ideally so its bang in the middle. OG (IN) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (OUT) = 1.8L (36%) pH 5.5 [1.0 drop] Amnesia (IN) = 3.5L pH 6.5 Amneisa (OUT) = 1.5L (43%) pH 6.0 [0.5 drop] I will keep feeding both at 6.5 until the runoff stabilizes around 6.0 at which point I will lower to 6.1 intake. I gave the OG 4L of transition nutes from the revised GWE coco coir schedule above and the Amnesia 4L of early bloom nutes from old GWE coco coir schedule. The Amnesia should be on mid bloom nutes now as of today however I had exactly 4L of early bloom nutes pre-made and so I gave it that for today. The OG gave 600ml runoff (15%) at a pH of 5.1 and so the pH is off as suggested by someone responding to my grow question on here. I check the pH once per week and so this has only fallen out of range in the last 7-10 days and so I do believe it is also a case of nute strength being too weak. To rectify this I will up the pH of the feeds to 6.5 until its back in range. Although 15% runoff is too little I will not increase the amount above 4L just yet as 4L every 48hours seems a lot. The Amnesia gave 1700ml runoff (42.5%) at a pH of 5.6. I will also raise the pH of the next feed to 6.5 and only give it 3.5L of mid bloom nutes. With this now being the 4th week of flowering for the Amnesia and the OG has not yet even started to show pistils, I don't think I'm going to be able to harvest the OG as they both will need to be chopped when the Amnesia is done. DAY 62 -------- Tuesday 03/11/2020 Both plants were due water and so I gave the OG a flush with 5L of rainwater pH'd to 6.5 and gave the Amnesia 3.5L pH'd to 6.2 (I meant to do 6.5 but forgot as I'm an idiot). The OG gave 1.75L (35%) runoff at a pH of 5.2 and so is still a drop of over 1 point and the Amnesia gave 800ml (23%) at a pH of 5.7 which is 1/2 a point drop and is fine and can be expected - it is also within the correct range (5.5-6.5) for coco. OG (IN) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (OUT) = 1.75L (35%) pH 5.2 [1.2 drop] Amnesia (IN) = 3.5L pH 6.2 Amneisa (OUT) = 800ml (23%) pH 5.7 [0.5 drop] I prepared nutes for the next feed with 5L of (revised GWE schedule) transition nutes at a pH of 6.5 for the OG, and 4L of mid bloom nutes (old GWE schedule) at a pH of 6.2 for the Amnesia. As the Amnesia runoff is at the low end of the range I will pH the Amnesia feed up to 6.5 tomorrow as I had originally planned before its next feed on Thursday. The OG is FINALLY flowering! Its also done some stretching and is now twice the height of the Amnesia. I was getting concerned I was going to have to just throw it but I'll let it run as long as possible (Amnesia harvest will dictate) and maybe I'll be able to make some butter or something - If I'm lucky the buds might have fattened enough to make it smokeable though with the Amnesia strating to flower on it is weeks behind.
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
55 %
19 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.79 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
SUMMARY: The GWE nute schedule I'm using for the Amnesia is very weak and so I have switched to the peak flowering feed from ( in the hopes the Amnesia will start to fatten up. For the OG I have started the updated GWE early bloom nutes now that it is flowering. I intended to flush the plant after discovering the pH issue with the OG however I misunderstood how to flush thankfully and so technically I didn't actually flush it which is good as I don't need to. The pH issue is mild enough to fix by increasing the input pH to 6.5 until it raises and so this is what I have done. The runoff pH is slowly rising and the yellowing has not spread any further. The OG is staring to get its colour back and is now drinking 4.5-5L every 48hrs and the Amnesia is drinking around 3.5L still though I have increased the input to 4L and am getting around 40% runoff. I also started with some light defoliation this week removing a couple of lower leaves and some fan leaves covering bud sites that I couldn't tuck. DAY 64 -------- Thursday 05/11/2020 The OG is starting to get its colour back I think, its hard to tell but there are no new yellowing leaves anyway and the new leaves that have grown in the last 48hrs all look very healthy. As I keep reading that you should flush with water when you have a lockout or pH issue I decided to give the OG 5L of water tonight with the intention of giving it another 5L next time as well. I gave the Amnesia 3.5L of midbloom nutes. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 1.2L (24%) pH 5.5 [1.0 drop] Amnesia (in) = 3.5L pH 6.2* Amnesia (out) = 860ml (25%) pH 5.6 [0.6 drop] * I had pH'd the nutes to 6.5 yesterday but upon checking the pH today both the water for the OG and the nutes for Amnesia had dropped a little. I pH'd the water for the OG back up to 6.5 but didn't have time to mess with the Amnesia nutes and the plant is doing just fine so I'm not concerned about the intake pH not being 6.5. As the OG is still dropping by 1.0 I will give it another flush at 6.5 on Saturday and then hopefully will be able to continue with nutes come next Monday (09/11). I will continue to monitor the pH of both as I am using the Amnesia as a point of reference since she is doing great with a nice dark green colour but not too dark. It also should be noted that my pH pen does not seem to be the best with the results varying and having to re-calibrate almost every time I use it. DAY 65 -------- Friday 06/11/2020 I have been reading a lot on how to address the pH issue with the OG and have found that A) I misunderstood how to flush a plant and B) it is not necessary in my situation. To flush I should have slowly given the plant water at a pH of 6.0 collecting and testing the runoff until it is reading at 6.0 and then give it some very light nutes at 6.0 - this is all done in one sitting and not over a period of days as I had thought (I've mentioned I'm an idiot already). So I've given the OG 10L of plain water at pH 6.5 over the last few days with its last feed being on Sunday 01/11 5 days ago which is not good. I don't have time to feed the OG tonight and so it will have to wait until tomorrow evening when I will be feeding both plants. Judging by the current condition of the OG I dont think a flush is necessary and I think I am safe to continue feeding at a pH of 6.5 until the runoff is at 6.0 though if I'm honest I'm not expecting to harvest anything from the OG now - it is just here to help me learn and my priority is the Amnesia.,time%20you%20give%20them%20water.&text=Maintaining%20the%20pH%20is%20the,main%20reason%20to%20flush%20plants). I have been checking out other diaries and have noticed that my nute schedule is extremely mild and I haven't seen anything that isn't at least double my strength and so I did some more research on GH flora schedules and I think I need to up the nute strength. The amnesia is already swimming against the tide with the 12/12 light schedule and so I am going to up the feed to the updated GWE drain-to-waste schedule though I will build up to it as it is a drastic increase. To begin I will increase to the peak flowering feed from ( as it is pretty much half the updated GWE schedule which is still a large increase from the old GWE schedule. DAY 66 -------- Saturday 07/11/2020 I gave the OG 5L of GWE updated transition nutes and the Amnesia 4L of peak flowering which is a big jump up from 5ml to 16ml total nutes. The OG is getting its colour back now and is looking MUCH better with some real nice coloured leaves. I also did some light defoliation on the Amnesia removing around 4-5 leaves total. I prefer to tuck where I can but it was becoming too clustered down low and some of the lower sites were being blocked from light. The lower Amnesia leaves are not looking too healthy, especially in comparison to the top leaves which are a nice dark green and so I hope this increase in nutes helps. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 700ml (14%) pH 5.7 [0.8 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.4 Amnesia (out) = 1050ml (26%) pH 5.8 [0.6 drop] DAY 68 -------- Monday 09/11/2020 No signs of nute burn yet from increasing nutes and the plants are doing ok. The Amnesia is not fattening up like I'd hope'd though there is still another few weeks to go yet so maybe it will surprise me. I am very nervous and apprehensive about defoliating as removing strong healthy leaves just doesn't feel right and so I have started by just removing any dead/dying/unhealthy looking leaves from the lower portion of the plants the last few days. I have gotten braver today and removed 2 health fan leaves fromt he Amnesia that were blocking lower bud sites and also removed 2-3 healthy fan leaves from the OG that I couldn't tuck which were blocking the Amnesia bud sites. The OG is starting to flower a bit more now near the top which is very close to the light (10 inches maybe). I fed the plants again giving the OG some GWE updated early bloom nutes and the Amnesia some more sensi garden peak flowering nutes. I will be giving them a plain watering next time (Wednesday) before the start of Week 10. The OG is coming back into range though the runoff is reading at 5.4 and the Amnesia runoff whilst within range is droppign by almost 1 point which is a sign of an issue supposedly yet it seems to be doing fine... OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 1600ml (32%) pH 5.4 [1.1 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.5 Amnesia (out) = 1750ml (44%) pH 5.7 [0.8 drop] DAY 70 -------- Wednesday 11/11/2020 I gave both plants some pH'd rainwater. Both plants look to be doing fine and I have tried doing a bit of defoliating though I can't justify removing any from the Amnesia yet as I have been able to tuck the few leaves covering lower bud sites. I have however removed a number of smaller lower branches from the OG as I had read that this is advised to avoid wasting plant energy on lower small branches that will not produce any harvest-able bud. In doing so I have damaged the stem peeling back a thin layer about 1-1.5inch long however it is thin and I have pushed it back in place and so I expect it to heal and hopefully it will not stunt the bud development. I also think I made a mistake in removing the LST ties last week as I'm sure the trunk has straightened out a little and added to the already worrying height. OG (in) = 4.5L pH 6.4* OG (out) = 950ml (21%) pH 5.0 [1.4 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.4* Amnesia (out) = 1700ml (43%) pH 5.4 [1.0 drop] * I pH'd the water to 6.5 yesterday and took my time ensuring that the meter did not budge for over 30seconds after it settled at 6.5 however upon rechecking today before watering the plants it was reading a solid 6.4 (I calibrate the meter before each time i use it) I really don't understand why the pH of the medium is so low when its only ever been given an intake pH of 5.8-6.5. The nute schedule I have been using throughout the first 7-8 weeks is VERY conservative and so it just doesn't make sense to me based on what I have read and my understanding. I can only assume that this is just a red herring and the next readings will be higher and within range - its is far too late for a flush now in any case and so I will have to ride this out to the end continuing to give an intake pH of 6.5. I've been concerned over RH as the tent never drops below 55% with an average of 60% which is way too high for flowering stage from what I have read due to mold concerns. I'm very surprised my 20L dehumidifier is not doing the job in a 75cmx75cmx160cm tent as it is a good dehumidifier and was not cheap! I've only had to empty it twice since I put it in. I have read that I can further help with lowering the RH by defoliating and allowing the tent to air out for a little after I've watered by leaving the tent open for a short time. Adding an additional fan may also help though I am a bit pushed for room. However, I did some further research and found an article in cannabis business times where one expert suggests an RH of as high as 75% is not problematic so long as the temps are between 23°C-26°C and also shows a percentage of people who actually choose to keep RH to around 60% for flowering. ANother expert recommends 60-65% RH for flowering and 55-60% for late flowering. "Don’t be afraid of a relative humidity of 65% to 75% if air temperature is 75 degrees to 80 degrees. (The result: VPD = 0.9kPa to 1.2 kPa)"
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
17.78 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
55 %
19 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.79 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
SUMMARY: The OG has grown so much these last couple of weeks and now towers over the Amnesia like a giant. It is really starting to flower now too which is good because looking at how slowly the Amnesia is growing over the last 2 weeks I really can't see me getting the 1.5-2oz yield I was hoping for come harvest. Both plants doing fine and coming along ok. OG now drinking 5L every 48hrs and the Amnesia drinking 3.5L (though I'm still giving 4L). I switched up to the GWE updated mid bloom nutes for the OG towards the end of the week and continued with the Sensi Garden peak flowering nutes for the Amnesia this week. I continued with some light defoliation this week removing the odd lower leaf and some fan leaves covering bud sites that I couldn't tuck. DAY 72 -------- Friday 13/11/2020 I fed the plants, updated GWE early bloom nutes for OG and sensi garden peak flower nutes for Amnesia. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 1.3L (26%) pH 5.6 [0.9 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.5 Amnesia (out) = 1.5L (38%) pH 5.7 [0.8 drop] The OG is really starting to flower now especially at the top where it is very close to the light. I'll be very surprised if it doesn't suffer light burn but nothing I can do as the light is as high as it can go. The pH of the medium is slowly rising for both and both plants are looking healthy with no leaves dying off or yellowing. I bought a USB microscope and checked the trichs out, all clear from what I can see which is great because I really want to push this for another 4 weeks if possible (15 weeks total) to give the OG a chance to bloom. I like a good couch lock so providing I can keep the plants alive and keep the humidity low enough to avoid bud rot I think it might just be possible. DAY 74 -------- Sunday 15/11/2020 I fed both plants, GWE updated schedule Mid-Blom nutes for the OG and some more Sensi Garden Peak Flower nutes for the Amnesia. The humidity has been steady at around 48-55% the last few days which is odd as we have had a lot of wet weather. I have removed around 15-20 leaves (total - only 2-4 removed from Amnesia) from both plants over the last week so perhaps that has helped with reducing the humidity a little as it usually sits around 60-65%. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 1.25L (25%) pH 5.5 [1.0 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.5 Amnesia (out) = 1.5L (38%) pH 5.8 [0.7 drop] DAY 75 -------- Monday 16/11/2020 I mixed 5L of GWE updated schedule mid-bloom nutes for the OG and 4L of Sensi Garden peak flower nutes for the Amnesia. Both made with rainwater both pH'd to 6.4. I am feeling concerned about the runoff pH still not rising to 6.0 yet, perhaps I'm being impatient but it has been 16 days since I started giving strictly 6.5 (01/11/2020) and I know that the plants need the pH to vary within range in order to be able to uptake all available nutrients. Whilst the pH may be in range I believe certain nutrients cannot be absorbed at a pH of 6.5 and I want to get back to being comfortable feeding the plants between 5.8 and 6.2 (a reported "sweet spot" I've read from numerous sources online). As it has been over 2 weeks of strictly 6.5 I am going to try and slowly lower by 0.1 each feed and see how they respond. In any case, both plants look healthy and are growing and flowering and not showing any signs of issues. DAY 76 -------- Tuesday 17/11/2020 I gave the plants some pH'd rainwater. I intended to give them both water at 6.5 however I didn't have time and so the Amnesia water was pH'd to 6.4. I also did some more light defoliation removing 5-6 leaves from the OG and 2-3 leaves from the Amnesia, again just to allow more light to lower bud sites. The RH has been between 48-55% the last few days but is at 60% today. The plants both look healthy with no yellowing leaves or nute burn (perhaps the tiniest bits on the odd leaves of the amnesia). OG (in) = 5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 1.15L (23%) pH 5.4 [1.1 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.4 Amnesia (out) = 1.55L (39%) pH 5.8 [0.6 drop] Looking at how slowly the Amnesia is growing over the last 2 weeks I really can't see me getting the 1.5-2oz yield I was hoping for come harvest.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
19 °C
25 °C
19 L
2 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.79 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
SUMMARY: The OG has bounced back from the pH issues now after giving all watering/irrigation at a pH of 6.5. I continued with the updated GWE mid bloom nutes for the OG and Sensi Garden peak bloom nutes for the Amnesia. I also continued with some light defoliation this week removing the odd lower leaf and some fan leaves covering bud sites that I couldn't tuck. DAY 78 -------- Thursday 19/11/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 2020 updated Mid-bloom nutes for the OG and Sensi Garden Peak Flower nutes for the Amnesia. Although I only mixed these nutes and pH'd to 6.4 on Monday I always check again before and the readings had changed - I don't think my pH pen is the best (yes I keep the tip moist). I didn't have time to pH again and tbh after spending 30mins doing this the other day it can get to fuck and stay as is. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.4 OG (out) = 1.05L (21%) pH 5.7 [0.7 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.2 Amnesia (out) = 1.4L (35%) pH 5.9 [0.3 drop] The plants look healthy still with no signs of issues and are both a great colour so I think they're doing just fine. The OG has bounced back from the pH issues now and is really blooming fast, much faster that the Amnesia which makes me sad as I will inevitably cut her down early...I think she has the potential to be a beast judging on bud development so far. The Amnesia on the other hand...I'm starting to become a little disenchanted with her due to the very slow progression of the buds - I was expecting bigger buds but I don't think the genetics are the best (freebies from Seedsman). DAY 80 -------- Saturday 21/11/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 2020 updated Mid-bloom nutes for the OG and Sensi Garden Peak Flower nutes for the Amnesia. Although I only mixed these nutes and pH'd to 6.4 on Monday I always check again before and the readings had changed - I don't think my pH pen is the best (yes I keep the tip moist). I didn't have time to pH again and tbh after spending 30mins doing this the other day it can get to fuck and stay as is. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.4 OG (out) = 0.9L (18%) pH 5.8 [0.6 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.4 Amnesia (out) = 1.55L (39%) pH 6.0 [0.4 drop] The humidity has been between 43-55% the last week which is good. I turned the heat up to 25°C a week ago which seems to have helped bring the RH down. DAY 82 -------- Monday 23/11/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 2020 updated Mid-bloom nutes for the OG and Sensi Garden Peak Flower nutes for the Amnesia. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.4 OG (out) = 1.1L (22%) pH 6.0 [0.4 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.3 Amnesia (out) = 1.25L (31%) pH 6.1 [0.2 drop] The RH has been lower the last week or so and it seems to be due to the defoliation I've been doing every time I water/irrigate (removing a few obstructing/pointless leaves). I think because its such a small space the removal of the leaves has allowed for a constant 15-20% drop and so its right where I want it now at 40-50%. DAY 84 -------- Wednesday 25/11/2020 I watered the plants with pH'd tap water as my rainwater supply has dried up a little. OG (in) = 5.5L pH 6.3 OG (out) = 1.17L (23%) pH 5.4 [0.9 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.3 Amnesia (out) = 1.2L (30%) pH 5.4 [0.9 drop] No idea why there is a drop in pH of 0.9 for both when there has been a steady trend of it getting closer to the input value. But its expected to vary and 0.5 either side is standard I believe. The Amnesia is taking forever to fatten up, if it ever will now at this point. I know theyre only getting 12 hours of light but this is SLOW!
1 like
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
19 °C
24 °C
19 L
2 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.79 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
SUMMARY: The Amnesia is showing some slight nute burn at the tips of some leaves. I have been monitoring the runoff pH which whilst it varies from the input pH more than I would have thought it is now always within range. This week I switched to the updated GWE late bloom nutes for the OG and continued with the Sensi Garden peak bloom nutes for the Amnesia. The OG is now drinking more and giving less and less runoff from 5L input. I continued with some light defoliation removing the odd lower leaf and some fan leaves covering bud sites that I couldn't tuck. DAY 86 -------- Friday 27/11/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 04/2020 updated schedule Week 9 Late Bloom nutes for the OG and then the Sensi Garden Peak nutes for the Amnesia. The Amnesia reportedly doesn't require lots of nutes and I can see some mild nute burn on a lot of the leaves and so I will continue with Sensi Garden Peak Flowering nutes until its time to flush. OG (in) = 5L pH 6.3 OG (out) = 0.7L (14%) pH 5.4 [0.9 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.2 Amnesia (out) = 1.2L (30%) pH 5.5 [0.7 drop] I have no idea why there is a 0.9 drop in pH now when just days ago it had reduced to 0.2-0.4. I don't suspect this is a sign of an issue but it makes me question whether there was ever a pH issue and the OG was just pale due to not getting enough nutrients...which makes perfect sense because it definitely wasn't getting enough nutrients. Either way I don't like the runoff being outside of range and so I'll bump the input back up to 6.5 until the output gets closer to 6.0. DAY 88 -------- Sunday 29/11/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 04/2020 updated schedule Week 9 Late Bloom nutes for the OG and then the Sensi Garden Peak nutes for the Amnesia. OG (in) = 5.5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 0.9L (17%) pH 5.3 [1.2 drop] Amnesia (in) = 4L pH 6.5 Amnesia (out) = 1.55L (39%) pH 5.6 [0.9 drop] I'm getting real annoyed with how much the runoff is varying in pH from the input as everything I read online states this is indicative of an issue...but I am doing everything possible to ensure these plants are getting what they need and managing the pH EVERY time I feed/water. It just doesn't make sense and I can see how this is such a learning curve as every plant is so different and this is nothing but shades of grey. I plan of chopping both on Sunday 13/12/2020 which is exactly 2 weeks today, that gives each plant a total of 102 days since seed with the Amnesia at 66 days (9 weeks) of flower and the OG at 41 (6 weeks) days of flower. Looking at the trichs today I reckon that will be a good compromise of not too late on the Amnesia (before it gets too heavy on the CBD) and not too early for the OG (so it should still be a nice smoke with more of a lighter head high). DAY 90 -------- Tuesday 01/12/2020 I watered the plants with pH'd tap water. The OG is drinking a lot the last week or 2, giving it 5L every 48hrs and the runoff is always below 20% and the top layer of coco is always bone dry come next feeding time. The Amnesia on the other hand is the complete opposite seemingly drinking less and less as time goes on. Even with as little 3.5L every 48hrs I'm getting an average of 40% runoff. OG (in) = 5.5L pH 6.6 OG (out) = 0.55L (10%) pH 5.6 [1.0 drop] Amnesia (in) = 3.5L pH 6.4 Amnesia (out) = 1.4L (40%) pH 5.8 [0.6 drop]
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
12 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 °C
24 °C
19 L
84.99 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.79 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.2 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 2.1 mll
SUMMARY: Due to time constraints I decided in the end to make this the last week. I checked the trichs on both plants and the Amnesia now has plenty of amber heads and the OG now also has some albeit much less. Though all trichs are at least milky with the exception of the rare clear head or 2. I did a quick flush watering with rain water only on Monday, Tues, and Thursday then left to dry until Saturday when I chopped them down. DAY 92 -------- Thursday 03/12/2020 I fed the plants. GWE 04/2020 updated schedule Week 9 Late Bloom nutes for the OG and then the Sensi Garden Peak nutes for the Amnesia. OG (in) = 5.5L pH 6.5 OG (out) = 0.6L (11%) pH 5.6 [0.9 drop] Amnesia (in) = 3.5L pH 6.4 Amnesia (out) = 1.6L (46%) pH 5.8 [0.6 drop] If my eyes don't deceive me it would appear that the Amnesia is finally starting to pack on some weight! Hopefully both will have a decent yield in 2 weeks time. The RH has been at 45-48% for the last week and the temps are consistent at 24°C and so we're right on track. DAY 94 -------- Saturday 05/12/2020 I fed the plants though gave the amnesia less volume as it doesn't need it. GWE 04/2020 updated schedule Week 9 Late Bloom nutes for the OG and then the Sensi Garden Peak nutes for the Amnesia. OG (in) = 5.5L pH 6.4 OG (out) = 0.4L (8%) pH 5.3 [1.1 drop] Amnesia (in) = 3L pH 6.2 Amnesia (out) = 1L (33%) pH 5.6 [0.6 drop] The OG is drinking more and more and both plants are definitely starting to pack on some weight now and I'm very excited. DAY 95 ------ Sunday 06/12/2020 I checked the trichs on both plants and its a good job I did as the Amnesia has plenty of amber heads (possibly upwards of 30% its very hard to confirm tbh as the usb microscope is handheld and so VERY sensitive to movement - it took me best part of 30mins to get enough clear shots for me to decide the Amnesia is done). I took shots of both trichs using my usb microscope but as its cheap and the app is freeware it is awful and so just clumps all your pics together and not in any particular order, or at least not in the order they were taken and so after spending 30mins+ taking pics I don't know which are from which plant! But both have amber trich heads showing though the OG doesn't have as many as the Amnesia as expected. I wasn't going to do a flush after doing some research and seeing that its a controversial topic over whether there is any benefit and my rationale being that I'd rather the buds be as big as possible and so it made sense to feed up until chop. However I changed my mind after not being able to find a reputable source that claims flushing is not beneficial plus the general consensus is that you absolutely must flush if using synthetic nutes which I am. I will flush from now until Friday and then chop on Saturday or Sunday. DAY 96 -------- Monday 07/12/2020 I watered with rainwater (pH between 6.2-6.4) giving the OG 6L and the Amnesia 5L to ensure plenty of runoff. DAY 97 -------- Tuesday 08/12/2020 I watered with rainwater (pH between 6.2-6.4) giving the OG 6L and the Amnesia 5L to ensure plenty of runoff. DAY 99 -------- Thursday 10/12/2020 This should technically be week 15 as of today but as I'm chopping on Saturday its just not worth creating another flowering week in this diary. I watered both plants for the last time today, both with rainwater (pH between 6.2-6.4) giving the OG 6L and the Amnesia 5L to ensure plenty of runoff. I will now let the plants dry out until harvest which will be on Saturday 12th. I have also knocked the lights off to leave them in darkness now until chop which gives them roughly 40 hours of darkness as advised by many. Apparently the darkness can somehow increase the potency though it seems this is another controversial topic and one I haven't done enough research on and so have decided to do so as all the tutorials/guides/diaries I've read do 12-72 hours of darkness before chop. If I don't chop this weekend then I'll be pushing it if I want another harvest before I go away next year. If this wasn't the case I would let these run until the Amnesia was about 50% or more amber to give the OG time to catch up as the OG genetics are much superior to the Amnesia.
Used techniques
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
63 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Earthy, Flowery, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I'm really impressed with the results from the OG as I chopped so early due to time restraints. The bud quality is not the best in regards to composition though it is surprisingly much better than the Amnesia which flowered for roughly 3-4 weeks longer! The buds are a little on the larfy side though some have some good structure and bag appeal. I hung and dried the buds on the stems in darkness at 21°C and 55-60% RH for 7 days at which point I could snap the smaller stems and hear the snap (yet they do not break clean off) which is exactly the right the time to jar them up according to my research. However I believe I would have benefited from jarring them up after 5 or 6 days as the RH in the jars has remained stable at 60-62% not climbing any higher than 63-64% and so I may have over dried them just a little. It is my understanding that I should see the RH steadily increase at which point I would burp the jars to keep the RH around 62% yet the RH is stable. I burped them daily for 10-20mins for the first week just in case as I didn't want to risk spoiling the buds however I believe this is not necessary if the RH is where you want it. The smell from the jar is strong and the buds get me high. The high is strange, its a creeper which intensifies as time passes. At first I thought it was quite weak, however I felt myself melting over the next 15mins and was then very high. It reminded me of the highs I felt in Amsterdam. I feel like I could keep smoking it and not throw a whitey/go green....just keep getting higher. If I'm 100% honest with myself though I think I had built my expectations up too high (pun not intended) and so I feel a little underwhelmed. I first sampled the bud after only 5 days of curing though which I feel is unfair to judge it on. I'm leaving it to cure now and will start smoking it after the 3 week mark.
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Talkative
Positive effects
Earthy, Flowery, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Really disappointed with this harvest in every way sadly. The dry weight was less than expected, not by too much, but I thought I might get close to 2 oz when I was looking at the buds on the plant. The quality of the buds overall is poor, though there are some nice solid buds. It has dried poorly though, I think what has happened is that my dehumidifier was blowing air directly onto the buds or as good as which has speed dried the buds. I say this because the OG Kush is completely different in quality and this was no where near the dehumidifier. I think that the air flow from the dehumidifier was reflecting off the tent wall (I had the dehumidifier facing the tent wall) and speed drying the Amnesia buds as the buds are brittle, almost flaky, and they have almost no smell. Interestingly though, the smell from the OG is what I could smell in the tent throughout the flowering stage of growth and so I don't think I've ever actually smelt the Amnesia meaning it could just be that this strain is poor genetically (I received x3 Amnesia freebies from Seedsman). When I first jarred the buds the RH stabilized around 53% which further indicates that they have been speed dried. The RH did not increase after 24-30 hours in the jars and so I placed the buds in a ziplock bag with a moist paper towel for 120mins. After placing the buds back in the jars the RH stabilized at around 63% however the bud quality, smell and taste has not improved after curing for a week. The taste is not nice at all, there are no discernible flavors. It tastes like bad weed which confirms to me that I have fucked up somewhere and considering how well the grow went I can only conclude that the buds have been speed dried by my dehumidifier. This would explain the poor quality and lack of taste or smell. 31/01/2021 UPDATE After a 6 week cure the good sized buds have hardened nicely and though the smell is still not good its better than it was. Hard to describe the smell really, not like hay but not good. The taste has improved and the overall quality of the smoke. I would not recommend growing this strain for smoking and would suggest it be used for baking/hash/rosin though it is serving me well as a daytime smoke and is enjoyable.


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heizencommentedweek 144 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@heizen, thanks man. I just got done harvesting yesterday and I'm absolutely made up with the dry weight...will be posting soon as I've sampled so that I can give a smoke report
Ferenccommentedweek 44 years ago
Good Luck! @rockbo47
rockbo47commented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks man!
iHateSativacommentedweek 144 years ago
Happy Smoking Friend
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
Sooo lit.
the end.
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