➡️05/10 I start a new week without a good reason in reality. The previous one counted too many days, then I create too much confusion and I am already confused about my XD Nothing in particular to say today, so good
➡️06/10 It is clear that the White Widow auto is growing well, while L seems a bit stuck, if I don't notice any changes by tomorrow I will probably have to flush her. Maybe all those pushups stressed her a lot at the end ^^" Well so, Yeah!
➡️07/10 The White Widow auto continues to grow. L, as you can see from the photos, has turned and turned some leaves almost 360 degrees. Now he has started growing again out of band planting. will be rearranged and allowed to blossom with the others .... or maybe not, I haven't decided yet: D Well so, Yeah!
.➡️08/10 Wet with 0.4 of fertilized water, next time I will try to wet with correct water and see how they react. Well so, Yeah!
➡️09/10 No big changes. Everything is going normally, shyppuppy
➡️10/10 Wet with 0.2 of water at the correct ph.
➡️11/10 L has been folded again, and remains in the flowering box, if it turns out to be female I will take some clones and revegetate it, perhaps. The White Widow car was moved along with the other automatics to the Lodge. Well so, Yeah!
➡️12/10 Nothing to report even today, Shippuppy
Ah, I gotcha. I'm new, so my eyes can't quite catch those at initial glance. Hehe. Thank you for the info. There are so many ways to cultivate this plant, it's amazing. Ty
the clones do, they have pistils, but they were taken from the mother plants already in bloom and revegetated under 18/6 of light. The two small ones near the neon are recovering these days, while the two in the 6.5 l pot have taken root a week after cutting and are now already at the sixth internode: D