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Proxy #1 Cancelled, 'Violator Kush'

4 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
58 %
21 °C
20 °C
24 °C
0 L
0 L
91.44 cm
Okey Dokey, time to catch up on updates. This ones only 10 days behind...😂. Here's the first week and strain details for little Violator Kush: *Will edit in new equipment schedule in a short time* Strain Information (Direct From Barney's): Type: Feminised/Photoperiod Genetics: Malana Charas x Hindu Kush Effect: Body High, Euphoria, Social, Talkative, Sleepy Indoor Yield (g): up to 650 gr/m² Flowering Time (days): 55 - 60 Strain Type: 80/20% Indica Dominant Height Indoor (cm): 90cm Taste: Spicy Pine, Pepper Aroma: Spicy, Pungent, Earthy, Hash, Tropical Notes of the Week: -So! I've been pretty damn chill with this grow and that's a little unlike me... Finally starting to learn that less is more and my tom-foolery won't make them grow faster, haha. That being said! I did over-water VK early on, lol😂. Only her though, so that's progress. This stunted her a little bit and she needed time to disperse the extra water retention. Now she's taking off but that first week was a slow go. -She's the same age as Glookies, but there's a clear difference in vigor, because of that over watering. Everything's good now, but man, one mistake can cost you days... -Did a standard seed soak w/ VK and put her in PT to tap. Beginning to end, this took 60 hours. I have/am dropping the preemptive soak and just going to paper towel now and reducing heat a tad. I have already done this with my new proxy project and everything went crazy well... They tapped FASTER in paper towel along then with the pre-soak, in about 50-ish hours.. what? So ya, no more of that. I just see it as a loss of time. Thanks to my buddy for waking my up and telling me to do less. It's easier this way. -Will be transplanting to 2 gallon by end of week 2 w/ all girls. Since this is a retroactive entry, I have already done this and all girls are happy and healthy in their new home👍. Went with 2 gallon to 5 gallon this time b/c the 3 gallon fabrics did not leave me enough room to properly transplant. I was kinda forcing dirt down the side of the 5 gallon pot around the 3 gallon core, but this just made it bulbess and wonky. In time the soil settled and I would have massive air gaps. Don't want that this time, so two gallon it is. That's it, that's all for now. Thanks for stopping by and cheers to all you happy growers. Have fun out there and stay safe, enjoy your girls and grow that sweet, sweet bud👌. Much love, catch you on the flip side👋👊
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
450 PPM
58 %
21 °C
20 °C
23 °C
8 L
0 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 9
Stim Root #1 (Softwood) 0.325 mll
Miicrobial Mass 1.981 mll
RapidStart - Terra Aquatica
RapidStart 0.032 mll
Howdy Folks! Violator is actually 21 days old today, I'm just very behind and catching up on this update...she's not dead, don't worry😄. This update will cover Day 9-15. The Deets: The Good: -Greeeat bounce back with violator. She looks decent in the photos but on day 21 here, she is in full gear and is impressing the poop out of me. My initial over-watering stunted her, but we are more then back on track w/ her exponential growth kicking into high gear. -Transplant came up Aces. I had a hard time popping her out of her solo, and I was pretty worried that my meddling would put her into shock or at the very least, stress. Nope! Nothing...didn't even dip out. Very, very pleased that I didn't piss her off cause she was already behind a tad and I didn't want to stunt her further then I already had. -First feeding with Future Harvest went wonderfully. No issues what's so ever. No burns, droop or negative symptoms occurring. Very happy with this line so far as I move into their more advanced schedule. -Her and the other girls seem to have acclimated now to the intense light and I've found the sweet spot, seemingly for all four girls. The Bad: Notta👍 The 'Meh': -Still having humidity issues and the tent isn't exactly running in optimal fashion... But! just jumped into Inkbirds WiFi Gateway and devices to automate my tent parameters. Only just figured it all out and connected everything. Should be in full operation by tomorrow when I do another set up of updates. So far, so good. They work very well, are very accurate and the APP/interface is very easy to use and set. My limits and lows are in place and it didn't take very long...and this is coming from a computer illiterate, so if I could do er, you can too!😲😄 Notes of the Week: -Initial feedings went well and we will be moving to a higher ec feed next week. No negative symptoms have occurred thus far and I'm quite pleased with FH's performance so far. Everything is functioning and I can see it working. Still have yet to feed a full recommended schedule, but we'll get there in time. **SPECIAL NOTE** IF you pick up FH's line, please be aware of the different schedules they offer as some are far too heavy on the nutes and I wouldn't been giving that level of ec so early on... I spoke directly with an FH rep and he suggested to go low and start slow with their line, since it is advanced and things can swing too far if we're not careful. He also heavily recommended the schedule with lower ec feeds from Week 1 onward. Please be aware of how much you're giving them if using FH. I haven't had problems yet but that's cause I'm moving slow and introducing a new additive/supplement every feed to see plant reaction. -All girls have been moved to 2 gallons. I probably should have gone straight to 5 to save time, but I'm practicing my watering techniques and logging how everything is going. I see now that I have a pretty decent handle on watering a small plant in a big pot, so we'll just cut the middle man next round. Love the little fabrics though...cute! -As mentioned, Inkbird set-up is being finalized and this tent should be almost entirely automated. I have done every last thing manually since the beginning, but I see that it's time to take a step here and broaden my scope. They had a! Purchased to full kits as I will be acclimated my second tent in the exact same fashion to adequately test the EVA 3 against my quantum's. Everything needs to be the same parameter wise...only the light will be the difference and I hope this will yield far more accurate results. I'll stop there! There's more but I gotta run. Tonight is the night folks. Proxy project #1 is going to be big show. Girls are healthy and 1 week old. Kept in propagation unit I lent him for this week, but we are moving the large unit as it is acclimated and automated already. SF is at 24" and 60%, or roughly 11,000 LUX. This way we're saving some power and reducing our heat. He's excited...I'm excited...and that first entry will be loooooong! Beware😂. Cheers folks! Much love and have a great week. I'm trying to keep up with everyone's goings on! If I haven't been by in awhile, please trust you'll see me soon. Getting my poop together, haha. Peace!👋👊
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
11.43 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
650 PPM
65 %
21 °C
20 °C
24 °C
8 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 8
Sturdy Stalk - Emerald Harvest
Sturdy Stalk 0.793 mll
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.321 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 1.717 mll
Hello all you happy growers. No... my plants aren't dead😂. I'm just behind because my internet service provider decided I don't need service, lol! This week will cover Day 16-22. The Deets: The Good: -Ohhh so happy with Violator. She has been moving very well and taking her feeds like a champ. At first she was very runty but she seems to have some good vigor and I can see she will most likely catch up with at least 2 of her counterparts. -Great texture, great color, good health and all is looking like it's up and up for Violator right now. The Bad: -No Bad😊 The 'Meh': -Spent 4-5 days to acclimate and automate the unit w/ the InkBird WiFi line and Hub's. Took time and some headaches, but I got er'👊. Not even really a 'Meh', just took some time and was kind of pain. Now that it's set, it feels gooooood. Notes of the Week: -As mentioned I have taken another step further and wanted to automate my unit. I had no issue doing all this manually before, but I'm getting quite busy these days, have a lot going on and I really needed for them to take care of themselves. The days spent adjusting and calibrating devices were completely worth it... Best buy I have gone for in a long time and I caught them on their 10th anniversary sale. Couldn't say no to 40-50% off! -With the new automation I have already cut my exhaust, intake, humidifier and supplementary heater power usage by 66%... Hot damn. Before it was an odd system, running 24/7 without the best balance between heat and humidity. Now, nothing is on in tandem with one another anymore and everything cycles only 5 minutes for 4 times an hour (20 min of 60 min). I'd say this power savings alone is worth the cost of the set-up, but it's so much better then that. I'm loving these things! -All girls are healthy and happy. They may have had a slower start due to my tom-foolery, but we're on cruise control now w/ each blowing up and showing me who they're going to be. Preliminary training has started on all four as I try to expose some laterals for training. Coming into the 4th week, I appear to have all my main laterals I need for training and to create my bubbles👍. -I'm doing okay with Future Harvest nutes and I haven't made a mistake yet, but I do feel I'm pushing my limits with Phosphorous again... The feed after the listed one above was her last for a tiny while and they're on water feeds with either a micro dose of M-G-B or Miicrobial mass to assist in unplugging any issues at the root zone (P/Cal). For now though, I'm not in a rush and they're moving fine. Don't feel like pushing my luck this round so going to back off my P as well until I feel it's necessary to apply such high doses. -At the time of writing this entry (a week old) two girls have been topped and the other ladies will be fluxed tomorrow, September 27th. Training is going into high gear and it's time to fill a tent😀 *Moving Forward*: Where do I even start... Ah, these girls right here are being moved. I will still be growing them to end game but they will not be on my premises for legal reasons. I have had my interviews with Fotonica and have a pretty good idea on when EVA 3 will be arriving and when I will need to commission this unit for a comparison grow vs SF-2000's. So here's the deal. These four girls are going to a friends house, the same fella I had mentioned I was walking through the growing process, built up his tent unit and gave him some babies to grow. Those babies are being taken back now and will either be scrapped or kept, pending on where I can find them a home. They're admittedly effed up and stunted, so I'm considering a fresh run (I effed them up, not my friend...oops!😬). I spread myself and my equipment thin and they did not get the attention they needed or deserved. THIS fresh run will be operating under one diary and will be a multi strain grow (4 plants). I will be propagating these for about 4-5 weeks before they TOO will move to a different friends house to grow to end game....😅😅. At this time, I should have EVA 3 and will start MY grow, lol!! Kind of a crap show, but trust me when I say, I've been working on this for 1.5 weeks and it's gonna work damnit! Hahaha. That's as far as I'll go for now cause it's confusing and I'm confused. I have a bit to go here and have been working everyday, converting rooms, moving equipment, acclimating new environments, piecing and building new tent units, etc...etc... It is all worth it as I have achieved what I wanted... access to more plants, product and equipment. In two months I should hopefully have a total of 12-16 plants running in 3 locations. Alllll legit and legal so I don't get crapped on!😄 If you read all that...thank you and I'm sorry, lol. I'll catch you all with a late 4th week update which will consist of pictures from my unit up until the move and new home at my friends place. A new set and that new diary will be up in a couple weeks. Cheers all! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to catch you on the flip side. If you know of a good way of transferring files from android to PC, let me know. I gotta get this figured out or I have to do this all through my phone. Ouch. Peace!👋👊
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
19.05 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
65 %
21 °C
20 °C
25 °C
8 L
0 L
74.93 cm
Nutrients 7
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.528 mll
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.321 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 1.717 mll
Gonna make this one suuuuper quick. I'm tired and this is update number 5, haha. Here's a short update on Violator Kush. The Deets (Days 23-30): The Good: -All and all a good week. She took initial training well, feeds well and was visibly growing well in the first half of the week. The topping didn't stress her out too bad and she was right as rain within 20 minutes of fluxing. -I really like her fans and I've never had a plant like this yet. Such wide, over-lapping indica-esque fans... Quite unique to me and this will force me to learn some new defo methods to keep her breathing. I look forward to it👍. The 'Meh': -Symptoms in the late week started to pick up and became noticeable to the naked eye. Just like the others, I don't know what's going on at this point but will be doing her first run off to see what's happening below soil. At this time I've already made the conclusion that I have a soil issue, not a nutrient one. So....I don't repeat my mistakes, but I sure as hell find new ones. Haven't seen these symptoms before and I guess I'm in for another learning curve. I'll do what I can and won't give up on these ladies. They're going to make it and I'm gong to learn some new stuff. Catch 22, but that's how she goes. Notes of the Week: -As I don't feel I will be able to keep up with super thorough diaries on all the girls, I've decided to make Glookies the Master Diary instead of copy/pasting between journals. From here on out Glookies will have the mass bulk of all information pertaining to all the girls procedures, new schedules, plans and misc. information. The other diaries will include the "Good" and the "Meh" w/ pictures, but entries will be far less in depth. -At the time of writing this I am estimating an additional 2.5-3 weeks of Veg time on all the girls. With some stunting, pH imbalance and mistakes made, we lost a bit of time, but time is all it is. With their new pot up, adjusted pH and feedings, I do trust these girls are going to be happy and blow the hell up in the coming weeks. They are already starting in poor conditions. If I give them what they want, I see nothing but good things in the future. -Proxy Project #2 will be started by the end of this week (Oct 4th) and I should hopefully be able to share a one week update on the new kids. These will be with me for about a month (or when EVA 3 comes in) and then will be transferred to my other friends home for the remainder of propagation under a HPS/MH system (First timer with MH/HPS). -Everything is kind of up in the air when it comes to my actual project start date. I haven't even picked the genetics I'm going to be using... but am slowly working things out. -Bedroom has been completely converted into the official grow room. She's tight, but it's more then adequate for a side by side comparison grow. Damn near every device and piece of equipment is the same, all the way down to the cords used. These units will be operating under the same environment w/ the only differing parameter being the lamp itself. We're gonna do this right👍. I would like the results to be as accurate and concise as possible. -Many, many updates to catch up on and many new entries to start. I really don't think I'll have it all down for a couple weeks here. Entries will continue to be one week behind as I try to catch up on things😃 Notes of the Week is copy/pasted between journals, so this WAS a short entry for me😅. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to have all week 5 photos up and running in the next two days. Calm before the storm ya'll! Let's see how she goes. Cheers and I'll catch you on the flip side👋✊
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
55 %
23 °C
21 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
78.74 cm
Nutrients 5
Cal-Mag Plus  - Botanicare
Cal-Mag Plus 0.66 mll
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 0.528 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 0.66 mll
Hello everyone! Just like Glookies and Aya Purple, this entry will cover Days 31-41 (Weeks 5 and 6). Tough couple weeks but we're in week 7 now and things are starting to come up Millhouse. Here we will go you will see all my mistakes and just how badly I pushed these little ones. It was neglect, straight up, but I really wasn't doing well and am hoping they'll forgive me in time. More info about the happenings can be found in the Master "Glookies" Diary, but here is pretty much a copy/paste of Aya's entry because both these girls were very similar in their symptoms and I treated the both of them in tandem, on the same schedule. The Deets: Good and 'Meh': -Alive but peeved off. They were NOT happy in these 10-11 days until I started to recovery procedure. Problem in Short Form: -Wild pH imbalance and very low. Soil turned or was hot for awhile clocking in at 4.5-5.0pH. This caused a nutrient take up issue, starving the plants while simultaneously stunting them. -Leaves became dark, droopy and shiny with P/Cal/Mag defs. starting to occur on bottom. Top is still relatively spot free except for discoloring. -Weak root system and poor uptake left plants water logged, further starving and now asphyxiating them. -Handcuffed for feeding with no way to adjust soil pH or nutrient levels until water dissipates. Quick Run-Down Plan: -Expedite dry time and flush when ready. Give adequate feeding at 6.7 to raise pH and stop starvation, carrying them to next feed/flush. Do this at least once and observe. If symptoms do not regress or plants do not rebound, repeat and/or adjust process for second procedure and plant run-down. -Take dead plant life, gently train out and aerate center/lower canopy. Increase extraction to 24/7 operation with higher fan circulation within tent, on pots and top soil. Gently punch aeration holes and till top 1 inch of top soil to help aeration and quicken dry time. Current Status: -Far, far better and moving to three times the size as early week 5. Still symptomatic w/ clear P/Cal/Mag and now K deficiencies. -PH moved 1.2 points upward and almost out of the danger zone. -Plant will need second procedure with a higher ec feeding (w/ root stimulator) @ 6.5pH. Expect this to be adequate food to carry her through dry time while buffering the remaining hot soil to 6.0-6.2pH. This will be applied in mid/late week 7. That's her! Tough to watch but things are coming back together as I type. Will update week 7 tonight or tomorrow to show you I'm not lying, hahaha😂. She's still got a ways to go, but we'll get there. I appreciates you all for stopping by and I absolutely guarantee I'll catch up with your projects in very good time, here. Just catching up with life atm. Cheers for now! Catch you later👋
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
33.02 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
550 PPM
55 %
23 °C
21 °C
24 °C
19 L
1 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 4
Holland Secret - Micro - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Micro 1.268 mll
Holland Secret - Grow - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Grow 1.268 mll
Holland Secret - Bloom - Future Harvest
Holland Secret - Bloom 1.004 mll
**Full Disclosure, this entry is more for me and is meant to be cathartic. I have no where else to express this or tell this story, so I'd like to do it here. In no way, shape or form do you have to upvote or read this entry. I thank you for your time if you do read through this slog and if you have similar stories, I would really like to hear them... Really would. I feel like I'm crazy pills and need to know I'm not the only one dealing with/seeing these people....right? Anywho...** This will be the final entry for all four girls (Glookies, VK, GZ and Aya P) on their 49th day, w/ one or two final photos I managed to take. There has been a falling out and I have been ostensibly used and abused (hustled as @Med_in_tropic would say). This entry will be copy/pasted between journals as I'd only like to do this once...I don't want to think about it anymore😓. This will be less about the plants and more of a warning for other growers attempting to do what I have been doing. I'd like to go over some pieces of the story that lead me here and share "Red Flags" with the community that we should all be looking out for, before jumping into a project with someone else... We will be calling this person "Person 1" throughout this entry, along with "Person 2" the spouse of Person 1. The Deets: Initial Project Plan, Agreements and Task Delegation (Spoken word contract with other individual): -The unit and equipment used were discussed and Takeoff's were done my by myself to build his unit with all devices, cords, equipment and misc. good's he would need to start a proper grow. No research on the part of "Person 1" was performed. Down to the nutrients and mediums chosen, "person 1" did not participate other then making the payment for the goods. -I agreed to start all four specimens at my location as he "did not have the time for early propagation". This is a common theme... I provided top tier Barney's genetics, 2 gallon fabrics and soil mediums, propagating these until 'Week 4' at which time I planned to transfer these kids to their new home. "Person 1" was not involved in any way shape or form. When asked to come observe his new kids, he refused as "he was busy..." All correspondence was done via text message even though he literally lives 2.5 minutes from me. (Red Flag #1) -"Person #1" Had agreed to take my reading material and project notes for review so he would have a basic understanding of the process. He received grow bibles by both Jorge Cervantis and Greg Green (120 dollars in text). He put it on his cupboard. Four weeks later, it was still on his cupboard, un-cracked. The post it notes I have in those books alone are gold...and direct myself and anyone reading to pertinent information, definitions and proper propagation procedures. (Red Flag #2). -"Person #1" became upset at me when questioned as to why he had not read anything I had given him. I expressed concern that without a base knowledge coming into his first grow, things would not go well. I explained that we have individual responsibilities to self learn and refine our own methods. His response "I do not like to read. I would prefer if you sent short article's, charts, pictures etc... This is how I learn". Okay, revamp. Started to link articles and charts pertaining to basic propagation, deficiencies to look for, lighting levels, VPD charts etc... Several days later I quizzed him on the information shared. "I didn't read it, I was busy" and "I think I prefer being shown and told what to do". Okay, another revamp with one on one instruction. Person #1 took very few opportunities to learn with me, one on one. Multiple opportunities for feeding lessons, pH balancing, training lessons, testing lessons etc... were mostly ignored. There was an excuse for everything. -This led me to a very frustrating break down (mentally). We were having major plant issues but person #1 was of no help and was compounding the problems by over/under watering at every interval, even with direct instructions not to do so (feeding gallon of water, not properly balanced at two hours before lights out when asked for at least 8 hours of transpiration before lights off). -Plants were in a bad way, I was being ignored and I had to walk away to assess where I stand. After one week I decided I couldn't' abandon the girls. They were mine, not his, and every last procedure and action was taken by his his house...where he lives. I came back with new boundaries and was very civil in expressing my concerns about the project, his accountability, lack of ambition and continuous plant damage. I pleaded with him that I NEED him and can't do this alone, that I can't spend 2-3 hours every second day fixing his mistakes and/or propagating the plants. I needed him to take the reigns on key responsibilities that were must's, not "if you have the time". -Agreement came and I went back to work. Person 1 showed a change in attitude for a whole 4 days, before reverting back to all the above** I was left alone to bring them back...and I did. 2 weeks, three procedures and 16 hours later, the girls picked up, deficiencies were tackled, pH was swung back into place and plant growth became exponential. -Person 1 fought me daily on his agreed upon tasks and continually/seemingly tried to twist my arm into doing everything he needed to be doing. Invited me over for a "smoke session" just to redirect me to the plants, asking me to feed/train/etc... for him. Made "jokes" about just giving me a sleeping bag so I could take care of them myself... This is where things degraded quickly. His comments woke me up. -I came to the very late revelation that Person 1 had no intention of growing Cannabis, he was interested in free weed without the work. Person 1 decided that buying the equipment needed was as far as he would go and was responsible for. Anything after the fact was on me, but this wasn't the agreement... I was completely on my own, in their chaotic/mentally unwell home/family, stuck in the basement trying my best to focus on the plants and not what was happening around me. **Straw That Broke the Camel's Back** October 20th was the end and I had lost all faith/hope for a positive outcome to this project and this friendship. I had estimated the dry time of two girls for Monday and instructed him multiple times via text, phone and in person, that the soil retention needed to be checked and if the moisture probe came back 1-2, we needed to feed right away (This was over 4 days and I drilled it into his head that there was no "if" but when they're dry, we need to move. I explained that we just went through hell and back, explained the aforementioned effort and time I put into these plants to get them back to where they are now and finally, that we could not afford more mistakes as the stress these girls had been put under was getting to a dangerous level. They needed care and attention from him, for once. HE AGREED! Monday morning I ask if he checked, "No, busy, will do later". Asked in afternoon, "Nope, busy will definitely do later👍. Will send pictures and updates". Nothing came in that night. A final text was sent at 7 PM when I know he's in his garage toking up, but he ghosted me. -Tuesday he contacts me and asks if I wanna hang out (He previously said he was unavailable Tuesday and he would talk to me Wednesday with an update on the girls). I go over to his house and within 3 minutes he starts directing me to the basement... ya, I saw where this was going and my anxiety spiked. Long story short, he did not check those plants over a span of the agreed upon 40hrs he had to do so. Nor had he even looked at them or been in the grow room for 48 hours (he was off work too btw...). He opens the tent and my heart sunk. Aya Purple and Gorilla were in complete shambles, wilting and actively suffering. All I could muster was "why man, just...why would you allow this?". Person 1 "I was busy/I didn't know/I don't know how"... I snapped inside but tried very hard not to show it. He wanted me to stay and feed the plants the nutrient schedule he had promised to apply 24-36 hours prior. I said no, it's too late in the day now and dropping 3 gallons of water on them, especially in this state was not a good idea. Asked him to prime the plants with 500-750ml of balanced tap to carry them into the next day where I!!!! would have to apply the new schedule (he conveniently worked the next day and couldn't do it... was busy...😭) -I let myself out very quickly and explained I was tired and had my own crap too do. I let myself calm down and then wrote a extremely civil email sharing my feelings about how things were going. I explained my mental health was not good, that our relationship was being strained, promises were not being kept and that I felt like I was being used. I pleaded once again for his help and that I couldn't do this on my own, especially with all the new projects I'm trying to get on the go for myself (which he knows is very, very important too me). I asked for accountability and for a more active roll in the process. If you think I was asking a lot, I wasn't. I asked for him to look at the plants every day, test how dry they were and report any issues. Would take all but 3-5 minutes of his time. He did not reply. -We spoke later on in the evening, but not in regards to the plants or my message, but rather, he wanted something. My dumbass decided to help them with a product return and I!!!! did an email correspondence to rectify the product issue😂😂 (Wtf is wrong with me man. That's not sarcasm. I'm a friggin push over). Anywho, I let him know I had resolved HIS issue and he was getting a new 80 dollar unit sent to his home, through me and my efforts over 4 days, hahaha. No nothing, just said "well, who's paying the shipping (5 dollars)". Do you want the free replacement I worked to get, worth 80 bucks? This actually hurt man. All that work for him to disregard the effort and bitch about 5 dollars (which he didn't have to pay for, btw...). -Next day I was tasked with feeding the girls now, as the previous day was a wash and where I asked him to Prime the soil. His spouse (Person #2) has not been mentioned throughout this yet, but trust me when I say, she is an equal road block to this project and was key in exacerbating my poor mental health and negative self esteem. Her life is chaos, simple as that. Constant case of the "Poor me's" and the world done me wrong. All negative and I would be cornered by her with relentless anger about whatever the hell she was on about that day. She was on work leave and was home alllllllllll the tiiiiiiiiiiiiime. There was no escape from her and holy shit was it anxiety inducing just walking into that house. -Whenever Person #1 deemed his feelings hurt, he wouldn't talk to me, he talked to "Person #2" who validated him and convinced him he had done no wrong and I was a super meanie. Any and all issues I brought of with Person #1 were fielded by Person #2 because he could not justify his actions and needed his SO to fight these battles (this and every other battle he faces). -Anywho, walk into the home and it was instant confrontation. Her back against the wall, tone and attitude geared up and looking for a fight. I didn't even make it to the stairs before she was yelling at me about how selfish I was, how pathetic I was, how I was the fucked up one, and on and on. You can take a wild guess about the very nice things she said to me. I tried to counter, but she likes the "whoever speaks louder is correct" tactic, so I picked up my gear and started walking out. She then screamed at me and asked where I was going, lol! She fully expected me to go to work on the plants after being verbally abused for 5 minutes😅😅. WTF! LOL! On leaving she said a few funny things to which I quipped back before shutting that door for good. "We don't know what we're doing!", "This was supposed to be FUN!" and "But we bought the equipment!". I said you're right, you don't know anything. I have spoon fed you everything you need to be successful but you rejected it. 8 weeks of extensive talks, practicum and teaching and you still don't know what you're doing? That's not on me. And is this fun for you? It must be fun watching plants grow without putting in any of the effort. How is this fun for me, going out of my way to grow your plants, in your home where I would get a 1/4 of harvest. Wooooooow, what a sweet frigging deal. You guys are so generous. Finally, yes, you bought the equipment and it's clear that's as far as you were willing to go. Anything after the fact, like the actual propagation of these plants was uninteresting to you and I see now you had expected me to do this in full, even with our prior agreements. Getting far too long and I'm gonna wrap er' up. I'm out, I have not been back and I gave up some material and equipment cause I just don't even want to see their greedy, selfish and condescending faces anymore. The plants are gone. They ostensibly stole 4 stellar plants at 7.5 weeks into Veg and ready to flip and my tents are empty... Before blocking both their numbers and email addresses, he sent one last comment that I feel bothered me the most. "We don't need you, we can figure this out ourselves". This means he was always capable, but chose to be lazy, unaccountable and useless. My final response via text was "I should hope so. I've brought them back to heath and they're on cruise control. You fuck it up, you'd have to be an idiot. And make no mistake, if you bring these to end game, they are and were never your plants. Enjoy the fruits of my labor". Done deal, blocked and no further correspondence. Conclusion: I'm very upset with myself but I'm coming to accept what has transpired and am getting back to where I! need to be. Proxy project #2 has been cancelled as well. My second friend will be receiving the specimens, but I will be freeing myself of any involvement after that. He's now on his own, just like most of us are. He will have to learn to swim or drown again. I'm saddened that I genuinely tried to pay it forward here. I wanted to spread the word locally and bring people into the fold. I had no one at the beginning and people like ROM, Larimar, Grey Wolf, Med and many others stepped up and helped me out. I wanted to take what you gave me and spread the love. My intentions were good, but the way this has played out has left me quite jaded. I will need time to trust other people looking to start growing now. I must be clear here, this is on me. I let myself be a push over, I set boundaries but did not enforce them, I did not protect my peace and mental health, leading to a dark place. I have done this before and I see myself as my own worst enemy atm. Red Flags matter. If you see them, be prepared to walk away immediately. Please don't hang on and continuously make concessions like I did. Your knowledge is valuable, and they need you, not the other way around. I'm still sitting here trying to figure out why I didn't walk away soon and permanently... Written and/or voiced contracts mean nothing. Test their willingness to grow with books and information. If they show an interest and start to catch on to the process, you may have a good growing partner. If you have what I had, with books sitting on the counter for weeks and information in texts ignored w/ no attempt to do any proactive learning, WALK AWAY! Thanks for listening to this... Ummm, I'm not going to talk about this again after these entries. I just lost 4 plants that I had a personal connection with and I need time to accept this loss. IF you want to talk in PM or the thread below however, and share your stories and or tactics to combat these peoples, please don't hesitate to do so🙏 . I feel we need to share with one another and protect each other from being hurt like this. We can pay it forward, but please beware... Turns out people are dicks(?)😂
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 24 years ago
this are a lot of news,,,,, and inbirds products are very good.iam only using the humidity controller, and its such a release, to know the little plant gent enough humidity, without drowning my setup
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, I'm already in love with the inkbird stuff. Just got it all set up and everything holds so nicely😊. Has already showed me where I can improve👍. Girls are super happy.
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 14 years ago
Maan that was short... i was scrolling look if there is more to come^^... loool have fun and enjoy
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Hahahaha, right? Don't worry! I'll be super long winded again, in no time😅😅. Thanks for the well wishes Mrs_Larimar. This one feels good!
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 24 years ago
and from grow to grow you are growing too... its this time a " quantum_ jump------ I hope everything works out well with your new Project,, aaaaaaand iam very courious to your comparison grow with EVA and your Spiderfarmer Quantumboard
Buddha2commentedweek 44 years ago
Great development! Perfect!
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Buddha2, Thank you! Had a rough several days, but we'll be ok😊👌
ShotGunBobcommentedweek 34 years ago
Looking good 💚
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@@ShotGunBob, Thank you home slice🙏
Buddha2commentedweek 14 years ago
I wish you all the best for your new grow!
JinksyGrowscommented4 years ago
@Buddha2, Thank you kindly🙂. I feel.good about this one Buddah ✊
Buddha2commentedweek 34 years ago
Looks good and healthy!
XoticGROW666commentedweek 34 years ago
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 24 years ago
DoDrugs420commentedweek 64 years ago
This should be called a tutorial on how to Violator Kush cuz ur gonna teach a bunch of people exactly how to do it perfectly.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 64 years ago
When can Violator Kush and I run away toghether into the horizon?
heizencommentedweek 64 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
Polaskiscommentedweek 64 years ago
This is one of my favorites big time!!!! Love the distinct flavor 😋 and packs a punch too 👌
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