10/11 - Moved them into the tent finally yesterday after clearing out what had been drying. Girls are looking healthy, the one in the front is 20 inches tall after the first day under good light, i didnt measure yesterday (whoops) but the day before she was 17.5 so Im pretty surprised, I thought the stretch was done. The one in the back is a bit shorter at 18, and was 16.5 day before.
Been just feeding mainly water and adding a splash of phytoplankton every few days.
12/11 - Height seems to have leveled out again, maybe just adjusting to the new lighting. Things are looking good, fed with bat guano, maryphly and NPK bloom microbes yesterday 1/tsp of each in 250 ml of water. Heavy little pots today so going to slow down on the water for today, noticed some mites but with my leaf mulch not surprised, they seem content to eat them and leave my plants alone. Might start bottom watering to dry out the top layer though.
16/11 - Theyve gotten very purple stems and stalk the last three days. Added a topdress of 4tsp ProMix organic tomatoe fert and hoping that will help, not overly worried though they still look sturdy and green enough in the leaves to me,