Week 10 Update
They are almost ready, showing off some end of life fall like colors. Pushing 15+% amber on the upper main cola with mostly cloudy milky and a few stray clears/half milky trichomes scattered throughout.
Watering to the point of nice run off then I'm letting dry out very well until they get watered again about every 3rd to 4th day pushing them a bit to the limit. I do this because if kept constantly watered it will raise the humidity in the tent which is not good at this point. I am still following up with LABS/ Organic blackstrap molasses mixture drizzled on the surface of the pots.
I've also removed most of the accessible fan leaves. I don't like to and try not remove any leaves extending from inside the buds. The reason for this is to avoid moisture from leaking out at the cut creating a condition ideal for molds and bud rots which is lack of air circulation, darkness, moisture and temperature.