➡️06/11 Boring day, nothing to report today ....
➡️07/11 Tomorrow I'll do some better details, but I really think I bet on the wrong suit. Some leaves grow abnormally, the two-pointed one has remained like this ... But let's hold on. 1l of water at the correct pH for this sweetness.
➡️08/11 Nothing important today, we wait ...
➡️09/11 I want to hope that the slow growth is due to the fact that she is in 12/12 light / dark from the beginning, otherwise I have just the wrong seed ... Sister is ready to make clones as she struggles to grow ... Bo, we'll see how proves the situation :)
➡️10/11 Nothing to say today
➡️11/11 Nothing to say today ... let's wait .....
➡️12/11 I turned the pot after cleaning the grow, it doesn't change anything compared to before. Tomorrow I evaluate whether to irrigate, the humidity shows no sign of decreasing and I also changed the coarse salt. We are looking for tips to lower the humidity with the "grandmother's" methods XD
@Celesto, Thank you you are very kind, it is always nice to see that someone appreciates your work: p Thanks a billion. I'll take a look at this dwarf: p
@DreamIT, Ah d'accord !! Le fameux problème de certaines graines qui peuvent germé mais ne jamais pousser ^^ enfin jamais.... toi tu as la chance malgré tout qu'elle ai fait plus que de simplement survivre ! J'ai déjà eu des graines comme celles là !! En ce moment j'en ai une qui à 11 semaines depuis la germination et mesure 7cm, et à toujours mesurée 7cm 🤣 .. Bravo alors d'avoir réussit à faire grandir ta graine !!
PS : C'est toujours plaisant de voir des journaux de culture bien fait ;-)
@Celesto,The variety is considered "fast version" and I admit it is. From another seed a plant was born that has already given me more than 10 cuttings and is in bloom (some of these have already bloomed) but this seed was a bit unfortunate, it showed signs of malformation already at the beginning of the cycle. I also started with a 12-12 cycle, which certainly didn't help the good vegetation. However, I am not discouraged. As already mentioned it is only this seed that was a bit unlucky, but I can guarantee that the flowering of a healthy seed is very fast: p Thanks for stopping by: D
@DreamIT, i used the purple lights for 2 grows and i didn;t even see close to the progress I have with a few short weeks of TS1000! SO stoked we got good lights for our bbys