hey ladie and gents im asking for feedback about my 1month old Chocolope baby 😀 if anyone out there has a little time to check out the pics on my profile and provide some feedback that would be great !!! 😀
hi 👋
Your top site looks great, a nice clean cut on the top and two distinctive new branches coming up the sides....which is exactly what we all want.
Some people might say you took more off the top than you need to...but i used to use my first top to make my first clone...so I can't say anything Lol. It looks clean and proper that's all that matters. 👍
can't see color, but leaves are large and perky enough for their size. plant on far right is further ahead, not sure if it is the same or not. keep up a balanced feed, maintain a wet-dry cycle and it'll be a happy plant.