@Pennello, She smells amazing, a really nice deep fruity smell with a sweetness to it. Reminds me of red wine for some reason and I don't even drink it 😁
Looks like fade... And depending on when it started and how close to finish these are, it's a good thing(edit, because you get a better flush, the plants purging itself of excessive feed). In the last 3 weeks or so if you time your feedings right then the plant starts to cannibalize its own nutes. It starts drawing out of the large fan leaves first and you get the colour change. It's like the maple trees when their leaves go red. Since you're at week 10 I'd say you're safe... If it happens at like week 5 then you're probably dealing with lockout, and need to deal with either feeding schedule or pH
@Sknowman, Thanks for the input, I did think it could be the fade from finishing but the buds don't look properly developed yet. Hopefully they ripen up in these next few weeks....
Congratulations! 👏
A super delicious appearance. 😍
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 10 out of 10!! You rules!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
✔️✔️✔️ If you are going to start a new diary, send us a message and maybe we can help you by sending some seeds.
Sweet smokes!
@Sweet_Seeds, Thanks.
I've had some of the buds curing overnight and I opened the jars and it reminded me of those old Campino sweets crossed with a nice sweet biscuit smell, cant wait to smoke it! Buds are 95% purple with only tiny hints of green.