Germinated 3 CB Dutch Treat seeds (10/15/2020) in a clean shot glass with spring water over night (they all sunk overnight) then moved to a plate in a dark closet with a spring water moistened paper towel. 24 hours later they each had between 1/2" - 3/4" roots sprouting. Placed all 3 into 12 ounce plastic cups with Fox Farm's Ocean Floor soil and began lighting them 24 hours a day in a 4' x 4' x 6.5" tent (10/17/2020)
Transplanted 3 CB Dutch Treat seedlings to 5 gallon felt pots with 3/4 Fox Farm's Ocean Forest soil and 1/4 Coco-Coir plus 16 ounces of vermiculite, 16 ounces of perlite, and 24 ounces of diatomaceous earth today (Wednesday October 28th, 10/28/2020)
All three had many healthy roots filling the bottom of the cup and some growing back up the side of the cup.
I have not added any nutrients yet. I want to wait to make sure they recover from any potential transplant shock before I begin nutrient feeds.