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White Critical Tropical Winter Grow

Approved by Original Sensible Seeds
4 years ago
weeks 6
Grow medium
257 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Germination
4 years ago
2 cm
12 hrs
33 °C
90 %
24 °C
0 L
0 L
A cross between Sativa phenotype of Critical and dripping wet White Widow, Original Sensible Seeds described White Critical as a heavy producer with 60% Indica mix. I have grown Critical + before. I have also grown Widow cross before. These did have high resistance to mold and bugs. However, Critical + flower was fluffy, and some people did get the giggle out of it. Widow cross had ball type nugget shape and did produce a lot of dripping wet trichome again there was some giggles. This combination should make White Critical a good weed for party. Pure sativa would push things out of control. And nobody cares about doing anything when they are too stoned. On the other hand, deliciously dripping wet nuggets would be for my dry season only. Let’s see how Original Sensible Seeds breeding selection would do with this combination. During germination, relative humidity the temperature is 24 C in the morning and 33 C midday. Relative humidity is more than 90. As winter is approaching It will get drier in a couple of month. Max temp during flowering should be around 30 degree C with 60% RH. And this is considered a cool and dry weather. Again, I am growing with 12 hours light schedule from seed. I can hold them back with light leak. On the other hand, plants should have pistils for a few weeks until I put them into flowering area with no light leak. So, I expect only six and a half weeks in flower development time. Germination day 1 I popped all three seeds. And I plan to choose only the best growing one to continue. I dilute one part of hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) with four-parts of very warm water. Then I checked the seeds after 12 hours. Seeds cover cracked on all three seeds. And after 24 hours, root tip show on each seed. Germination day 2 I put seeds on flat cotton pads and align root to point in the same way. I soaked one pad only. And put on three other dry pads on the dripping wet pad. Then the pads are just moist and not too wet. To keep humidity, and to have roots point downward, I put the cotton pad sandwich in a small plastic bag and prop it up vertically. After 24 hours, roots are about 3 mm long. I tend to damage longer root during transplant. And short root is good enough for transplant. I put seeds in soil. Containers were 3-inch X 3-inch. Soil was loose and moist recycled soil from pervious grow. I try to keep the bean part of the seedling on top of the soil and have only the root in. I think this reduces damping off a bit. One seed went all the way in and was under soil for at 3 mm depth. Oh well. Then I sprayed top of the soil with Trichoderma solution. This is to both wet the soil and to reduce damping off risk. Germination day 4 Containers were kept in another container with transparent lid. This is to protect them from my dog and vermin. No watering, soil is still soggy from initial planting. Germination day 5 The next day only two seeds stretched above the soil. The one seed that was shallowly buried did not come up. Keeping root growing straight help with placing seed in the soil. Germinating in vertical position is helpful. Putting just the root in and keeping only the bean part on top lessens the chance of cotyledon rotting under the soil. This increase germination chance of success. I had buried seeds that still comes up. On the other hand, I put seeds in fertilized soil that if full of germs and has nitrogen. And I get much better germinating result when I leave the un-opened cotyledon (bean part) above the soil. No watering, soil is still soggy from initial planting. Germination day 6 All three seeds popped. Germination rate is 3/3. No watering, soil is still soggy from initial planting. Germination day 9 Two seedlings damped off and died. One sole seedling is left. Putting this one in a computer grow case to nurse the baby. Oh well, I only have space to try just one plant any way. No watering, soil is still soggy from initial planting. Happy growing.
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
6 cm
18 hrs
16 °C
70 %
29 °C
2 L
0 L
White Critical Party Weed Tropical Winter Picking up after germination week, this week entry is documenting seedling progress from day 2 to day 14. White Critical seedling moved in a grow case. This is converted from old computer case with home lighting white LED. The case also has a little water pump with timer. It keeps the fragile seedling away from rain, bugs, and slug until she is strong enough. 18 hours light also speed things up a bit. And I plan to keep White Critical indoor for three weeks. Then I’ll take her outside to veg and flower. Day 2 – started in grow case. No watering, soil is still soggy from initial planting. I also added more to fill the container. Day 4 - plodding along. No watering needed yet, but I was away for four days. So, I set the automatic pump to minimum watering once a day. Day 8 – growing well. About 5.5 cm tall. Up size the pot to half gallon. Day 14 – 6 cm tall. Past five days, White Critical had been spending energy on leaves and root and not the height. Could be that the light is bright in the grow box.
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
70 %
29 °C
2 L
0 L
White Critical Tropical Winter White Critical is a short plant even by Indica standard. Looks like she is going to be a four-footer. After one week, Grand Daddy Black only gain 1 cm in height and put out two more pairs of leave. Her soil is also dry. I think White Critical can use more root room. I am not topping her. She looks like an old school indica and I rather have one good size main cola. I am moving her out of boring grow case into the real world full of fluctuations and challenges.
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
7 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
70 %
29 °C
2 L
0 L
After moved outside, White Critical stretch to 17cm tall. Day is getting shorter and it was cloudy thought the week. I also transplanted her to 7-liters fern pot. Fresh worm casting were mixed in in the new soil. And I added Trichoderma in the soil to control water mold. Near by plants are suffering from thrips. So does White critical. There is a dead worm that tried to make burrito out of a leaf. It was dead only half way through. Cridit goes to Metharizium spray. However, thrips can fly and I want to spray Beauvaria bassiana
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
30 cm
12 hrs
50 %
7 L
1 L
White Critical is behaving like a hybrid and is attracting more bugs than a pure indica would. She also outpaced her more Indica brood mate. And she is gaining height. Early this week, I sprayed Beauvaria bassiana once. And it seemed to handle bugs just fine. Changed my brand since I don’t have time to go to my usual shop. And I bought this from a web. Turned out that I like this brand much better than what I have used. The microbe dissolve easily. The nicest thing is that it comes in small tea bags inside a larger bag. This way, it saves the work on weighting and mixing. Most important to me, quick and clean means less risk of contamination. No feeding, no training this week.
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
40 cm
11 hrs
50 %
7 L
1 L
White Critical is growing fast. She is a real joy to grow. Her stem smell minty. This doesn’t mean anything on how cured flower will smell. I had sweet smelling Zkitlles that stem smell minty. And I had spicy Kush that the stem smell the same way. The only thing is that White Critical flower will smell strong. White Critical is supposed to be 60/40 Indica/Sativa. I have three other strains with similar ratio. The decision on White Critical rating will be made against strong competitions. Jut incase, White Critical grows easier with same result, I better take clones. She is not so big so I FIMed her instead of taking a few nodes off as in proper topping. Whiter Critical did not complain too much on this stress and developed side buds. Weather had been nice. Cool and humid night with warm and dry days. Perfect weather for golf and ganja. And it only rained the night before I took this week pics. Feeding, with amino seaweed only. And I sprayed her with one more round of Beauvaria bassiana bugs control microbes. No buzzing buds but this is the season for thrip and white fly. Prevention is better than cure.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
55 cm
11 hrs
36 °C
50 %
29 °C
257 L
1 L
White Critical is growing in her new 25-liters basket. She is 53 cm tall. After FIM’ed a couple of weeks ago, she developed four tops. Think I’ll take a couple for branches for clone later. In case I like the effect, I’ll keep White Critical going for a while. Temperature picked up a bit. It still dryer than last month. There is no bug problem with this plant in spite of major spider mite infestation nearby.
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
70 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
60 %
23 °C
25 L
1 L
White Critical is doing her things after transplanted to 25-liters basket. She is neither impressively fast nor worrisomely slow. Honestly, this is an ideal grow. Growing plant should be uneventful and free from excitement. Side branches are developing well. Her stem is more slender and leaning toward Sativa hybrid side rather than chunky full Indica. Stem rubbing is minty White Widow fashion. This week temperature cooled off a bit. In the morning it gets as cold as 27-degree C. And I see some people break out Everest jackets to combat the cold. Ganja are happy. And temp drop a few degree means that I water once every other day instead of every day. This has to do with coconut shell in my soil mix that acts like little water reservoirs. This week, I stimulate her with sea weed/amino once only. She was recently transplant and there is no need for fertilize. I also gave her molasses once. The molasses is more for the microbes in the soil rather than for the plant.
Week 9. Vegetation
4 years ago
90 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
60 %
23 °C
25 L
1 L
Warm days and cool nights. Temperature at 32 C high and 19 C low with 50% average humidity. White Critical is chucking along at 11 hours day light. And she is 90 cm tall with nice branching. Stems are on the thin side but are getting thicker. Starting to feed her with phosphorus fertilizer and auxin rooting agent to strengthen the stem a bit.
1 comment
Week 10. Vegetation
4 years ago
110 cm
11 hrs
36 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
1 L
White Critical had a growth spurt. She caught up with Granddaddy black. I was careful not to overfeed her. But the only way to learn about her is to push and torture her. At this point, I don’t want to do that. I just want to see if she has would produce buds with Critical smell but with Widow high. To find out White Critcal limit, I would need to take clones and mistreat them. And there are more than enough branches to do that. Next week I’ll clip of a few branches to make clones. Whiter Critical flower time is advertised at 7 weeks. I think transitioning and flowering stretch period will be a week only. And I think that she will stop growing very soon after she is put into flower. So, the way to gain productivity is by keeping her in veg longer than other plants. White Critical is standing at 110 cm tall. With her twin columns, she is big enough. Again, I don’t think she will get much bigger during flowering. So, I am giving her one more week so she can produce a little more. This week I gave her Earth Worm Casting tea, rooting hormones, and Phosphorus fertilizer at 1/4th strength. The obejective is to strengthen her stem and getting her to store up nutrients for flowering burst
Week 11. Vegetation
4 years ago
119 cm
11 hrs
36 °C
50 %
26 °C
25 L
1 L
White Critical twin column are at 119 cm (4 foot) tall. They are good to go for flowering. To date, this is the least eventful plant that I have grown. Yes, it would be an excellent choice for commercial grow. White Critical flowering period is about 7 weeks. And I don’t think that she needs extra big pot. I am transferring her to a smaller 40-liters pot. Attempting to make clone by putting two cuttings to root. This week I gave her rooting hormones and Phosphorus fertilizer at 1/4th strength. Beginning of next week, I shall putting her into flower
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
125 cm
23 hrs
35 °C
50 %
23 °C
25 L
1 L
White Critical took re-potting well. There were some roots at the bottom of the previous container. And some root was damaged. Regardless, she seemed to be healthy. There is a lot more root and plant grow faster when started with Mycorrhiza. One week in flowering spot, pistils started to form. No feeding yet. Letting her accommodate herself for a week. Next week I’ll start giving her some phosphate. Since I sprayed antibug microbes to my other grow, White Critical got the dose also. Else, she would be a bug haven.
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
125 cm
23 hrs
35 °C
50 %
23 °C
25 L
1 L
Two weeks in flowering spot, White Critical still slow with putting out. Tis is slower my other strains with 50 days flowering period. May be I am used to clone that flowers a bit faster than mother from seed. Started to feed her with fish tea and guano tea. Also gave her seaweed to speed up her flowering. There is no noticeable sign of bug damage on White Critical. However, there are small insects perching on leaves. So, I sprayed her with antibug microbes again. Mainly because I am already spraying antibug microbes to my other plants. White Critical got the dose also. Else, she would be a bug haven. The leave discoloration is from built up microbe deposit. Deposit is not from the microbe but it is the media in which microbe was grown in. A few weeks ago, I took two cuttings to make clones. Both survived. On the other hand, it seemed that they had spider mites or gnat damage. No biggie. I have antibug Beauvaria microbes and used it. New sets of leaf should be okay. Let’s see in a couple more weeks. At the end, I’ll be comparing White Critical with Bruce Banner Fast and Grand Daddy Black.
Week 14. Flowering
4 years ago
148 cm
11 hrs
31 °C
50 %
21 °C
25 L
1 L
Third weeks in flowering spot, White Critical started to put out flower in a hurry. She stretched almost 10 inches and is standing at 148 cm. Lucky I have the head room. Good luck to tent growers. White Critical is certainly and easy plant to grow. I can hardly wait to taste her. Started to feed her with Phosphorus and Potassium for flower fattening phase. Also gave her seaweed to speed up her flowering for one last week. White Critical leaves are healthy. I saw a shriveled and dead grass shopper. Beuvaria anti-bug microbe did its job. Keeping up preventive measure, I sprayed her with antibug microbes again. Also crushed aspirin and dissolve in the spray. This is so bugs won’t get headache when they are sick from Beavaria infection. Two White Critical clones are doing okay. Trimming off flowers. So plants do look scraggy. In a couple of weeks, I am keeping just one plant in case I like the taste and effect. At the end, I’ll be comparing White Critical with a Fast version Skittlez style plant. The speed and potency would be similar. Ease of grow is similar. Deciding factors will be about the effect and smell. I am already good with stony Indica. And I want a strain with a tad bit more Sativa.
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
148 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
50 %
22 °C
40 L
2 L
Once she got going, White Critical is amazingly fast. I can hardly believe that it had been only four weeks of flowering. Cola’s get fat and chunky. And flowers are oozing with trichome oil. At 5-feet tall, the think cola’s are impressive. This week is the 4th flowering week. And her total flowering period is only 7 weeks. Therefore the 4th and the 5th are bud fattening weeks. Flower week 6th is terpene promoting. And the 7th and final week is for draining and drying of soil. Ramping up feeding to White Critical, I fed her with one third strength of potassium nutes once at the beginning of the week. And one sixth at the end of the week. Let’s see if her leaves stay healthy without burn. Too healthy leaves means that I have not pushed her enough. Two White Critical clones are doing okay. Sprayed them with spinoteram insecticide as a preventative measure. I gave one away and there is only one left. White Critical is my recommendation for first time grower. This strain easy, fast, and productive.
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
148 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
50 %
23 °C
40 L
2 L
Rich white flower during White Critical’s fifth flowering weeks. Flower fragrant was sweet lemony smell that is not too strong. Looking forward on how sweet the nugs will get after cure. At the point, the nugs are sticky and impressively heavy. This was the fifth flowering week. Since her flowering periods is around 50 days. This week is her final feeding week. And White Critical is too healthy. There was no burn at half strength nute. I did not feed her enough. She fed heavily and could have Qproduced more. White Critical was certainly easy to grow. Spider mites spread from near by growth. Not a big damage to White Critical. There were mites but they did not do too much harm. Nonetheless, I spray spinetoram one last time at the end of the week. White Critical clone is doing okay. She had grown faster than expected. I changed the pot to 25-liters basket. And White Critical clone spent only 2 weeks in 7-liters pot instead of my usual 3 weeks. Since White Critical fed so well, I put in a handful of sugar refinery sludge in the clone new soil. This is 1-1-1 NPK ratiobut has loads of micronutrients in organic form. In Thailand, sugar is refined from sugar cane plants. Sugar processing takes away sweet carbohydrates. The leftovers are weak basic fertilizer that is rich in micro-nutrients. Using sugar refinery waste sludge is recycling of fertilizer in an organic way. And micronutrients improve flavor and potency.
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
148 cm
11 hrs
33 °C
50 %
23 °C
40 L
2 L
Crazy heavy nugs. Even the top colas can not support weight. White Critical is standing up only with help of stakes and wire. A big nugget flopped over with out support. I may have an early tester. White Critical packed weight fast and is smelling lovely. It had been 6 weeks since White Critical started flowering. She is almost ready for harvest. Started trimming off big fan leaves. No more anti bugs spray. Without the fan leave mites and thrips have no place to feed on. Remaining sugar leaves are laden with gummy trichome. No feeding of fertilizer. At the beginning of the week, I gave yogurt to her once to get LAB action going. LAB is Lactic Acid Bacterial. It is known to promote dankness. And most of the LAB are listed on label of drinking yogurt. From now all it’s straight water until the end. Overall, I haven’t paid much attention to White Critical compare to other plants. Yet, she put out large chunky nugs. Comparatively, White Critical nugs seemed heavier than another Indica plant grown at the same time. It took much less effort with White Critical. White Critical is a winner in term of production and ease of growth. However, my key criteria are effects and potency. Lets see how she measure up in a couple of weeks.
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
148 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
95 %
26 °C
40 L
10 L
Looks like White Critical can go a bit further. I think there is a pronounced Sativa into her. Her tricome is not as dense as Granddaddy Black. Any way, it rained heavily on Tuesday afternoon. I came home and the nice dense buds are soaked. Humidity after rain was nearly 100% and it runs through the night. Chopped her a few days ahead of plan. Problem is that I have too many plants chopped because of this storm. And drying room is too crowded. So I hung the harvest on a tree. Different tree from Granddaddy Black grow. This tree is call “water jasmine” and was in a shaded spot. A friend game this tree to me as a bonsai for my work. After I changed job, I brought this tiny thing home and it became a tree. It is in a shaded area of the house next to north facing wall. White Critical harvest can just hung here for a day without sun damage. The vine along the ground is Piper sarmentosum. It is a South East Asian salad/spice. It has anti-bacterial activity. Means that mold has no competition. And the ground vine harbors mold. It is far enough from cannabis to be a concern. White Critical is certainly a quick producer. Look like the yield will be decent. Harvested branch felt heavy. Let’s see how she cures. I’ll be benching her against other 7-weeks flowering plants. Specifically, Fast buds FF7 and Original Sensible Seeds Bruce Banner #3 Fast. Both strains smell nice and are heavy hitters. White Critical will have to be exceptionally good to be in the same game as those two strains. It will be a few weeks before I make my final reports. Cheers
Week 18. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The effect is not at all 60/40 Indica Sativa. The Sativa part is quick light hit after initial smoke. Not enough for a fit of laugher. Then Indica creeps in and it is mostly stony Euphoria. To me, it White Critical is more like 80/20. And don’t let 20% advertised THC fools you. This is a strong weed. Bud is dense. And for the same joint, I figured the weight of weed is heavier with denser weed. I love it. White Critical is easy to grow and quick to produce big yield with stony Indica effect. Taste is familiarly good. And White Critical probably underrated.
Show more
Spent 121 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
130 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Pungent, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Key word to White Critical is productive. Compare to my other grow, I got more than double the productivity after about 7 weeks flowering time. She is exceptionally resistance to mold. I over water, over fed her. Grew her in tropical heat with strong wind. The area was instead with bugs. Plant in the same area suffered from mold. White Critical flowers are big. Even lower branches produce respectable mini-ball flowers. Highly recommend


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Smartiecommentedweek 34 years ago
Looking good dude!! 👍 Can't imagine growing in your conditions tho, I'm already happy to get all the water from watering in my pots 🤣🤣
Smartiecommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, A wise man once told me : "For every disadvantage there is an advantage." Not sure what the advantage is in having acid rain and radioactive soil tho 😂 Ofcourse it's having the knowledge, being able to come with solutions and keep learning/ using the brain that's the true advantage 🤓
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Smartie, approaching dry season. Yeah! Wet season was to find good clone mothers for this time of the year. By the way, I put up mostly new strains (to me) in diaries. I can’t be bother to write about A mate in South Africa has to contend with acid rain and radioactive soil. Somewhere in the world, someone has it worse. clones that I have grown for the umpteenth times. In a way, I am making growing look harder than it actually is. There are weeds that grows largely unattended in Thailand. And they do just fine.
Shooeycommentedweek 44 years ago
Going well med 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
Shooeycommentedweek 14 years ago
Well best of luck with this one med. what do you think happened with the other two? How’s the heat/humidity over there at the moment mate?
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Shooey, 33 C and 90% RH 😀😀😀😀 I grow in hot (fertilized) soil and soil was wet. Damping off bound to happen. The survivors are usually strong enough to take on outside rain. Then I can propagate with clones until I find something else to play with. A couple more weeks, I’ll be in my dry season. I’ll put a few clones into flower for my primary grow period. And this grow should be just in time for my indica window.
Smartiecommentedweek 54 years ago
Looking good mate!! 👍
Smartiecommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Cheers for that!!👍 I trimmed Jack's buds today, added some pictures in his diary 😉
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Smartie, I was fuzzing with my plants this morning. I found a healthy 9 weeks old plant with single blade leaves. So here it is. Top colas has some pistil but I am outing this one in flower soon. So, keeping pistil in this case.
sativamancommentedweek 174 years ago
These buds are gorgeous. I love your garden! Must be a nice view with all these strains, clones, veging and flowering together! wish I could be in the tropic
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
Thanks @sativaman, oh we have our season. This is the prime time. Tgis corner is m sanctuary from work an ld even family. Tropic has string sun but short hours. Our winter is nice. But in a month or two it’ll be nearly 40 C. Then very wet. Natural plants to grow would be your 9 months long Sativa. 😀😀😀😀😀. There are always trade off. We just have to adapt to nature.
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 144 years ago
Looking so good brother. Good luck with your grow and keep it lit. God Bless You
Shooeycommentedweek 164 years ago
Sweet med. is back strap molasses similar to your sludge? It’s a bi product of sugar cane refining as well. Plants are looking great mate, so close to the finish now! 🍻
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Shooey, 😀😀😀😀😀
Shooeycommented4 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, here’s hoping the grow “comes together” well..... pun intended😄
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
@Shooey, I use both. Molasses is for magnesium, sulfur, iron and a bit of calcium during flowering. Plus the sweetness in molasses fed microbes in the soil. The sludge has even more micro-nutrients and more N. NPK ratio is like 1-1-1. One and one and one is three. Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see. Seriously, sugar sludge is ass strong as cow manure.
Shooeycommentedweek 184 years ago
Well done Med!👍👍 Congrats on the harvest mate. And a great haul in the end too... Very nice job on the white critical
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
Thanks mate @Shooey. This one was uneventful but got big. Wish all my grows are like this. Problem is I like Sativa and longer grow means more issues 😀😀😀
HighRoller909commentedweek 184 years ago
And Enjoy Again!!!
Med_in_Tropiccommented4 years ago
😁😁😁 @HighRoller909, I need to get more curing jars. 😎
DoDrugs420commentedweek 184 years ago
Beautifull White Critical!
HerbalEducommentedweek 184 years ago
Happy harvest 😀 they looks great
Shooeycommentedweek 154 years ago
Well done mate, it’s changing rapidly and beefing up. Nice work med. looks like you are making the most of your best growing conditions bro👍
DreamOncommentedweek 44 years ago
Nice job, looks great! Good luck further & have fun! 🌱😎
Taitocommentedweek 184 years ago
Disfruta de la cosecha 👍
Kin_Gcommentedweek 184 years ago
Nicely done.
Smokwiricommentedweek 154 years ago
hey mate, plant looks great 👌💪
NugLife420commentedweek 144 years ago
Very nice! 😃
heizencommentedweek 94 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
the end.
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