New week new month little dwarf still going strong
We had some change this week due renovation, so I've add an extra led full spectrum, which I keep closer to the top and the sides of the plant, and also a new growing box, from Homebox; really nice product and solid, perfect if you don't have enuf space
Also I 've to deal with some small flys, it's really full around cause of the coming autumn and the rotting of the fruit, so I 've spryied on the leafs a solution with some ricin oil and cold water,
and also pour some on the ground, this evening was look much better so I'm gonna check in the next days.
The leafs are turned a bit down because I've pour too much solution and overwater a bit
Ik denk dat je al zin krijgt om hem te kunnen proeven😁
Ziet er fantastisch uit!
Wanneer ga je beginnen spoelen (flushen) zodat hij klaar is voor de oogst?