Week 2
Day 11 (11/19)
Watered her pretty good this morning. She has a few small yellow spots on her leaves. Idk what it's from, but they showed up on the first leaves pretty much from day 1 of them being there. Hoping it's just a little bump she hit before she got down into the Ocean Forest. I switched her lighting from 24 to 18/6 and will run that the rest of the way. I have her lights out overnight, that way when it's cold she stays warm with the furnace running. The humidifier is in the tent running, keeping humidity around 70%.
Day 13 (11/21)
She's doing good and trucking along. I don't see any more of the yellow spotting that she has on her first few leaves, and none on any of the new growth. She does have 2 leaves that are kind of twisted a little.
This color change started a few days ago with my new growth. Is this normal? Deficiency? Something to freak out about? It looks cool but I don’t know what is going on.