She, again, developed a Phosphorus deficiency... 🤬
It just started to show like 1-2 days ago and I have to bump up her Bio-Bloom feeding again.
Also somehow, a few of her pistils started darkening.
Her flowering speed is pretty slow imo and it's a little bit frustrating to see after the speed she had in veg.
I hope after I corrected her feeding that she will pack on speed.
Aside from that I defoliated her and as usual, she responded well to that. Given her age, I think that she will not produce many fan leaves anymore, so that was her final defoliation.
Not very powerful light, no aerator in the entrance and small pot. For the means at your disposal you did a really great job bro! I can't wait to cut mine and savor it! My pheno seems completely different and that's curious..
This plant probably never ceases to amaze me!
I can't wait to see your next grow but never buy a grow box! Wardrobe for life my friend!😂💚
Anti grow-tent, wardrobe club ❤️ Let's found it together please 😂
Really good job with your green gelato, she's growing healthy and strong! 💣 Keep us updated BROOOO