Wk 11: Jan 20 to Jan 26. There is 2 locations with 8 pointed leaves. The 7th set of leaves has one and the 8th set of leaves has one too. The 9th and 10th are 7 points. I lowered the height again. She's still growing at times at 2 inches a day. Not much change with the flowering. I clearly would have had more yield more bud sites evenly distributed to the light if I had topped at week 5. At that time she was 5 weeks old out of the theoretical 10 weeks that is 50% and only 3 inches tall and had only 1-3-3 pointed leaves with beautiful 5 pointed leaves coming in. So I don't regret it, hard to see the future this plant might hit 4 feet soon. To combat the high height I've lowered her one last time. The only other thing I can do is move her to the side where she will have to bend over to see the light.
Wk 12: Jan 27 to Feb 2.
@Fabi83, While I appreciate your insight I've got 176 Watts and that is as much as I can afford. Thank you for the comment, I had a typo in my setup whereby it listed 112 Watts. This has been corrected.
I'm psyched I'm still in 12th place out of 173 and there is one day left. The sour diesel ahead of me was not much better than mine, we both yielded an ounce. This is for the July diary of the month contest.