Finishing up with the LST. The major apical has got away from me so I expect the plant to be a bit awkwardly shaped.
I've started some very minor and strategic defoliation. My objective is mostly just to reduce shadowing.
@Stoner_INDICA, Many thanks for your comment. It's neat to see the buds amidst all the leaf. We'll see how she turns out. I still think it was a good idea to let her grow out and not brutalize her too badly. She does look pretty, though!
Bonjour quelle était la taille en litrage de tes pots ? Est ce qu'avec des pots de 20 litres 40 cm et une lampe led de 300 watt et une chambre de 2 mètres de haut sa passe en hauteur ou il faut des pots plus petits ?