Day 22 Veg. The Green Crack was looking great 2 days ago, but have outgrown the 1 gallon starter pots, the Killer Kush was even more root bound, but were showing less deficiency. I've had a mixture of Promix, Earthworm castings, pearlite and 2 tablespoons per gallon of Happy Frog All purpose dry fertilizer in a bin for the past month cooking. I wasn't as diligent this time around with my weekly routine of turning the soil over in the bin and misting it with a sprayer bottle of water. I missed doing this the last 3 weeks so, it had dried out somewhat. so I added in (about 1-1.5 gallon per each 7 gallon pot)some local bagged compost I found out in front of the grocery store for $5 a bag, some diatomaceous earth(roughly 6 tbs per each 7 gallon pot) a heaping teaspoon of azomite and about 1/4 teaspoon of yucca powder. After scoring and transplanting all 4 I watered them with plain non ph'ed filtered tap water with Mosquito Bits added in-to control fungus gnats. I collected the runoff with a turkey baster and squirted it back over the tops several times over a couple hours to make sure all the soil was saturated. I had a final runoff of about a quart and a half-I put that back in my 5 gallon bucket with airstone, diluted it with a couple gallons of water and have it currently aerating-I'll use some of it as a foliar feed later today and the rest I'll water back in once they dry out in a couple days-I may add some molasses in as well.
Green Crack on the left, Killer Kush on the right, both strains are considered "Fast" with a flowering period of 6-7 weeks.
The starter soil is an 8 qt bag of Miracle Grow "Organic" potting mix (I put organic in quotes b/c I'm not to hip on anything Miracle Grow-that being said, they did very well in this soil mixture) with about 4 qts of earthworm castings and about 2 qts of pearlite and just 1/2 tsp of yucca powder as a wetting agent. Mixed that all very well in a 20 gallon bin and divided it up amongst the 4 pots. Once the current Killer Kush grow finishes, these will be transplanted to 7 gallon fabric pots with a mixture of pro-mix, ewc, compost & pearlite with 2 TBS/gallon of FoxFarm All purpose organic dry fertilzer, as well as about 1 tsp of azomite & 1 tbs Roots Org Elemental, 1 tbs of diatomacious earth amended in. This mixture has been stored in 20 gallon rubbermaid bins for the past several weeks to "cook"