Ok here's the weekly Sunday update. The girls are thriving. I have them on a 10 min flood every 48 hrs which seems to be ok. So, yeah, really please with the way things are going this week. another 2 weeks and I'll flip them.
Could be brown/blue algae called Cyanobacteria that feeds off oxygen. It’s a type of root slime that Can choke your plants if not treated. Often mistaken for root rot.
Ok, so everything dried and the final weigh in is 29oz in total from 6 plants. (4.8oz per plant) It's not the strongest strain but my goodness, the taste makes up for that. It's so fruity it's unbelievable! I'll certainly do this one again and I do recommend it.
Was easy to grow but I found it doesn't like to be over fed as nutrient burn can come quite easily. Really resistant to mold too. Thank you for following.