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Zkittles Auto - First Grow Strain 3

4 years ago
Room Type
Soil Food - Organicraft
Grow medium
Cover Crop Mulch Mix
Grow medium
Grow medium
15 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
3 cm
18 hrs
20 °C
No Smell
76 %
16 °C
16 °C
15 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Mycorrhizae - Organicraft 25 mll
Worm wee - hex worm farms 25 mll
Okay I am doing better with this one since my first strain I started with a few weeks ago Little girl is look very happy and healthy and rose up almost instantly from the soil after germination Big difference i made compared to my first plant 1) Root booster added early 2) Worm Wee added early 3) Kept clingwrap over the plant till i saw the first development of proper leaves Feeding mulch and cut offs from cover plant on rotation all going well so far I am using a full spectrum small lamp at night to help them but I dont have an option to add the details as I am mainly growing outdoor and chose that route on the site
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
4.5 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
64 %
16 °C
16 °C
15 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Worm wee - hex worm farms 25 mll
Happy and healthy I think She looks good, and is forming new leaves again sprayed water mixed with Wormwee around the plant and it seems to be doing well I found putting a glass upside down over the plant help to add moisture without getting any drop on the leaves, especially while she is young
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
7.5 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
85 %
18 °C
18 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Worm wee - hex worm farms 25 mll
MY GOODNESS THIS PLANT IS SEXY!!!!!!! ( my wife will be jealous) xD Very little negative i can say about this plant except also a few spider mites that which faced my wrath I caught them with Biogrow Neem Solution and also purchased Biogrow Pyrol just incase the neem was not effective over a few days My mulch and such attracted a bunch of Fungus Gnats!! Sadly it seems to have stunted the growth on all my plants a considerable amount as noted by an experienced friend of mine. I have tried to deal with them and their larvae - getting more supplies this week I have also begun with a better cover crop strategy - to fight off any new spider mites and soil goodness 1) Dill - Planted this week 2) Coriander - Coming (ordered) 3) Rose Clover - For plant health coming (ordered) Also since the soil settled I did a soil Top-up of about 2.5 cm per plant.. I hope to get some new roots forming in the extra layer :) Hopefully this week will end our cold weather as we head deeper into summer
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
13 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
59 %
18 °C
21 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 1
Eco Buzz Root Pro Protect 1 mll
TURMOIL WEEK AND A BIT So sadly its been a bit rough on my plants Got rid of the Spider Mites but the Fungus Gnats had their time to do some damage to my plants They had been there for a while, they seemed to be working their way with the mulch but little did I know what the larvae can do to my roots Also i had been overwatering the plants which just added to their misery!! I will blame this one on me, myself and I Sadly my Blue Dream seedling did not survive all the struggles, sad but the other three seemed to have bounced back Steams were slightly red at a stage, leaves looked like they had PH and nutrient issues, stunted growth for about a week.... We most def had a root problem But she looks very happy even though I can see she slowed down with growth, she seems to be coming back like a machine! Thank goodness our sun is back as well, hopefully no more big cold fronts So now solution time: 1) Red Clovers - growing for plant goodness 2) Dill has sprouted - for natural pesticide 3) Coriander not yet sprouted - but also for natural pesticide Root problem issues 1) Less watering first thing 2) Cinnamon to help with stopping root rot 3) Diatomaceous earth to slice and dice any Gnat Larvae 4) Hand killing any Gnats I see 5) Less or no mulch for the time being 6) Eco buzz Root Pro to assist the cinnamon in killing Root Rot and promote new root growth and such - desperately need to get these girls back on track No Worm Wee this week - plain water to give them some Thing I have learnt Careful with LST using a a living soil that is very much alive, my plants leaves touched the soil and some critters moved into the leaves (leave crawlers) My garden is very alive and I don't think I considered all the little bugs in it, which could damage my grow DO NOT OVER WATER - lets repeat - I WILL NOT OVERWATER
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
26 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
59 %
18 °C
18 °C
15 L
25 cm
Nutrients 2
EcoBuz Multigro 1 mll
EcoBuz StartGro 1 mll
*ONE DAY LATE I DID THE WRONG DIARY* :D Ahhh this one is the plant that could She was least affected by all the badies of the past and has excelled with all the goodness I have added to them She is getting tall and wide and green!!! Couldn't be happier with the comeback But currently growing where I am does not come without weekly problems :D 1) Mildew 2) Leaf Miners Solutions 1) Currently treating the mildew with EcoBuz Disease Pro which a bacteria which kills mildew and then protects the plant from future mildew... It seems to have cleared up mostly 2) Will be spraying EcoBuz Pest Pro which is a fungus that takes out the nasties while still being eco friendly to bees and other 'PRO' insects Further I decided to add some pro organic nutrients, trying very hard to stay on the organic pathway.... so sticking with Ecobuzz I have added EcoBuz StartGro - (I felt this was needed to just give a bit back to what the plants may have missed in early stages) (Also I have a new seedling xD ) It also has silicon in it to help with any damaged cells and strengthen what was weakened (or so I understand it) EcoBuz MultiGro - (This product is great for maturing plants going into flowering - it has a healthy dose of the right nutrients according to lists I have seen) 1) I did foliar sprays with both products to blast some nutrients in while they sleep and very early in the morning when the sun rises 2) Did a drench also when they were super dry just to revitalize the roots, their intake and give cover crops so punch as they are going to be protecting the main girls. For future protection I have setup 1) Dill is coming out the soil (repels pests) 2) Coriander coming out (repels pests) 3) Red Clover - some natural soil food after cutting some tips off and letting them fall We have a few hot days ahead and then heavy rains, trying to get the most out of the sun as possible I have stopped training on all plants - focusing on learning and keeping plants healthy this time around
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
43 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
69 %
18 °C
18 °C
15 L
50 cm
Nutrients 1
EcoBuz Multigro 1 mll
Not to much to say this week I have been trying to get some light on the girls as we had a few days of rain again and very cold temperatures (So much for summer) She has the height and decent foliage in the middle, hopefully this week we get some nice middle growth, im bending her and the banana blaze slightly to get more sun on the bottom leaves I finally had a gap this morning with overcast conditions to apply muti for the Leaf Miners so i hope that is the end of them. (Used EcoBuz Pest Pro Beneficial Fungi) Definitely need more Coriander and Dill - clearly I did not buy enough seeds, but that is a Minor at the moment as I seem to have found a nice balance - I wish I achieved this early on but so we go. Down to one type of nutrient at the moment, which cover a whole range of goodness the plants needs for later stages and flowering They say no news is good news, well lets hope that is the case :)
Week 7. Flowering
4 years ago
61 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
79 %
18 °C
19 °C
15 L
56 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
(SORRY FOR BAD PHOTOS THE WIND WAS HOWLING) THIRD PLANT IS NOW FLOWERING!!! Out of my three mature plants this is the final one to flower She is tall, she has quite a few strong branches which all look like they will carry flowers This plant skyrocketed after I did treatment and i think she will still rocket for a week or so.... running out of lamp space at the moment She is super healthy except for those DAMN LEAF MINERS (see picture) I kill them and more arrive, rinse and repeat But I am so stoked, this is the final diary of the big three I am doing today and honestly I just have a smile on my face 😄 Now for those of you who have followed and for myself when I come back to reference...... It has kind of been strange not to fight any really bad problems Everything is chilled with the plants, im just making sure they are happy and they really seem to be Saying this, my diaries might seem like echoes of the others but since they all share a similar habitat and similar timing it is easier to copy paste what is going on here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In terms of nutrients: My nutrients don't have a schedule at all, their medium (i guess one could call it that) is based on natural processes and such so I don't think I can do too much damage with feeding these nutes every second watering.... I think I am sticking to the one best for plants that are more mature and flowering as the bottle states. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaf Miners Oh these are sneaky little bastards, i deal with them and then they come back They don't seem to do to much damage, they just irritate uninvited guests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powdery Mildew: I seem to have it very under control, the pro fungus which covers the leaves and stems and such looks like it has taken control and there are only small traces left... one more tactful spray should do the job ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My main problem now is the weather Knowing id fight weather with outdoor growing its been a bit of a tossup the days so far have been RAIN, RAIN, COLD, RAIN, SUN, COLD, RAIN, SUN, RAIN, COLD,RAIN, SUN The one seed i popped in the ground as an experiment is looking horrible due to weather so I am stoked I can carry my main plants inside when needed and keep them safe I am still waiting for summer and we are past the solstice already... shit is weird We have had torrential rainfall which as much as our dams need it... kinda sucks for the plants I have upgraded my light at night a bit to help with the lack of sun. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now though im just super stoked i got these plants to where they are....Flowering I have never ever grown anything in my life so I am happy I got this far and only lost one or two early along the way. Onwards and upwards I say, and keep the learning circle going
1 comment
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
74 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
59 %
18 °C
19 °C
15 L
43 cm
Nutrients 2
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
Epsom Salts 2.5 mll
Rushed diary entry this week, my area is having power issues - excuse my spelling and grammar Same as the Banana Blaze, it has been a mostly routine week since they started flowering She has gotten tall, VERY TALL and the leaves are nice a spread out so light gets right to the bottom leaves Her buds are not quite near her Banana Blaze friend which was planted at the same time so there is def a clear time growing difference... nice to see it in action Flowering seems to be a relaxed time as once it hits you just kind of have to keep them happy, there is no going wild over slow growth or stressing over roots and and and I am just checking on them every few hours to check for any signs of unhappiness, but aside from that I am just following a working routine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pests Just the darn leaf miners, but I think i killed them by crushing them and now its just the signs of their old life left on the leaves Dill and Coriander still doing their jobs and keeping spider mites away (my garden is lousy with them) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrients/Plant Health Still EcoBuz Multigro every second watering but with a slight change My Banana Blaze needed some Epsom Salts so I added it to all my plants. Better safe than sorry I added epsom salts to all my plants during their last feeding, epsom salts is so good for many flowering plants.... Cant hurt can it? Lets see in three days time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather Has been better, with more stable days We had a freak storm that was wild but I managed to get a bin over my wild seedling and bring in my plants to safety Humidity has fallen like crazy compared to previous weeks, maybe the heavy rains are finally gone? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies for the less comprehensive entry this week but I have three plants to update and I don't know how long the power will hold while they are fixing it The plants are stable, flowering and that's all that matters
Grow Questions
Rivetingstarted grow question 4 years ago
My very first question Please can I have some guidance with this plant Attention to photos named Grow Question 01/02 These look like seeds forming? From what I read this is not a good sign for me, or should I not be concerned
Plant. Other
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
No, they are not seeds, the are female "pre flowers"/primordia and totally normal. All cannabis plants have these growths appear a few weeks before flowering commences and what you are seeing are swollen/enlarged female calyxes that are by now a lot larger than the fresh, newly growing calyxes that are forming in your plants true flowers. So, no need to panic, worry or do anything, your plant is going through her normal growth processes. Good luck and it is certainly refreshing to see a plant growing in its natural environment, outdoors and enjoying sunshine! Hope this helps,... Organoman.
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
74 cm
18 hrs
18 °C
87 %
16 °C
15 °C
15 L
40 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuz Multigro 1 mll
The tall one!!! Goodness me is she magnificent Tall, thick stem, strong branches and her buds are thickening out She is the matriarch of the four even though she is slightly younger than two of the plants but daaaaaamn she looks good ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pests Have not noticed anything new, leaf damage was from other bastards before ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrients She is still on the nute train with multigro Its starting to become a little bit complex with the 4 different plants and three different stages. But yes she is getting multigro every second watering these days and she looks happy so i will keep at it for now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weather OI OI OI This weather is all 6's and 7's We had a very hot spell for a few days and then the Tropical Storm Eloise and her other friend hit our country We are cold and rainy and wet...again You can see that from the photos which today had to be taken from my garden room as they are undercover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My new toys The jewelers loupe: SO AWESOME!! Great to see what is going on down there in such detail, a product I would recommend every grower to have from the start You can see and identify pests, you can investigate any leaf damage and of course your trichomes and buds I am still learning how to do manual focus with my camera along with using the jewelers loupe, excuse my photos but I am getting there The Smart Plug What an absolute winner I have been able to set on/off schedules for my lights (No more late nights and early mornings) Plug take care of it I can see power consumption and estimate costs Along with power consumption costs, I can see if my draw is lower that something may be wrong with my lights I can control the power and see power draw from anywhere in the world, as someone who travels a lot for work and such this is a huge advantage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So now we watch, we wait and smile at thickening buds Its fantastic, its like auto pilot at the moment Until next time
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
74 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 L
40 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuz Multigro 0.5 mll
Firstly Sorry for those following, I have not updated in a while 1) I am having some technical issues with my diaries - some of them wont allow me to upload any photos which means I cannot do updates 2) Covid has hit my friends and family hard and the last two weeks I needed to focus on them --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick update on other diaries which I have not been able to update due to technical issues and time 1) Sour Diesel - Harvested a bit early and lost bottom half of plant - broad mites got in when I was away - Still very happy 2) Banana Blaze - Harvested because she was close to harvest and had fears of broad mites - this plant was in trouble from the start but i got some nugs 3) Blue Dream - So so, still having some soil issues (will be changing soil after this) but I was away for a while and couldn't really help much --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Zkittles was always super healthy and recovered the best from all my root/pest She is still looking fantastic, tall, lots of nice buds, thick stems and such and overall just a beaut --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pests Because of flowering and broad mites I treated her very gently trying not to touch the buds with an anti pest product and I have not seen signs of the little fkrs She was not near ready to harvest when my other plants got the mites so chopping early really was not ideal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watering Bad weather and her undercover - she needs a refill once every two/three days Good weather and outside - she is drinking lots and requires a refill almost every day Currently using very low dosage of nutrients --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will keep watching for for those pesky broad mites with my microscope but I don't think she was infected like the other two Again sorry for a short and uninformative week.... Covid is a horrible thing
Week 12. Flowering
4 years ago
74 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
71 %
20 °C
25 °C
15 L
40 cm
Nutrients 1
Ecobuz Multigro 0.5 mll
IN CASE ANY OF YOU FOLLOW MY OTHER DIARIES 1) I cannot add weeks to some of my diaries due to a technical issue with my profile which is being sorted 2) Sour Diesel has been harvested, dried and bagged for curing 3) Banana Blaze has been harvested, dried and bagged for curing 4) Blue Dream failing a bit (horrible soil problems) and I currently don't have time (HATE YOU COVID) to do all I should so I removed the diary as I detest not doing anything properly ------------------------------------------------------------ Any way back to this one THE ZKITTLES - She reminds me of one of my favorite tracks :Praise you- Fatboy Slim: Cruise control week just watching her buds become beautiful Again life is a bit crazy - not too many photos, just a few of my favorites ones of the buds ------------------------------------------------------------ State of the plant: She looks very happy but I have noticed as with some of my other plants the 'sugar leaves' by the bud tend to curl a lot, I dont think this is normal and its a theme that has repeated itself across my other plants.... I dont know Had a fair bit of mould growing but got rid of it very quickly with the ecobuzz protect series - edible stuff also I have been removing some leaves that were damaged or were sitting on top of the buds ------------------------------------------------------------ Pests: I seem to have caught the broad mites which forced me to harvest early on my other two plants I have yet to see a sign of them again - I FKNG HATE BROAD MITES NOW So no pests to report here I had a lady bug for a while on this plant, but she left. I assume it was due to the lack of mites 😂 I have started to clean up my garden in the area these plants go outside in - way way waaaaaay to many plant eating bugs for my liking ------------------------------------------------------------ Watering and nutes: Almost no nutes being added, only little top ups to ensure she has what she needs But for now just high quality H2O from the heavens Aaaaaannnnddd is she drinking, damn she is very thirsty, I LIKE IT ------------------------------------------------------------ Weather Dont get me started, our country has declared a national emergency due to the tropical storm high humidity - high temperatures - lots of rain ------------------------------------------------------------ I pray to get her through all the way till harvest time with no other issues - it is looking good at the moment She is becoming incredible frosty and smells like..... pure gold (well very sweet but you get what I am saying) The photos tell it like it is
Week 14. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
For all the problems I experienced this strain was an absolute gem. It grew big even with me and my garden throwing everything it had at it. She stood tall, she stood smelly and she stood strong LIKE BULL! The Zkittles is the last plant I had to harvest and every morning she would smell better than any coffee, and I was rather proud looking at her the last two weeks. For a first timer, it was an absolute pleasure growing this strain from Seedsman, she helped learn a lot and forgave my mistakes and ugh... dense soil Only near the end did we get some I battled to treat during flowering mildew, but my humidity has been off the chain for the last 3 months so I cannot put the blame on her I cannot wait to try get more seeds from Seedsman in my life.... 11/10 would grow again I wish I could have seen her in better soil... who knows maybe Il be able to get another one soon 😋 Thank you for the awesome strain Seedsman!
Show more
Spent 78 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
98 g
Bud wet weight per plant
30 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Sweet, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Will try keep it short although, I enjoy talking and I enjoy typing ;p I leave most of the cycle up to you, the reader to go back and check Its been quite a time with my first grow, including some covid in my friends and family which dragged me away from looking after my plants as much as I would have liked to but... I still had a magical time The last two weeks and harvesting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO WEEKS UP TO HARVEST With lots of rain and high humidity she got mildew, from reading my only real treatment I was happy with was bicarb.... here comes the trouble I had to go away for a fishing competition and my wife was left with the task to treat the plants.... OOPSIE You will notice in the photos that most of the leaves are gone... well yeah careful with bicarb and treating the plant too much 😂😂😂😂😂 Bless her, she tried hard to fix it Things go yellow and they die... especially the leaves Aside from that some small bugs (I assume some sort of mites but I couldn't Identify) I was able to see under the microscope but the plant was so strong...she didn't care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARVEST TIME A moment to laugh and a moment to cry, my last plant of my first time growing... What a joy though Trichomes 20odd % - check Pistols browning with no new ones - check Leaves yellowing - check I HAD TO BE PATIENT!! but it was worth it So we chopped her down Looked at her awesome roots structure... compare to my other girls this is where this plant stood out AGAIN AND AGAIN But now to deal with the mildew that may or may not have climbed into my buds... PEROXIDE BATH IT IS Scary but oh so worth it, so much gunk came off my plants (dust/ other particles and of course mildew) The buds looked incredible, like that first time you wash a white shirt :P They looked gorgeous after drying from their bath... and I am sure they even smelt better Wet weight was just just just under 100gram OMFG I WAS SO HAPPY with the result, especially after i kind of fucked it up and stunted my others. Now they hang, like low hanging fuit in my cupboard, making my office smell like heaven a heaven I cant touch....yet Again Thank you Seedsman, really an awesome strain SUMMARY HAPPY PLANT, HAPPY GROWER Peroxide bath for possible bud mildew 98 grams wet weight Full natural nutes and soil makes bud smell amazing... not a hint of any chemicals at all (I am going to try stick to this) THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED ME, GAVE ADVICE, COMMENTED AND FOLLOWED THIS JOURNEY I HOPE TO BE MORE ACTIVE SOON AND JOIN YOU ON YOUR GROWING ADVENTURES ALSO


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Ferenccommentedweek 84 years ago
Happy Flowering @Riveting
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, Thank you friend!! The flowering is indeed making me very happy :P
Ferenccommented4 years ago
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
DreamOncommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, Thank you!
homerjgangiacommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thank you so much :)
Taitocommentedweek 114 years ago
Que manera de estallar compañero 😎👌
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Taito, I thought so Thank you so much for the comment 😀 Appreciated I hope you have a fantastic day sir!
Taitocommented4 years ago
@Riveting, No, no es el inglés mi idioma... Disculpas si la traducción no es buena... Mis mejores deseos y buenas palabras siempre compañero😀
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Taito, Hi Not sure if your native language is English, I dont think I understand But I can say Thank You 😎
TheGourmetWeedcommentedweek 24 years ago
off to a great start, good luck and happy grows!
TheGourmetWeedcommented4 years ago
@Riveting, that's the spirit ;)
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@TheGourmetWeed, Thank you Now i need to just keep looking after the soil and hopefully all goes well I have some cover crop plans I will be working on this week
Taitocommentedweek 144 years ago
Disfruta de la cosecha y el buen trabajo compañero 😎
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Taito, Thank you She tastes amazing
Shooeycommentedweek 144 years ago
Congrats on the harvest Burrrito. Enjoy mate. Looks very nice👌🏼
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Thanks bud
Harukisancommentedweek 144 years ago
Good job on the harvest! Looks good 👍
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Harukisan, Thank you very much!
Shooeycommentedweek 114 years ago
Geez mate that is terrible. I really hope you and your family get through alright bro. Your plants look great mate. It’s our great passion, but family takes priority right. Wishing you all the best there burrito
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Yeah has not been fun Family members made a mend but we lost a good friend along the way... Thanks I am particularly proud of this one, seems like it turned out to be best of the batch Hopefully just autodrive till chopping time
Shooeycommentedweek 94 years ago
Awesome burrito! It’s taking off now, 🚀 Well done mate👍
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, UP UP and awaaaaayyy
Smokwiricommentedweek 94 years ago
nice progression 💪
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, Thank you Sorry for late a bit crazy
Shooeycommentedweek 44 years ago
Alright burrito, looks like you're on top of it mate. Plants look good man, just in time for the stretch too. I know it feels like one thing after another, but for root health you should have a look at that "plant success great white micorrhizae". I notice a lot of guys on here really rate it.
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@Shooey, Hi How I wish we had all those great products around but the South African MJ industry has only started taking off I am sure we will see all the rad products available in the West on our shores soon though I have been researching a really rad fully natural and living organism nutrient company based here, I recently used their rootpro product and so far my plants have done a complete turn around since I started treating for Root issues... to be seen when I update again
Shooeycommentedweek 124 years ago
Good to see you back mate. Really nice job on this one! It looks superb. I wouldnt worry about the leaf issue now. Hows that little round orb shape on the bud!! Heres hoping the weather is kind enough to get you through to harvest. All the best burrrito ☺️👍🏽🍻
Taitocommentedweek 124 years ago
Lindos cogollos compañero 👌
Smokwiricommentedweek 84 years ago
hey mate, plant looks nice 💪
Smokwiricommentedweek 74 years ago
nice progress, keep up the good work mate 👌💪
homerjgangiacommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Dahoolacommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with your grow, I'll follow along!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 144 years ago
Lovelly Zkittlez Auto!!!
Rivetingcommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, Much Appreciated
the end.
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