11/24 Week 11 and things are happening
Flowering tent:
Pussy, F7, is on finish feed today flush tomorrow she is set for a harvest in about 7-10 days
Plenty is just gorgeous pride of the tent
Octo is finally building well so good times
Chew Mee is now tallest in the tent with an inch on Octo she has to stay between the lights now
Solitaire is Growing well and building but the lack of space is showing on her
Dink is growing bushy but well
Auto tent
All on half n' half switching to full bloom shortly
Bambi is just huge keeping her in line but yeah tall girl
Thumber slow to grow does not look like she will be tall
Holly f7 doing well
Mary Gold Leaf growing well also as is Tiffany
I know the camera sucks but given all thats happening its just not a priority we are barely finding time to update diaries at all
Big nuet change
Cocotek Bloom running low cant get more for any decent price so switched the Flowering tent to Floraduo also stopped Peak as Pussy is in flush so save it for others later.
Both GHE so pretty seamless except for adding cal-mag
Pussy in her last week, progress must be made would let her go longer but needs dictate
Plenty and Octo progressing well ahead of breeder info so looking at a couple of weeks there.
Sativas reaching for the sky, Chew Mee making herself seen Dink taken off booster seat
Solitaire looking pretty gave her more room by taking some from Pussy as she finishes.
Auto tent remains on cocotek for a few more feeds but will shift as well.
Damn GD messed up again, doubled part of the nuet list so be aware the list may be wrong
Corrected list again maybe its fixed now
Flower tent
Pussy continues to finish nicely
Octo and Plenty right behind but a week or so
Others doing well
Auto Tent
Bambi is a big girl she will be moved to the flower tent to replace Pussy
Space the last frontier... and we are SHORT so continue to tweek things to get them through this
Clone tent
Clones growing a bit slow but the light situation is less than ideal for them. Only 100 watts in the tent.
F7 and LSD ready for topping GC will need more time
Plan is to flip between 12 - 14 inches after topping recovery
Will firm up plans next week on these
Ran across an idea , had we used microriza fungus in the pots for rooting the fungus gnat larva would have went after that rather than the roots themselves.
They prefer fungus but will settle for root hairs
Seeing some long term root issues in the recovered plants, think those hairs lost remain so thus having to stay on rooting hormones longer than normal
Hi, I love your reviews. They are very insightful. You talk and compare your plants to strains and effects I had no idea about. Will def try something out from these strains you grew this season!
Thank you.
Congratulations! 👏
Thank you very much for trusting our strains, and sharing your experience.
And thank you very much again for the score of 8 out of 10!! 👏😍❤️
We hope you enjoy the harvest 👌
Sweet smokes!