Day 30 of Flower (90 days since sprout)
The height I have listed is an average between the plants, and it looks as though the stretch is done. The plants on the left are 33" tall and the one on the right is 41" tall. All plants received some lower pruning to remove small bud sites that aren't worth keeping. The terpenes are really starting to come through now and the plant smell wonderful.
They each got top dressed, Friday, with 6 TBSP flower fertilizer and each received 1L compost tea on Sunday that was made from brewing 2TBSP back strap molasses and 4TBSP Fertile Valley Soil Builder & Tea Brew in 1gal water for 48 hours
@DreamOn, thanks! I'm tired of buying CBD flower so I'm really excited for this grow. I have enough weed to keep an army of hippies happy for awhile so I thought it would be silly to keep growing more while I'm still buying CBD flower
@DoDrugs420, I don't know if Floyd has any more of these seeds but this is a fantastic smoke-able CBD strain and it just gets better and better as it cures longer. The nose on it is amazing and everyone asks me if it's weed when the smell comes out of the jar when I open it.