Hey all so I've been neglecting my plants and diary for the last couple of weeks. Alas RL stuff getting in the way, but lets get this up to date.
First of this girl is in CBG Automix soil. I will not be using it again as I have had issues with it, and lets face it I need no assistance giving my plants issues. 😂
First off this plant and another in this soil have both needed weeding!!! I'm sure this shouldn't happen with bought soil. Secondly I've been forced to cull another seedling in the same soil as it had bugs. I'm sure they came from the soil, it's winter here and not really bug weather outside the tent so......
Anyway back to this grow. As I said RL life crap has got in the way a bit, and all I've really done is water and feed for the last two weeks. I've been very nervous about bugs, but not seen any. She seems to have settled in well, and is starting to flower.
Today I thinned out her leaves a little, and bent her over using a pipe cleaner exposing her lower parts to more light. Might be a bit late on this really, but better late than never.
She's not going to be a huge plant (mainly because of the early teething troubles), but I think she'll get to harvest
She's looking great, mate!
I don't think you'll ever find a plant with no clear trichs unless you'll get too much amber. I'd chop now and use that space for others in need.
Good luck and enjoy your growth!
Seedlings normally come out of the soil after transplanting it from paper towel in 3-4 days in my experience but if I don't see them the night of 4th day I try to gently sweep a little bit of soil from the part you put the seed in.
Be careful with the process if you are going to try that,I don't suggest doing it btw, being patient always better!
@NetherHeaven, cheers for the advice. I got plenty of patients, she still not up, I'll give her a couple more days, and then a new bean goes in. I won't be sweeping 😀