So far this mystery seed from Roc Bud is doing just alright. She has some weird coloring and odd mutations but she seems to be growing steadily.
I top dressed with a little bit of humus, worm castings and around 1/16th tsp of Root’s Terp Tea Grow. Trying to go light on this girl as I already pre-amended this lightmix/coco soil with around a 1 tsp of Terp Tea Grow.
Her roots are already showing through the bottom so it’s only a matter of time before she starts to grow upwards!
@Canadamade420, Thank you! I just finished drying her and she is definitely top shelf. I’m quite impressed with everything BUT the yield. Yield was only 18grams! It was a freebie and the quality is amazing so I don’t want to complain about that part too much lol