Hi guys, how's going? Hope fine, According to the table we still have five weeks for a total of seventy days of flowering, I would not be surprised if it lasts longer considering how we are, the leaves continue to show deficiency for this I plan to give 1ml / l of biogrow to increase the contribution of N (nitrogen). Despite everything the plant is starting to show beautiful colors and this makes me very happy. Take care, stay tuned. 💪
@ffcoppola, try lowering the act-vera, and adding a bit more alga mic and fish mix.
the problem probably relys on ph defiecency, which normally shouldn't cause any problems when growing organic, but i see it very often that flowers in their last phase of bloom start to have minor problems.
the problem is mainly on the older leaves, those leaves won't look better after correction, so it is very possible that the plant already recovered, the younger leaves look fantastic, also you are almost ready to harvest, it is a good thinng to have lighter leaves at the end of flowering, the amount of chlorophyl will be a lot lower, which means a much more pleasant smoke, trichomes ad bud develop mainly on phosphorus and kalium