d44- Plant is in Pre-flower and stretching out nicely. Every day I see more pistils and the branches are now stretching out to gain good light exposure for bud growth. a series of factors (caused by myself) led the plant to be smaller than potential, but all things considered has remained fairly healthy. The plant saw inconsistent room conditions until week 3/4, as well as over watering until about that point. It was LST'd improperly, then i undid the the LST. I know auto flowers hate stress, but this is why i am only growing one plant to start. I have made many of my mistakes early and somewhat on purpose to learn from them. I believe the plant should still yield relatively well and based on the current smell, should be pretty great quality as well.
I've never grown in soil before,currently soil is a touch acidic at 5.5. what should i target as my PH for water to raise PH to aprox 6.2. currently not adding nutrients and dont plan to until plants show signs of hunger.